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New Explorer

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    02/19/2015 1:46 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Camillavp's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: Camillavp
    Name and Age (Optional): My name is Caleb and I am 14 years old.
    Roleplay Name: Caranthir
    Race: Elves
    Character Backstory: As with his brothers, Caranthir was bound by an oath to recover his father's Silmarils, which had been stolen by the Dark Lord Morgoth in Aman. This oath took the seven brothers to Middle-earth during the First Age where they established realms in exile, waged war against the armies of Morgoth, fought their own Elvish kind, and eventually brought ruin upon themselves.
    Starting City (Dale, Erebor, Lake town, or Riverdell): Riverdell
    Character Personality: Kind, Humble, Wise.
    Contact Information (We'd prefer Skype, Email or Enjin): My Skype is Caytt2000, my enjin is Camillavp and I have already sent you an email incase you don't read this.
    02/17/2015 8:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Camillavp's Avatar
    [size=125][Staff Team] |[bgcolor=yellow]Application[/bgcolor][/size]
    what is your skype?: Caytt2000
    name: Caleb Treviño
    General Questions:
    IGN (In Game Name): Camillavp
    This is your in game name which is displayed on the server.
    What is your age: 14
    Have you ever been banned on a server, if Yes, please explain.
    Explain if you have been banned on any server’s, if not, say no if you have not been banned. I have not been banned on any server.
    What time Zone are you in: Central Standard Time Zone
    Can you be on at least 3 hours a day: Yes, I can be on at least 3 hours a day.
    Also please make a detailed Schedule of your weekly Minecraft hours on our server:
    On weekdays I can be on about 3 hours a day, on weekends I can be on about 4 to 5 hours a day.
    Do you understand what it takes to be a staff member: Yes
    Main Questions:
    In your opinion, what is required of a moderator:
    5 Qualities that make up a good moderator are
    Kindness- Kindness to me is key for being a good, and successful moderator.

    Activeness- being active is very important in being a successful moderator. You want to be on as much as you can to find the most rule breakers and help the most people. If you dont come on frequently, you wont be able to help.

    Helpful/Responsible-A moderator should ALWAYS be responsible for other people and be helping to them. If any player ever comes on and needs help they should without a doubt help them. Everyone deserves to be treated equally.

    Intelligence- A moderator or any member of staff should be educated well with what their position requires. If the staff member doesnt know how to catch a hacker, how can you trust them! They need to know how to do what they applied to do.

    (Most Importantly) Have Fun- It is the most important thing for the moderator to have fun with what they are doing, At the end of the day it is a block game on your computer. That doesnt mean you can slack off.

    Do you have experience as being a staff member for a different server:
    I am honest in saying that I have never been a staff member in any Minecraft sever.
    Answer N/A if you do not have previous experience as a staff member on any server.
    How would you be able to help the staff team if you were selected as staff:
    I am kind, I like helping people, and I would be willing to do anything asked of me. I also know useful ways to catch hackers, etc...
    Why do you want to become a moderator on this server, and what separates you from the rest: Like I said before, I like helping people and would be willing to do everything required of me.
    Being a moderator requires hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism and what else in your opinion:
    I believe being a moderator requires, above many other things, kindness.
    What can you add to the staff team if selected for moderator:
    I would be a good addition to staff becuase I am a very kind person. I have the 5 traits found in a good moderator. I feel like everyone deserves a chance and if you give me a chance i will not let you down.

    Hypothetical Questions:
    Explain what you would do or how you would handle the situations listed below.
    A player accidentally says the IP of another server, and immediately says sorry wrong post, what do you do? I would give him a warning and tell him that next time he would be muted.
    A player accuses another user of hacking, and will not stop spamming saying the user is hacking, what do you say to him? I would tell him to calm down and would investigate his claims of the other player hacking.
    You see a Head Moderator hacking, and abusing his power for their own benefit on the server, what do you do? I would ask him why he is doing it and try to get him to stop, if he doesn't listen I would tell someone above him about it.
    A player is constantly spamming another user with teleport requests, the player being spammed with them asks you for help, how do you handle this situation? I would tell the player sending the requests to stop and if he didn't i would temporarily mute him.
    Final Questions:
    Why should a moderator keep his/her emotions out of the server.
    As a good moderator you must never let your emotions determine whether or not to ban a player, you may end up letting a hacker go because you feel sorry for him.
    Why is teamwork important for a staff team:
    Look at all the big two million-player servers, they have gotten that level of success because of teamwork. Without teamwork no server will ever grow.
    Are you a leader:
    Yes, i can take control of risky situations.
    Are you good at managing stress:
    I can handle much stress.
    Do you think of yourself as a risk taker, why:
    I prefer not to take too many risks.
    Why do you believe that you will not be selected:
    I might not be selected because of my lack of experience but I hope you will give me a chance.
    Finally, anything else you want to add:
    My Skype is "Caytt2000"

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