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Expert Miner

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    09/26/2019 10:56 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Key lime is so good!!
    09/23/2019 3:21 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Same. I feel like they may have just done it for the memes, but if they didn't, I wanna hear their thoughts. Maybe we're all in the wrong and they're some spiritual god that knows all
    09/16/2019 6:22 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    I agree with memora, unless it's completely traced there's absolutely no such thing... nobody can copyright or claim something the human body can do lol
    09/06/2019 11:56 am
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    It sounds very interesting but it wouldn't be very fun for new players since a good portion of the world would already be filled in. Maybe have the border reset after a few months? I know this is just an idea but working out flaws to make it as great as possible is always fun :)
    09/06/2019 11:54 am
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    That sounds very odd, I don't use bedrock edition but it sounds like it's possible you might have a corrupted file of some sort. I'd recommend uninstalling Minecraft from your computer and reinstalling it. I know in java edition you can go into your files to save your worlds but I'm not sure for bedrock.... Hope you can find a fix soon^^
    09/01/2019 1:29 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    I don't have much money to spare at the moment but good luck ;O
    08/29/2019 12:04 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    I don't know how many years ago you found this, but try and remember the name or look up "spawn" or something then search by the date when you got it, assuming it was freshly posted.

    08/29/2019 12:03 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    I assume it was a schematic download and they pasted it in with worldedit, since that's a thing you can do.
    08/29/2019 11:03 am
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Thanks for correcting me! I don't make models for resource packs, I only do it with blockbuster so I had no idea :)
    08/28/2019 9:25 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    one more tip, this guy is very helpful! I had no idea how to texture things until I saw the tutorial and it was like flipping a switch! Blender's made texturing ridiculously easy. Plus I was a total beginner when watching these lol
    08/28/2019 8:59 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Man, I'm doubling posting for everything these days..... how forgetful^^

    Blender is a really nice program to use for 3D modeling! Free, has nice controls, and these's plenty of tutorials online! It's pretty fun to make 3d models to put into minecraft. Also, you can mess around without worrying about messing up the layout or something because top left, push "new" and it's back where it started :)
    08/28/2019 8:50 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Have plenty of reference photos! I know some people think that's "cheating" or something ridiculous but having a picture of a katana or something similar will really help! also, you don't need to have a huge size to make it detailed, try to make the texture size as small as possible, actually!
    08/28/2019 8:59 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Man, I'm doubling posting for everything these days..... how forgetful^^

    Blender is a really nice program to use for 3D modeling! Free, has nice controls, and these's plenty of tutorials online! It's pretty fun to make 3d models to put into minecraft. Also, you can mess around without worrying about messing up the layout or something because top left, push "new" and it's back where it started :)
    08/28/2019 8:39 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    There will only be 79 naturally spawning mobs around you in that area so you wouldn't have much to see... Plus it'd likely produce pretty bad lag. I'm not sure there's any mods just for the main reason it'd be extremely laggy for the average computer (and probably for the above average computer)

    Good luck on your search though
    08/28/2019 8:30 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    I'm not sure if this mod is a thing :(

    If you're having trouble with chat getting spammed to where you can't scroll up and lose the message then this mod might help. It's so handy on servers where chat goes so much faster and you can't get that perfect screenshot of someone saying something stupid aka

    08/28/2019 8:18 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Sorry for the double post. If you're talking about this texture pack, (which was the first result) and I'm having no issues. I downloaded the 1.11 alpha version and crafting tables worked perfectly. They were called "workbenches" afterwards but that makes no difference. I may have the wrong pack but I was playing in 1.12.2.
    08/28/2019 8:08 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Welcome to PMC. It's a pretty great community, hope you enjoy us :)
    08/28/2019 8:03 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    I just accidentally deleted the comment whoops. Copy-pasting it back...

    "Wow. That's really weird... I don't think I've ever heard of a resource pack doing that... Have you tried taking off the resource pack then trying to break a crafting table then putting it back on to confirm it was the resource pack? If t is maybe post a comment on the resource pack asking if it's happening to anyone else. Also try deleting that one and re-downloading incase something in the file just messed up or something."
    08/28/2019 8:18 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    Sorry for the double post. If you're talking about this texture pack, (which was the first result) and I'm having no issues. I downloaded the 1.11 alpha version and crafting tables worked perfectly. They were called "workbenches" afterwards but that makes no difference. I may have the wrong pack but I was playing in 1.12.2.
    08/28/2019 7:50 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    I'm not just getting back into Minecraft, I've been pretty invested in the community for a while now. Welcome back! Hope you enjoy yourself :)

    Editing to include this, just checked out your song, good work! There's actually a feature where you can put your Youtube channel on your profile so people can find your Youtube through your PMC
    08/28/2019 7:44 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Miner
    CeIeste's Avatar
    sorry for double reply. I just noticed the "monsters and animals" section. It's still very small to only see two chunks away because it should be 5 for monsters and animals. 512 blocks (32 chunks) for players and 80 blocks (5 chunks) for mobs.

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