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Level 11 Journeyman Narwhal

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    07/10/2014 9:35 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    IGN: Thunder811
    Age: 14
    YouTube Channel: (I haven't really made any videos lately, but I can change that!
    Skype: rossredd10
    Why should I choose you: I have lots of experience with servers and plugins. I am also very mature and handle bad situations very well. Also, it seems like I have the largest YouTube.

    Extra: I am in CST. All of next week (Saturday to Saturday) I will be busy without a computer. Backcountry Camping and Hiking 50 miles. Pretty hardcore lol. I know intermediate photoshop.
    07/04/2014 12:41 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Name: Ross
    Age: 14
    Timezone(Looking For All): CST
    Contact Info: I have skype, I'll give it to you later
    Explain why you would be good for the job (Optional): I have lots of staff experience on servers and love to help!
    07/04/2014 12:38 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    I would love to help out in any moderation or administrative ranks!
    07/04/2014 12:24 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Ign: Thunder811
    First name: Ross
    Age (11+ Limit): 14
    About Yourself: I'm pretty nice and funny lol
    Which Of The Ranks Above Do You Want To Apply For? : Really any available rank. The higher the better!
    Why do you want to be staff: I have lots of staff experience on other servers. Also, I love to help out.
    Do you have any expierience with servers? : lots
    How do you want to help out the server: Moderation and all-around rule enforcing.
    07/04/2014 12:02 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    IGN: Thunder811
    Skype: rossredd10
    Why: I just wanna help out! I seem to have a lot of free time this summer, so I would like to help!
    Contribution: I can be on somewhat frequently and basically enforce the rules. I can build okay, but I really just wanna help be a police officer essentially.
    07/25/2013 5:00 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    When you have 12 subscribers, being THAT specific, and all you're offering is a shoutout...nobody is going to make you it!
    07/25/2013 4:53 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Thanks I have a YouTube channel too, so it would be awesome if you could do me!
    My YouTube is Baconquake,
    My Skype is rossredd10,
    and my Minecraft Username is Thunder811

    Thanks, and I subscribed to your channel!
    07/23/2013 10:34 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    I would be willing to make you a profile picture. I have recently gotten Adobe Photoshop. Check out my YouTube channel at and look at my profile picture to see what I would make you. I will make it for you for free, as long as you subscribe to me! Add me on skype so I can send it to you when it's done. My skype username is: rossredd10

    07/23/2013 10:33 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    I would be willing to make you a profile picture. I have recently gotten Adobe Photoshop. Check out my YouTube channel at and look at my profile picture to see what I would make you. I will make it for you for free, as long as you subscribe to me! Add me on skype so I can send it to you when it's done. My skype username is: rossredd10

    07/23/2013 10:17 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Name: Ross R.

    Age: 13 (I might be young, but I am very mature and have a great sense of humor xD)

    Skype: rossredd10 (Add me, for sure!)

    Country: United States. I live in the midwest, I have Central Standard Time.

    IGN: Thunder811

    Experience with Minecraft: I have been playing since 1.8 beta. I know everything there is to know about minecraft. Except for Fireworks, I hate those. xD

    Why Do you want to be staff?: I do not currently have any staff position on any server and so I would like to have a new position on a staff. I have had a few different experiences of Administration, Moderation, and even being Co-Owner on three different servers. All but one of those servers fell through due to lack of staff members. (The one that didn't wasn't able to get enough donations each month.

    Can you donate?: Most likely. I won't be able to donate over 5 bucks, but any money helps, right?!? Also, I have a YouTube channel with over 100 subscribers that I could promote the server with.

    What staff postion?: I would like admin or Head-Admin if you still have those open! Really any way that I can help the server in a higher staff position would be awesome!

    Anything Else:
    -I can promote the server on my YouTube channel. Check me out! I am Baconquake
    on YouTube.

    -I love Minecraft and play it often. All the times that I have had a staff position I was very dedicated to helping the server. I will make sure that you won't even have to do that much work!
    -It took me a long time to type this response xD
    -I like turtles.
    -I like trains.
    -My Steam username is also Baconquake if you would like to add me (if you have it).
    -I am okay at building, but not too great.
    -I am really good with World Edit.
    -*Insert tune of Never Gonna Give You Up here* I am never gonna give you up, and never gonna let you down.
    -Bacon is yummy. I had it for breakfast.
    -I know almost all commands for PEX and GroupManager!
    -I really hope you give me this position, and I look forward to working with you if you do!
    05/02/2013 6:19 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Haha its ok!
    04/30/2013 11:37 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    So what's happening here? Nobody has gotten a response yet as far as I know.
    04/27/2013 3:40 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Skype(Required): rossredd10, I just added you because I saw your other post asking for staff! So yup!
    Age: 12, but don't let this fool you. I am very mature.
    Maturity(1-10): 8 (1 being the worst, and 10 the best)
    Experience(w/ being Mod): I have been Mod on one server, Admin on 2 servers, Head-Admin on one. Co-Owner on two servers, the Head-Admin is the one I am most proud of though! (Yes, I am more proud of it then Co-Owner. I have my reasons )
    Why should I pick you: I have lots of knowledge of plugins, can advertise the server lots, have good Administration/Moderation skills.
    Can you donate: If so how much: I wish I could, but my brother donated to a server and they scammed him. Thus, making my parents think all server owners are scammers, even though I know they are very mature people. My parents might let me donate about 5 dollars with lots of convincing though!

    Thanks! I have a YouTube channel that has 68 subscribers, so I could make a video for the server and get a bunch of views on it! Thanks for your time!
    04/27/2013 3:16 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Sounds good bro!
    04/25/2013 10:48 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Ign: Thunder811
    Age: 12, but don't let this fool you, I have great grades and am very mature!
    Skype?: rossredd10
    Info about yourself: This is the first part of the application where I get to start my rant! Yay! So, I am currently trying to design my own server, but that is not working out so well...I am Head-Admin on a server, Mod on another, and have Co-Owning and Administration skills on other servers throughout the past year and a half that have been shut down over time.
    Why staff my server?: Well, you seem to have put together a great application template, leading me to believe you are mature and have very good experience with this sort of thing!
    What qualities do you have?: OP and Admin and Mod on many servers! I have gotten staff on probably 10 servers over my time playing Minecraft, but all of them are either forever closed or temporarily closed.
    what is your availability?: Almost everyday of the week from 4:00 to 5:30 CST. Plus Saturdays and Sundays, but it varies.
    Can you build?: I can build ok.
    If so what type of builds? Don't ask me to do redstone bro, that is where I goof up. But I can do some pretty cool stuff if I have access to World Edit and other cool stuff
    Any links? (Would be very helpful): My YouTube channel:
    I don't really know if that is what you meant..but anything you meant just ask me for xD
    Previous experience with staff? (List the ip's here): Like I said earlier they have all been shut down, but here are some,
    HungrySteve: Discontinued 'till summer
    DiggyDiggyHole: Discontinued
    AlexCraft: Discontinued
    DaveCraft: Discontinued
    ProBroCraft: Temporarily Discontinued
    Do you see why I want to be staff on a current server?? xD
    Why did you leave the other server?: They shut 'em down D':
    Is it possible you can donate?: Last time my parents let my brother/me donate to a server, we got scammed. I would if they let me bro.
    Could you help with any enjin sites?: I have not used enjin in the past.

    Thank you for looking at my application, and I hope you get back to me on some more info later! Thanks so much bro! Sorry to the people that sent in applications before me, your applications are not the most pretty in my opinion....that is all. Bye!
    04/11/2013 7:13 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    IGN: Thunder811

    AGE: 12, but don't let this fool you. I am very mature.

    Do you know all the commands for our plugins? (ReportRTS, Logblock. Commandbook etc.) Not ReportRTS, but the other ones are a definite yes.

    Have you had experience as staff before? Co-Owner on two servers, Admin on another, Head-Admin on another, Mod on another, and Co-Owner on another!!! So to answer your question, yes!

    Summary: I know I am young, but I am almost 13, learning to code, helping a friend build a server I will be Co-Owner on, and am amazing at all Minecraft commands! I am not a noob!

    Thanks! I hope you accept me! If you do like my application, my skype is: rossredd10
    04/11/2013 7:06 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    Do you think I can help Administrate or Moderate? And I most likely know the answer to your question depending on which rank plugin you use. PEX or Manuadd or another one?
    04/04/2013 10:40 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    03/29/2013 9:47 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    My glitch is that when I logged on today I was level 4 and not level 6 like I am supposed to be!
    03/09/2013 8:23 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Baconquake's Avatar
    If I was you I WOULD NOT ctrl click ALL the files. What you do is hold ctrl and then press a. (ctrl + a)
    And then drag it into minecraft.jar

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