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    03/25/2014 4:38 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Ciell's Avatar
    I was about to write a huge comment discussing how one many-worlds theory is that all the universes are different versions of universes with single deviations of a choice, how if time travel were to become a thing then changing our past would perhaps mean we could be unable to return to the universe we were just in, or returning to a different universe altogether... etc.

    Then I realized what forum I'm on.

    Nice try, PMC. Nice try.
    03/21/2014 11:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Ciell's Avatar
    I'm not sure about the slime, but the wool shouldn't be very difficult at all.

    Give me... 2 hours. I'm doing something else atm.

    EDIT: Do you care if each side of the wool is the face of the bird?

    EDIT 2: I've done all the ones you asked for, I don't play Angry Birds so I don't know any other ones.

    03/21/2014 11:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Ciell's Avatar
    Looking at the "List of Cryptids" Loch Ness Monster can't possibly exist. The lake it supposedly lives in is too small to carry all the it would need to survive. Penn and Teller did a fantastic job arguing against Cryptozoology in one of their BS Segments.

    Caution: Plenty of swearing. The easily offended shouldn't watch.
    03/21/2014 11:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Ciell's Avatar
    I agree with this to a degree. The problem with shaders is that they can make really anything look decent. I prefer when builds have screenshots with shaders on and off, it shows you what you're REALLY downloading.
    03/21/2014 11:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Ciell's Avatar
    Additionally, you could go into the No-HUD view with F1 (I believe) if you're really trying to showcase the building, and not just throw out a quick video to advertise your channel.
    03/21/2014 11:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Ciell's Avatar
    Not sure. Obviously he's making this up, but even still, this wouldn't be very hard to fake.
    03/20/2014 3:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Ciell's Avatar
    I code (Python, CSS, PHP, HTML5, JS), watch TV shows, DM, hang out with friends, play League of Legends, sleep, rinse and repeat.

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