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    04/27/2014 4:38 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((got my skype? ^^;))
    04/27/2014 9:49 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((gnarts...i like the skype idea because it is real time and we don't have to continuously refesh the page... ;-;))
    04/26/2014 8:13 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Mic Quality: Meh. Getting a better headset soon..
    Experience? - Small amount; was the narrator for some school short films.
    Voice Quality? - it's a little deep for a female.
    04/26/2014 8:07 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((D: that's too bad...))
    04/26/2014 7:38 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((i'm back for a short while.. ;-; why don't we just rp over skype? make a fake skype username and just do it on there?))
    04/23/2014 4:51 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((dun dun dunnnn more standarized testing...brb))
    04/22/2014 8:21 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((82?! that's warm!!))
    04/22/2014 8:05 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((lol just for home D: state mandated tests today))
    04/21/2014 9:38 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((Ah okay...gomenasai...I am also this disorganized. D:))
    ((is your sister okay?))
    04/21/2014 9:29 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((Mr. Kuro-san, you are horribly mistaken. Maia was hurt by her father, not her Uncle. Her uncle is Lucifer. Her father wants her to lean toward the devil side and assist him by killing men. ;-; you are confused. he didn't hurt me because of you..))
    04/21/2014 8:41 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    Maia slowly came to.
    Seeing Rorschach sitting beside her, she quickly sat up in bed.
    "Are you alright?" she asked quickly, feeling where the dagger stabbed him.
    04/21/2014 7:44 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    She tried to hide herself underneath the tree.
    She felt violated.
    The spot where Father bit was red and inflamed, and her head seemed to be spinning with strange thoughts.
    A loud boom was heard in the sky.
    Scared that he was returning, she got up and walked on shaky legs, tripping and stumbling the entire way.
    Finally, she collapsed.
    Reaching into the pocket, she fumbled with the contents.
    The vial. Her breathing grew shallow as she remembered that it was empty.
    Picking herself up, she fought her way unto her dorm, watching Kuro dig through her drawers.
    "Kuro," she managed to whisper. "Be careful. He's watching."
    Falling onto her bed, she fainted; her arm telling the whole story.
    04/21/2014 7:21 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((More long paragraphs D:))
    04/21/2014 7:19 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    "Maia." father called.
    "I'm s-sorry...I n-need to go..." she muttered. "I'll be back at the school if you ne-need me.."
    Grabbing her ears, she ran until she went into the depths of the forest.
    "G-go away!" she exclaimed, huddling at the foot of a large oak.
    "Maia. I know you're here." he said, appearing in front of her.
    She kicked at the figure. "Leave m-me al-alone!"
    He reached forward and stroked her cheek. "You've been touched." He pulled his hand back, scowling.
    Grabbing her, he smiled. "I found you, thanks to your little friends."
    He held the squirming girl close. "What's his name? Ah, that's right. Kuro. I'll leave a good note to Lucifer for him."
    Maia elbowed him, forcing him to let go.
    He rubbed the spot painfully. "What happened to my princess? Did she leave me?"
    He grinned evilly. "No. She's still mine."
    Yanking her arm, he sank his teeth in her flesh, making her scream in pain.
    As he wiped his mouth, a black tattoo began to collect on her skin.
    "Just for you, Maia." he grinned. "It'll glow red when I return."
    As he began to fade, he smiled. "I'll leave a note for Uncle about you. He'll be pleased with you."
    He disappeared into the sky.
    Whimpering, Maia sank onto the floor, tears flowing onto her cheeks.
    "Why?" she sobbed. "Why me?"
    04/21/2014 6:59 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    Maia took it, quivering.
    "You'll be okay," she promised.
    She wasn't so sure about herself.
    She looked over to Kuro. "Hurry, help him to the hospital. I beg of you,"
    04/21/2014 6:49 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    ((omfg that's long ;-;))
    04/21/2014 6:49 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    Maia flinched as she saw the man fall with Rorschach on right behind.
    She gasped in horror as the man stabbed Rorschach.
    Strangely, she felt at peace. She wanted to devour the weak man on the floor, leaving nothing but picked bones behind.
    She was struck with a feeling of displeasure as Rorschach dropped the blade.
    Shaking her head to clear these thoughts, she rushed over to Rorschach to help him up. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a roll of linen before pulling him off to a side.
    Thinking the man is no longer a threat, she began to treat her patient by applying a herbal salve and bandaging him. She pulled out a pain killer to put off the wound for a little while. Forgetting that the pill had an atypical drowsy effect, she fed the medicine to Rorschach, hoping it will help him recover.
    Hearing her name, she spun around to see Kuro.
    "Help Rorschach up. He's been stabbed. Take him to the hospital. Now." she exclaimed, trying to put off her emotions and inner self away as much as possible.
    She could feel herself losing control at the sight of another demon.
    04/21/2014 6:30 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    Maia touched her mouth, biting the lower lip nervously.
    She paced impatiently in the alley, waiting for him to return.
    04/21/2014 6:24 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    She shook her head.
    "You need to be careful," she whispered, peering out into the alley.
    Maia remembered the male's face. How could she forget?
    She ground her teeth, waiting and watching.
    She felt her blood boil; her mind writhing to go out of control.
    Deciding to keep it in until necessary, she held the demon inside.
    04/21/2014 6:14 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    cactusxx's Avatar
    Maia twitched at the sound of the bullet.
    Suddenly, it struck her. She whipped to look at Rorschach, hoping that he wouldn't be mortally wounded.
    "Have you been hit?" she asked frantically.

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