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    04/22/2016 10:48 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BestOrNah's Avatar
    Be sure to not miss out! Top voter of each month gets $10!
    04/22/2016 9:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BestOrNah's Avatar
    Hey! Did I mention we are also giving out loads of keys for our crate system? We are also giving out premium donor ranks later on today at 7:00Pm EST!
    04/22/2016 9:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BestOrNah's Avatar
    You can always join my server, we have prison that resembles classic towny with gigantic plots and a supply drop system that represents CS:GO. By playing the game you can earn items to build.

    Hope you consider at least! If not, it's all good!

    Thanks for reading,
    Best[Head Admin of RomeNetwork]
    04/19/2016 4:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BestOrNah's Avatar

    Name: Colin

    Age: 12

    Skype (Feel free to DM me if it's private): TheGamingArmy3

    What is an Admin expected to do in your eyes?: I expect an admin to help keep the server as well as help out the lower ranks and staff. They also punish players who break the rules and answer questions.

    Why do you want to become a Mod?: I want to become a mod because I want to help the community. And i want people to know me as someone who can help and answer questions. I also want to help the server and make it even better. I can make it even better by punishing the rule breakers and make a hack free server. Also I can make it better by communicating with the staff and resolving problems between other players, and punishing accordingly.

    Do you have any experience?: Yes i was a helper and had to settle disputes between players, so I have a general idea.

    How will you contribute as a Mod?: I will be able to be active an hour a day at least. I will also be able to utilize my commands as mod appropriately, and reasonably. I will keep an eye out for hackers and keep the server hacker free, as well as help new players and make sure they understand what they are doing.

    Any other Information?: I am eager to try out the server when it is done. Whether or not I am accepted I will definitely make sure to stop by and see how it is when it is complete!
    04/19/2016 12:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BestOrNah's Avatar

    Name: BestOrNah, or Brent

    Age: 14

    Skype (Feel free to DM me if it's private): AlphaRisen

    What is an Admin expected to do in your eyes?: They are the "power houses" of the server. They are expected to be mature, and keep the server up. They are really advanced and pretty much are miniature versions of the owner.

    Why do you want to become a Mod?: I want to become a mod to help the server. I enjoy prison, and I think a small server will be a great moderating experience. I will have fun with all the players, and rid the server of any hackers. I may be young, but I can counter it by showing maturity on duty, and by answering any questions anyone may have too.

    Do you have any experience?: Yes. I had moderated a towny server, and a pvp server. However, both of them were disbanded due to cost and not enough time to run the server. I had did a great job, and would have made it to admin, according to one of the owners, if the server hadn't been shut down.

    How will you contribute as a Mod?: I will contribute by helping anyone in need. I already have experienced almost every type of scenario i'd assume face-able, and having lots of players ask me questions is not a problem. I think I have the traits of trust and ability under control too, as this would be my third server moderated/ I appreciate using the commands a mod is provided to assist players, whether it be a bug, or to punish a player who is breaking the rules.

    Any other Information?: I would like to notify you I can be active for at least an hour a day, if not more, due to being on spring break. Basketball season is over, and every day after school, when my homework is complete, I can hop on. All in all, I appreciate you reading this, and even if I am not accepted, I hope to play on your prison server and help people out as much as possible, with, or without mod!

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