Charles04_'s Avatar
Level 4 Apprentice Miner

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    08/04/2016 11:51 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Name: Charles

    MCName: Charles04_

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male

    TimeZone: EST New York time

    Job: I think I would be up for staffing and writing. AKA being a Lore writer.

    Do you have Skype/Teamspeak: I have Skype and it is

    If Writer:
    How good would you say you are? I think I am fairly good.

    Please write a short story for me to see how good you are: Ok, here it is.
    Our story begins a long, long, time ago deep in the enchanted woods of Oberon. Oberon as you may remember is the home of the fairies and is usually a very peaceful happy dwelling. King Zygon had called a special gathering to discuss the most recent disturbing events.
    ‘You see this has never happened before’ he said, ‘we have never had one of our own cross over to the darker side’. There was a lot of mumbling and all seemed extremely anxious as Hiberon approached the king.
    ‘Sire, we have tried everything and nothing has worked, it is time my King.’
    The crowd knew what he was about to say and they held their breath as Hiberon announced.
    ‘Sire, We need the assistance of a mortal!’ he said bowing his head.

    With this announcement there was an eerie silence and all the fairies whispered to each other with concern. You see fairies never expose themselves to the mortals; the very idea of this was unheard of.
    But this was very unusual and it did call for something out of the normal to assist with their plight.
    ‘Have you someone in mind?’ asked the king.
    “Sire, there is a young knight called Robert Of Oxley that is true and brave and is the only mortal I would trust to keep the secrets of Oberon safe’. ‘He is also the only mortal I know who could take on Alazare and win’.
    The fairies whispering grew louder as they looked at their King for his response.
    ‘Hiberon, we entrust in you our most precious gift the livelihood of our race and the safety of our people you now hold in your hands.’
    ‘Go to the mortal Robert of Oxley and plead with him to help us rid the enchanted forest of Alazare and make Oberon the peaceful happy kingdom we all love’. ‘ Hiberon, remember if you are not back by the 2nd full moon your people will be vanished and gone forever.’ God speed and may your quest be successful." and so, Hiberon went to find this mortal he found him in a lowly tavern about to down a third mug of beer. He went up to Robert of Oxley with quite a few stares as they had never seen a fairy and said "Robert of Oxley the fairies need your help to defeat Alazare and rid us of this plight. It is your destiny to fight him."

    and so the player decides the outcome with.

    A. I will fight him and I will win!

    B. What's in it for me?

    C. I will not fight the beast.

    A: Hiberon says "Good, you will find him in the forest surrounding the fairy kingdom"

    B. Hiberon says, "Glory, Fame, and gold until your pockets bulge.

    C. "You will eventually. It is your destiny" Walks off with a trash of his robe.

    Then, the player either fights Alazere doesn't fight him or mauls on the thought of fighting him.

    If Staff:
    How mature would you say you are?
    That depends honestly. On most days I would say 7/10 I enjoy the jokes and fun but will be serious when needed. I can also normally keep my temper quite easily.
    Any previous experience? I have all the experience you could think of. I have been Mod, Guide, Head-Mod, Admin, Head-Admin, Co-Owner, Owner, Helper, and even Head-Helper on one server.

    I hope you consider me and have a wonderful day.
    08/03/2016 3:09 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Minecraft Name: Charles04_
    What will you do to help the server: I can do a lot. I can staff the server, create ranks if needed, I am a decent builder and I consider myself an ok lore writer. Not your best choice but it can be done. Mainly my skills are in staffing. I have had A LOT of experience staffing and would gladly staff your server.
    Job (Builder, Staff, Lore Maker): Staff
    Age: 13
    Skype: live:charleswilliamcramer
    07/12/2016 11:08 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Is it possible to join other nations or lead other nations?
    02/12/2016 10:18 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    I msged you a couple hours ago. Charles Cramer
    02/11/2016 8:55 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    I will join. I think I have a good few suggestions. Also, I only use calls on Skype for people I've met irl. So SMS. But anyway my Skype is charles cramer
    02/06/2016 11:43 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    I don't plan to apply but what type of rpg?
    02/06/2016 9:26 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    I am Co-Owner so yes. But, there is no format. It just must be 150+ words.
    02/06/2016 9:21 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Sky I don't think I can accept or deny as my Co-Owner rank. But, I would suggest making that longer for such high ranks. Plus that is definitely less than 150 words.
    02/05/2016 9:44 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    kk, I asked a question sooo
    02/05/2016 9:40 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Check your inbox m9
    02/05/2016 9:38 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Check your messages.
    02/05/2016 8:33 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Ok thank you.
    02/05/2016 8:20 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Oh and if my expectations are to high Mod is fine as well.
    02/05/2016 8:19 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    IGN: Charles04_
    Age: 15
    Maturity: 1-10 6-8
    Why You: I have lots of experience, I am fun, helpful, and when needed serious about my job. I will work hard when I have the time.
    Experience: I have been every rank you can think of at LEAST 2 times!
    Social Skills: 1-10 7
    What can you bring: I can bring experience, fun, a good community, and plugin skills. (Group manager).

    A man is cursing at you wildly what do you do?: I would mute him for Staff Disrespect and Flaming (AKA rude comments, curses etc.).

    A man is hacking what do you do: Perma Ban

    A man is spamming a servers ip and saying that our server is horribel what do you do: Ban him for advertising.

    Two Moderators are in an argument about the validity of a player's ban. What do you do?
    If I was a higher rank I would calmly ask them what the issue was and see who was answering in the most polite manner. After I see who the calmest person is I would tell them both to stop discussing the situation for a little and it will all be sorted out. If a person continues to go on and be rude I would bring it to your attention that I don’t think the player should be a moderator anymore because of the way they are handling situations. If they both agree to wait I would go to the calmest player and private message them. I would ask them what the situation was and why they think what they are saying is correct. Then I would go to the next player and ask the same thing. I would then check the players ban and see what seems like a more valid way to handle the situation. Then I would pm the players my decision and tell them if they have concerns/issues to message me.
    If I was a lower rank and it got completely out of control then I would try to calmly tell them to calm down and stop until a higher rank gets online. If they keep going and fighting I would quickly bring it to your attention ASAP.

    You are the single higher staff member online at the time of a large server uproar. How do you calm everyone down?
    I would first see if I could seek out the players that are causing the most issues in the situation and mute them for “Instigating Drama” then I would talk to the rest of the players and see if I could get them to calm down! If I couldn’t do it myself (unlikely) I would quickly get in touch with staff right away and tell them there is an emergency and I need them on ASAP!

    Another applicant is angry because you received Administrator rank and they did not. What would you tell them?
    If this was a situation on the server I would not say I was sorry because you do not want to show the player that you feel week and intimidated. I would just try to motivate them and get them happy again. I would say:
    “Its ok [player], there are plenty of more opportunities and I'm sure you will find a great place for you! You can also re-apply soon, and have another chance. I wouldn’t get down about it. I think right now you should enjoy the lovely server and show the staff what a great person you are! :sick:”

    I would just like to say thank you for taking your time to read this! I know there is a lot of hard work put into making a server. Thank you SO much for your time and I hope to see you soon.
    02/05/2016 8:14 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    kk np.
    02/05/2016 8:11 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    I will apply for Co-Owner, Trainee Owner, Admin, or Head-Admin.
    02/04/2016 3:08 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Charles04_'s Avatar
    Server not working again.

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