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Level 36 Artisan Network

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    09/08/2016 8:22 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    I get you think it's cool to act edgy and put everyone down, but damn. I never thought that some people here would be so aggressive and, frankly, unnecessarily negative to someone who clearly is happy and proud of an achievement they made.

    You think you're better than him cause you've been here longer and you consider yourself a 'veteran' of a Minecraft fansite, sure, but at least show some sort of happiness for the guy instead of needlessly putting him down to make yourself feel like an adult that has been on PMC for too long to be happy.

    Regardless, good job man, hope you continue having fun here and uploading!
    06/12/2016 12:30 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    "i don't want to fix the problem that i am creating so you fix it yourself"

    pls at least acknowledge the abundance of uninspired skins
    06/12/2016 9:47 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    Queerxoxplus boys don't exactly have the "coolest chlothes"

    ok i take great offense to this
    Click to reveal

    I could go on for hours as to why this is a dumb excuse as to why people don't make boy skins but that isn't really even the point, people are annoyed at the fact that all girl skins look the same, not that they are girls.
    06/09/2016 9:12 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
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    Tornado Shark
    ZatharelThere are too many people on planet Earth, I don't see anyone going around killing millions.

    I don't get your point. . .

    And I also think there are too many, I deleted one of my skins partially because of this (second reason was it wasn't very original and I didn't like it) I was even thinking of making this thread myself.

    Similarly to how we're obviously not going to kill people/stop reproducing because we're overpopulated, the community will not stop making "girl" skins just because they seem to be dominant on the site. Let everyone submit whatever they like, what impact does it have on you?

    for real tho that is the worst analogy you could've come up with lol

    From what I gathered during the peak of 'teen skins' people aren't at all fed up with the skins being girls, they're fed up with the skins all looking similar, having generally the same aesthetic, and being pretty uninspired. Seeing hundreds to thousands of skins that are all, at the most basic level (I'm aware a lot of people put a lot of effort into their skins) recolurs of what a 13 year old considers a cool girl gets pretty boring.

    Also, "what impact does it have on you?" (I'm not attacking you or anything Zath, it's just a pretty common response to people when they complain about teen skins, or anything really) is a poor response to have. PMC is impacted by a flux of uninspired skins as it inhibits the originality and creativity due to them seeing that they could just spend much less time (I'm generalising here) to gain much more popularity. This goes against PMC's tagline of 'Creative community fansite', so I'd argue it does have an impact on the community.

    People that are against these sorts of, quite frankly, pretty boring skins don't want to get them deleted (nor do they want to kill them as that beautiful analogy insinuates??), they simply want more diversity. Seeing 3 very similar skins churned out by a skinner over the course of a week is much less appealing than seeing a genuinely thought out, original skin once a week, for example.

    Although personally my main irk is the titles of these skins which are either some unimaginative attempt to appear aloof such as "idk random skin will probably delete"
    or some completely out of place song lyrics which are just a thinly veiled attempt to give the skin some glimmer of originality in its design which the majority lack
    (granted, this personal irk of mine isn't limited only to teen skins but from what I've seen the majority of them are attributed to them)
    05/14/2016 6:49 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar

    HippyKatKanye West more like Kanye BEST
    (Haha I don't even listen to him. It lowers my IQ.)

    Rap may not be your preferred style of music, but go listen to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and tell me that it isn't objectively a great album

    For real though, Snoop Dogg or Oprah would be great, either it'd be super chill or everyone would get free things from what I've seen of Oprah
    02/26/2016 3:01 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    KnightLeafNode. -ATOM-. Cocoabunny, Hybrid Warrior, the haydays of PotatoLogic, the growing up of PureNerd, the SharkBoi and ItsPyro wombo combo, Fred's skins being a hot commodity, Amgini, that one time Dollars posted like 8 skins in 3 days, Charlizard (<3), Dunlan_Willowbo, weekly darkjames skins, growing up of Drzzter, growing up of Irish, CreepinAtMyDoor, Paint_Bucket, Drazile12 taking the skinning section by storm, -DinoDerp-, and a few others.

    Shoutout to my 2015 homeboys, YORS #onlyskinnerswillgetthis

    11/12/2015 5:51 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    I'm not trying to spite anyone nor am I trying to get vengeance or anything, I just find it weird how people praise others as gods when in reality they really aren't.

    Like, the majority of you are great and you do deal with stuff when it comes up, reports on the site are dealt with professionally and very quickly. But when it comes to bigger situations it's still a mess of namecalling, bashing, and arguments. I'm not gonna bring up stuff that's like 4 years old cause that's spiteful and unnecessary the mod team as a whole have improved a lot over the years, but it doesn't make them perfect.

    But you can't honestly deny that very recently the mods have been pretty, well, not mod-like. I'm trying to be vague out of respect here but I remember having to be treated like a child because I was one of the ones that did it. I get it, we're all human so we need to vent but still getting seen as pure and honest after so much turmoil confuses me.

    The bullying that I remember for the most part isn't just mods randomly harassing members cause they can, it's usually people that get mad for getting a 1 day ban and then get laughed at by dozens of mods. Again, I did this so I'm not trying to act like I left because I was too pure for all of this. I found it fun. Honestly, I see that as harmless and the part that annoys me the most is how, especially in chat, if you're not a regular you are dismissed, sassed, or ignored. I get ignoring someone in favour of your friends, but anyone new that joined chat and would speak like the average age of this site was instantly just judged for no reason.

    I honestly have no idea what I'm trying to prove here and I dunno if any of it even makes sense cause I don't wanna just go name random events/people from several years ago. You all did nothing bad to me and I enjoyed my time here, just trying to stop the blind praise I guess(?). I'll stop now tho cause I've just gone off topic
    11/11/2015 5:43 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    PMC died and deleted my reply. Too lazy to write it again.


    having trust in mods that bully, are bias, and often times disagree with one another is stupid. Calling PMC safer cause of them is like saying a fire is safer because you could just call emergency services.

    I can't fathom how someone could be so against facebook/twitter/instagram yet use PMC so non-chalantly. Predators could find you here cause they are less spottable than a man on fb with no friends and a rando picure, by OPs logic that there are creeps everywhere. The only reason I can see is that he wants to be special for not socialising with people he knows on facebook.

    everywhere is equally as dangerous if you're stupid, don't be stupid

    I'll eleborate on any of these if you ask me to but I really can't be bothered to rewrite several paragraphs
    11/11/2015 3:23 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    that's because it's significantly smaller, you can't really blame them for not wanting to hire thousands upon thousands of people to moderate such a wide forum.

    they still have report button which are slower than PMC's usually due to the sheer size, but that doesn't mean PMC is instant.

    EDIT: not to mention the mods aren't exactly 'onto them'. It doesn't work that way here.
    11/11/2015 3:02 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    for someone that seems so against young people like yourself from using social media platforms, you sure do use PMC a lot.

    just cause PMC isn't a huge social media platform like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram it doesn't mean you aren't being pretty hypocritical judging them for using Facebook.

    PMC is just as 'unsafe' as Instagram and has just as many, if not more (not numerically, but relative to the people you know) strangers. I could pretty easily PM you an inappropriate here as someone could on Instagram, for example.
    Chances are, there are 'creepy' people here, too. Just cause it isn't reported regularly it doesn't mean they don't exist and just because you don't post selfies here it doesn't make it anymore safe.

    just be safe online and hope people your age have the common sense they usually do to block creeps instead of complaining that they have a social life online and trying to act special cause you don't use popular social platforms.
    09/10/2015 8:51 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    modesty in its finest form.
    09/06/2015 3:50 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    There are plenty of things that could use with fixing on PMC, but the sad thing is people always come up with excuses as to why they shouldn't bother fixing it and blame it on YOU instead of acknowledging that something isn't working well.

    A good example is how the forum log-in sometimes breaks for seemingly no reason. If someone posts a thread, which dozens of people have, regarding it being broken, they are criticised rather than the site. They are told the fix, which is pretty stupid and backwards, and pretty much shamed by those that had to tell them.

    This attitude is prevalent throughout PMC - especially regarding the many problems with the site. People here would rather come up with a reason why something shouldn't be fixed rather than it isn't being fixed.

    I'll provide you with a list of things on the site that need fixing (not things that I don't like, things that look ugly, or rules that members hate) if someone that can change PMC takes this seriously, but, to be honest, that is very unlikely.
    08/22/2015 11:29 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    I don't think you get what he was trying to say. He's not asking if he's allowed to make another account and he's not asking how to fix it. He's pointing out how it's broken - like it has been for years.

    Just because there's some convoluted fix for it, it doesn't make it ok and it certainly doesn't mean someone should try and accuse him of breaking the rules for trying to find the fix for himself.
    08/05/2015 10:49 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    ok fine 3/10 it has a somewhat decent number of dank smilies

    seriously though, the site itself really isn't anything magnificent. Sure, I had a lot of fun whilst I was here and met a lot of great people and have a ton of great memories from my time here, but pretty much none of that can be attributed to the site. The site was just a platform for me to meet people similar to me and to socialise with them. Does that make the site great or awful? Debatable. If PMC's main purpose was to create friendships, memories, and experiences: 10/10. If its main purpose is to be a creative community fansite (as the tagline says), I'd give it a 5/10 at best.

    ChronI've made quite a few friends here, developed my writing skills, and also developed my managerial skills somewhat.

    thinking this quote over I really do feel this is just puberty. I went through a lot of my teenage years of this site and developed as a person but none of the major developments are really entirely because of the site. But I digress.
    07/29/2015 11:42 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    been like it for well over 4 years now, you just get used to it after a bit
    05/13/2015 2:24 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
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    eeirail forced me to do this

    Summoner Name: Mugi is my bae
    Server(s): NA
    Level/Rank: Silver IV
    General time of availibilty: Anytime that I'm awake and don't have exams

    -Roles/Champion usage-
    Support(Bot Lane): Braum, Morgana, Lulu, Nautilus, Zyra, Blitzcrank
    Top Lane: Hecarim, Maokai, Renekton, Vladimir, Darius (Although it's my weakest role by far)
    ADC(Bot Lane): Corki, Lucian
    Mid Lane: Cassiopeia, Malzahar, Diana, Talon
    Jungler: Nautilus, Sejuani, Amumu, Gragas, Jarvan IV, Vi, Rek'sai, Wukong, Jax, Maokai(it works I promise)

    04/18/2015 6:33 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    malachite told me to vote for him so i voted for him
    01/15/2015 2:57 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    Yeah, you'd lose XP if you got downvoted, I believe. The downvote was removed shortly after the XP system was implemented though so there was little interaction between the two.
    01/14/2015 11:09 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    A couple of years ago we had upvotes and downvotes.
    12/24/2014 7:51 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Network
    Charlizard's Avatar
    Locked as requested.

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