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Level 1 New Miner

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    04/24/2016 6:24 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    My skype is Max Murphy, Please add me
    04/23/2016 11:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    My skype: Max Murphy
    04/18/2016 5:08 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    i tried adding you but didnt work
    04/13/2016 2:18 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    Max Murphy

    Or BudderFanta1
    04/09/2016 12:08 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    My Minecraft name is: BudderFanta


    I am very experianced with staff and have great flavour with choosing staff
    I am staff on many servers and that include owning 4 of my own and taking part in co-owner on 3 servers
    i am Administrator on 4 servers
    I am Developer on 3 servers
    i am Head-Administrator on 2 servers
    I am Head-moderator on 1 server
    I am Moderator on 3 servers
    I am Helper on 2 servers
    I am Chat-Mod on 6 servers
    And i am Builder on 6 servers
    I have been playing minecraft for ever scince it came our i was here for beta and every update i have been staying in otuch with minecraft and helping Mojang lots
    I love minecraft and will playing it for as long as could think of
    Minecraft is a great server to share love and support with and also to help out players who are new to the system or are not so good with thing like minecraft
    i can teach player how to play and be a great person in general

    I am ver active on Minecraft server and also very active on Minecraft and i play Minecraft for about 5-7 hours on weekdays and 7-10 hours on weekends/holidays
    I am very active and have experienced lots of difficulties and problem throughout my gaming carrer.
    I have seen lots of bans and mean and crude players in the past and i know excactly how to deal with them in the right way without getting people upset or sad.
    I think that it is very bad to ban people for no reason because lots of server want lots of member but by banning 1 just makes you loose a player so thats no good
    The only time i ban if someone is cursing extremely and pushing the limits

    i am a very good builder and have built for many servers i used to have my own build team but week broke up a few weeks ago because of one of our builders who started a arguement and then he raided all of our build that wasnt fair we all then broke up because all of our great builds just .. disapeared
    it was very sad because i was the Captain of the build team

    Skype: Max Murphy

    Hope to see you soon on the server!
    skype me the server ip if you liked my app and hired me
    04/08/2016 10:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    This is a -snip- server guys i was being polite and nice to themm all then they started to swear and curse towards me that offended me
    they are mean nasty people i tried to show them my servers that are currently down
    and they just said mean things about my builds
    they are very picky and big -snip-
    they should never deserver you guys to be there staff
    there builds are -snip- themselfs and think they are a great server but they are the oppisite

    when u apply for them and you give them ur skype they just tease you
    04/08/2016 9:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    Try BudderFanta1
    or tell me ur name and ill add it
    04/08/2016 9:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    My Minecraft name is: BudderFanta


    I am very experianced with staff and have great flavour with choosing staff
    I am staff on many servers and that include owning 4 of my own and taking part in co-owner on 3 servers
    i am Administrator on 4 servers
    I am Developer on 3 servers
    i am Head-Administrator on 2 servers
    I am Head-moderator on 1 server
    I am Moderator on 3 servers
    I am Helper on 2 servers
    I am Chat-Mod on 6 servers
    And i am Builder on 6 servers
    I have been playing minecraft for ever scince it came our i was here for beta and every update i have been staying in otuch with minecraft and helping Mojang lots
    I love minecraft and will playing it for as long as could think of
    Minecraft is a great server to share love and support with and also to help out players who are new to the system or are not so good with thing like minecraft
    i can teach player how to play and be a great person in general

    I am ver active on Minecraft server and also very active on Minecraft and i play Minecraft for about 5-7 hours on weekdays and 7-10 hours on weekends/holidays
    I am very active and have experienced lots of difficulties and problem throughout my gaming carrer.
    I have seen lots of bans and mean and crude players in the past and i know excactly how to deal with them in the right way without getting people upset or sad.
    I think that it is very bad to ban people for no reason because lots of server want lots of member but by banning 1 just makes you loose a player so thats no good
    The only time i ban if someone is cursing extremely and pushing the limits

    i am a very good builder and have built for many servers i used to have my own build team but week broke up a few weeks ago because of one of our builders who started a arguement and then he raided all of our build that wasnt fair we all then broke up because all of our great builds just .. disapeared
    it was very sad because i was the Captain of the build team

    Images of my builds:
    I made this build and then sent it out for everyone to add to their servers!

    I am very nice and kind to all players that join i can help manage the server and keep all the staff in place
    I can help players and give them tutorials of the server
    I know how to act around players doing bad things and also congratulate players for doing the right thing

    Skype: Max Murphy

    Hope to see you soon on the server!
    skype me the server ip if you liked my app and hired me
    04/06/2016 4:53 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    Btw you can just be 16 if you writ the aplication today lol
    04/05/2016 10:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    Hey im on the server but no-ones on
    04/05/2016 8:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    stiamkri wtf why did you compy my application you even have my anme in it
    04/05/2016 7:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    Age: 14

    Username: budderFanta

    Skype name: Max Murphy

    Prior Experience:
    i am very experianced with builder i can build very well, i used to be in a build team but we left each other after someone greifed us and all of our builds
    then someone hacked our co-captains minecraft account .
    i was captain of the build team.
    We were together for 2 years and a few months but then we left each other

    Building style:
    I dont really have a building style i can build with anything you tell me too from a colouful spawn to a dull stone spawn i can also build big hubs to small pvp areans, i can build minigame maps and also survival game maps

    Hope you enjoyed my app see you on the server
    04/05/2016 5:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    also i am from Australia
    04/05/2016 5:02 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    My Minecraft name is: BudderFanta


    I am very experianced with staff and have great flavour with choosing staff
    I am staff on many servers and that include owning 4 of my own and taking part in co-owner on 3 servers
    i am Administrator on 4 servers
    I am Developer on 3 servers
    i am Head-Administrator on 2 servers
    I am Head-moderator on 1 server
    I am Moderator on 3 servers
    I am Helper on 2 servers
    I am Chat-Mod on 6 servers
    And i am Builder on 6 servers
    I have been playing minecraft for ever scince it came our i was here for beta and every update i have been staying in otuch with minecraft and helping Mojang lots
    I love minecraft and will playing it for as long as could think of
    Minecraft is a great server to share love and support with and also to help out players who are new to the system or are not so good with thing like minecraft
    i can teach player how to play and be a great person in general

    I am ver active on Minecraft server and also very active on Minecraft and i play Minecraft for about 5-7 hours on weekdays and 7-10 hours on weekends/holidays
    I am very active and have experienced lots of difficulties and problem throughout my gaming carrer.
    I have seen lots of bans and mean and crude players in the past and i know excactly how to deal with them in the right way without getting people upset or sad.
    I think that it is very bad to ban people for no reason because lots of server want lots of member but by banning 1 just makes you loose a player so thats no good
    The only time i ban if someone is cursing extremely and pushing the limits

    i am a very good builder and have built for many servers i used to have my own build team but week broke up a few weeks ago because of one of our builders who started a arguement and then he raided all of our build that wasnt fair we all then broke up because all of our great builds just .. disapeared
    it was very sad because i was the Captain of the build team

    I am very nice and welcomeing to everyone who joins the server.
    i keep everyone in place and doing the right thing
    i will always be here if you need me with anything or i would be truely happy to own your server when/or if you leave i have skype and i will tell you my name below in the application
    i am great with group manager and plugins i can use pex and anything you need
    i am great with prison servers and also factions and kitpvp i can work with hub servers and many more
    I have great quallities that you will shortly find out when/if i become your co-owner!

    Skype: Max Murphy

    Hope to see you soon on the server!
    skype me the server ip if you liked my app and hired me
    04/04/2016 7:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    Hey My IGN is BudderFanta
    Age: 14
    Rank - Admin or Moderator

    Me and my friend are a team and we are great together at working on servers

    Friends IGN: toejamgam

    Our skills:
    Me and toejamham arre great friends and work really well together we are very welcomeing and helpfull we are kind and nice!

    Why do we want to become staff:
    Me and toejamham want to become staff because we need players to help and to be welcomeing and a server to create a big community

    Extra Information:
    My skype is: Max Murphy - and toejamhams name is: brake.ayye.pep
    04/04/2016 6:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BudderFanta's Avatar
    About me:
    Hey My IGN is BudderFanta

    I am 14 years of age and would be hounred to help you build a server

    What i can do to Help the server:
    I am a fabulous builder and can build with anything you need me to build with or need me to build.
    I am very kind welcoming and helpfull to anyone on the server and will always help them if they need.

    I own 4 of my own servers and i take part in Co-Owner on 3 servers
    I am admin in 4 and moderator in 3 i am build on a big 6 servers and love the build team that im in
    2 weeks ago my build team broke up because someone decided to turn on us and destroyed all of our builds

    I am very active on any server i am on for about 7-10 hours per day and will hardly ever leave the server
    If you text me on skype i will come on strait away unless im asleep from a big day or if im on holidays

    If you need i can help get a wonderfull staff team to help create a wonderfull server

    Skype: Max Murphy

    Hope to see you on skype

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