atmarj's Avatar
Level 40 Master Architect

"Custom Post" widget that said I could do what I wanted. Big mistake.

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So I was looking at this wonderful widget thing, trying to see if I could slap a million ads on my page and then bag the money and run. Sadly, that's not possible. But, it did say I could write and that people would read it!
My philosophy is a simple one. I like to build in default. I use shaders because people click on shaders. I believe that if you have to spend 3 hours editing the images of your build to make it look good, it isn't good. Few default builds look good from afar unless it's some over-scaled server hub build. Speaking of scale, I like to work in a 1:1 or 1:1.2 scale. Working in large scales is great for detail, but it makes people complacent and lazy. Building in smaller scales makes you think.
One last really important thing you need to know is this. I have NEVER in my ENTIRE LIFE, being a whopping 18 years, EVER, completed a large project.
Welcome to my show! Prepare to be underwhelmed!
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