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Level 36 Artisan Pixel Puncher

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    10/24/2011 2:29 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    Can you make anything cool, with vertical black eyes, original not skincraft beard and a cool helmet?
    10/22/2011 9:28 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
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    10/17/2011 3:21 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    Hmm... A very interesting story, and well written and described.
    I have watched loads of documentaries about things VERY simillar to yours.
    I myself have never witnessed anything extra-ordinary, and I don't know anyone who knows anything about paranormal activities but I still believe that my old house is haunted and I get an uncomfortable feeling everytime I pass that house on my way back from school, and can't help but look up into the windows as if someone was staring at me.
    As for the other world; I would think that it wasn't anything like that.
    As I said I know nothing about that, but I do believe in ghosts and spirits although for me it's simply an interesting subject to talk about since I have never known anything like it, but from what I do know, I'd say it's just a lesser ghost/haunting and nothing more.
    10/17/2011 2:54 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    Age: 15
    Forms of Communications: Skype, Ventrilo, PMC
    Prior builds:(links, embedded images, etc):
    Ideas: In-Game Please.
    Location: Ireland
    Average play time: 2-4 Hours
    Ign: Archaiz
    What you want from me: Nothing? I think you want people to help you, right?
    10/17/2011 2:47 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    Ehhh... Can you connect to any other servers?
    If you can then there's a problem with the IP you put in... And if not then there's a problem with your connection, reset it by turning on and off your modem.
    10/17/2011 2:31 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    LOL, I cried of laughter watching that!
    10/17/2011 2:24 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    Abusemonsterlol, what I want to know is why there was an old man with a broken mop. We will never know.

    -A homeless person in the factory, I think he was badly drunk and in a bad mood.
    10/17/2011 2:23 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    OR I could redirect you to the recording we made of the factory the very same night:
    10/17/2011 2:20 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    I know, long but it really happened and I started writing it when you made the topic
    10/17/2011 2:19 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    Story you say? -Here's a good one...

    There's an abandoned chewing gum factory in the town I live in, it's scary even during the day so me and my friends decided to go the last halloween.
    We got ready to go there at around 22:15 PM and decided to light a fire, not to burn the place down but just to make it a bit lighter in the biggest warehouse.
    We take a lighter, loads of food and drink, some warm clothes, torches and some girls! (I'm 15 BTW so not like adults playing in some factory.)
    So there's 8 of us in total, 4 boys and 4 girls - We hop the wall, go into the factory through the delivery truck gate thing and we're in!
    Next comes getting across the HUGE factory; there's lots of metal, junk and other sharp and dangerous stuff all across the ground and it's pitch black in there, and we've only got 3 torches, but after a long walk we manage to get to the warehouse.
    First incident happens here, there's a drainage kinda hole thing, it just so happens that my foot goes down and I get a cut across my foot from a pipe sticking out inside the hole PLUS my whole foot is covered in Cola flavouring for chewing gum!
    While the rest go off getting promo comic books and leaflets for the fire, I begin to change my trousers as I brought two!
    Next thing, I hear a loud bang as a pipe falls down in one of the smaller rooms joined to the warehouse.
    I'm one of the biggest, strongest and "Coolest" guys amongst us so I'm like: "Just because some pipe falls down, I ain't gonna make myself look like a child running away and leaving all our stuff here..."
    So I stay put and hope for the best. ...Too bad I'm that stupid.
    What I'm about to write is 100% true and is not supposed to insult anyone; An old man runs out of the room with a broken mop, I mean just the broken handle of the mop.
    I shout: "What the ****!?" and leap up in terror, the old man grabs me by the arm.
    At the same moment two of my friends walk in with a pile of junk and drop it all as they see the homeless guy.
    I'm obviously really scared so I'm like: "What do you want!?".
    He just laughs and turns to face my friends so I take the opportunity to push him away.
    It just so happened that I was sitting facing the hole I fell into earlier, and when I pushed the man hit foot goes into it.
    I hear a scream... ...I guess he injured his foot badly.
    I grab everything, wrap it up in the blanket I was sitting on, grab all out bags and run!
    We quicky run out, and back home.
    10/17/2011 2:02 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    And your achievements signatures aren't funny -,-
    10/17/2011 2:01 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    Just stick your photo into a minecraft skin sized image and voila, Minecraft Freak...
    Perhaps if you went onto some skin shop topic you'd get what you want instead of spamming the forum...
    10/17/2011 1:41 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
    Archaiz27's Avatar
    Archaiz27“Watson, you idiot!” he says. “Someone has stolen our tent!”


    That is likely the funniest joke I've ever heard! Thank-you for making my day .

    I'm glad I could help!

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