calebdrocks2's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    12/22/2015 5:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    calebdrocks2's Avatar
    1.What is your IGN?: Dashleb

    2. Age?: 16

    3. Country (for the timezone so we can organize events better)?: United States Central

    4. Skype?: xxDashocityxx

    5. How active will you be?: I will try and play every day, average maybe 5-15 hours per week. Depends on how busy I am with school/work/family.

    6. Do you know rules (what rules will get you instantly banned)?: Greifing, Stealing, Mods that give you an advantage like xray or fly hacks, and un-agreed PvP

    7. Why do you want to join (as many details as possible)?: I want to join because I used to play on a SMP server and when it shut down I was really bummed and not very inspired to play Minecraft; but i really would like to get back into the Vanilla SMP groove again because I have been playing SP and it just is not the same. I thoroughly enjoy UHC events and doing things with the amazing community that a Whitelisted SMP server offers.

    8. What will you bring to server? I will bring astheticly pleasing builds to the server, and another member to get along, laugh, and have a good time playing Minecraft with!

    9. Do you do Youtube / Twitch? If so, provide a link to your channel?: I do not do either. I used to do youtube but have decided to stop. I do not mind taking part in anyone's videos or live-streams if asked to do so. I might record my p.o.v of UHC just for the heck of it. Depending on the quality of gameplay i will decide to upload or just keep for myself.

    10. If you don't record, tell us why we should add you?: So that I can contribute to the overall community of this server and everyone can enjoy themselves. I love getting to learn new things in minecraft. For example, I am a decent builder; I have built spawns for multiple servers, PvP Maps, Castles, Villages, Mansions, you name it, I've probably built it. But there is a million different ways to do everything in this game. Learning new ways and showing others what you can do is a very fun and vital part of this game and i look foward to it.

    11. Images / videos of your builds (if you don't have any, build some really quickly):

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