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Level 1 New Miner

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    12/24/2015 5:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Bigmac9302's Avatar
    Name: Jayce
    Skype: (Skype is required) jayceman104
    Minecraft Name (IGN): Bigmac9302
    Why Do You Want To Join?: I used to play on a really cool SMP but the owners abused their privileges so i left the server. so I started looking for a new one and yours looks awesome.
    What Are Your Skills In Minecraft?: I personally think that I am an excellent builder/Miner/Merchant
    What Would You Do On The Server?: I would be the person who builds houses and sells them to other people
    Have You Been On A Survival SMP Server Before?: Yes I have
    Have You Read The Whole Post?:Yes I really like how you put that you monitor the server
    12/06/2015 6:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Bigmac9302's Avatar
    1. What is your ign? Bigmac9302

    2. What interests you about our server? Make sure you have a minimum of 150 words. I won't be hard on that number though. There are a few things that interest me like how you mentioned that you have a christian based set of rules which would normally turn people away but it interested me. It also interested me how you explained the server history like in one smp which i was on i was so confused about how some of the stuff came to be. I also like the fact that you said you have a crazy government and that you can rule your own little town. I also like the idea of building alot of shops and it seems like this server has an awesome community. It is also really cool that this server has been going for over a year! most servers i play on usually go down after 3-5 months.

    3. Which rule is your favorite and why? Please no answers that just say "Because it's good". My favorite rule out of them is rule #5 Respect other players the reason why is when I was a part of the tropical smp all the other players would scream and be mean to each other so it is really nice to see that as a rule

    4. Name three random facts about yourself. Each must be two or three sentences.
    1.I am a very crazy minecrafter. when I do something I will go big.
    2.I am very smart. I have high grades in all my classes.
    3. I love technology. I find it cool how far technology has come.

    5. What skills do you have that could support this server and make it grow?
    I am very friendly and could invite many other people to apply to play.
    6. How old are you? We want 14 or older please. Too many problems with anyone younger so far, so impress me 13 year olds. I am 13 years old.
    11/23/2015 3:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Bigmac9302's Avatar
    Why you would like to join: I enjoy hanging out with friends and I hope to mkae some new friends
    What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): I see myself as a builder and a miner
    Anything else you would like to add: I hope you will consider adding me
    08/23/2015 10:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Bigmac9302's Avatar
    In game name:Bigmac9302

    Real life first name:Jayce

    Age:12 almost 13




    Introduce yourself:Hi I am Bigmac9302 and I am a minecrafter since I got it on the 27th of june in 2014 I am going into 8th grade. If I am accepted I will be active and will try to play everyday if I ever go on vacation I will notify you

    Hoping to be accepted
    08/16/2015 3:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Bigmac9302's Avatar
    1, What is your Minecraft username? Bigmac9302
    2. What is your age?(Optional) 12 turning 13 soon
    3. Do you agree to all of the rules? Will you follow them? Yes I will
    4. How much can I expect to see you on this server? I will play almost daily but i will say when i go on vacations
    5. Why do you want to join this SMP? Because I have done a smp before but it had a bad community so I Want a server with a great community
    6. Will this be your primary server, or are you going to play on other SMP servers along with this one? No other SMP server
    7. Are you good at building? Please attach some pictures of your best/worst builds. I love building not so much great at it but i am working on it
    8. What are your strengths and weaknesses in Minecraft? (Redstone, building, farming, etc.) I am oretty good at building and have a basic knowlodge in redstone
    9. What kind of base do you plan on building if you get accepted? (In a mountain, castle, normal house. etc.) Probably a normal nhouse to start
    10. Have you ever been banned? If you have, why? Nope
    11. Have you ever been muted/kicked/temp banned/etc.? Nope
    12. Why should I trust you? I have no reasons other than that if you asked any of my friends they would say that they have full trust in me
    13. Do you try to be nice to everyone? Are you ever in a sour mood? I try to become everyones friend if i don't like someone I might just ignore them and if I am ever in a sour mood I will probably not come on or not chat
    14. Will you be helpful to people? I will do my best to be
    15.Email (To let you know if you got in or rejected.)

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