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Level 53
Grandmaster Scribe

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    02/21/2014 2:32 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    I've been working on a resource pack for some time now and always welcome more exposure to it.

    Resource Pack Link: ... ck-bomber/

    Minecraft username: CK20XX (aka The Creature Keeper)

    How long it took to make (even if its a WIP): about a year's worth of updates and revisions

    Your pmc link to your profile page:

    Youtube channel if you have one: (I won't be doing much there though until I finish Episode 2 of my novel, plus a companion story for it.)
    01/18/2014 5:23 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    Well... look at the projects and blogs I've posted first. Do you think I have enough content to make me worth interviewing? Because sometimes I'm not even sure myself.
    11/10/2013 8:27 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    It's a lot of fun writing these when you're making a resource pack. Here are all the death messages from Megacraft Classic, the pack I created. They're in the order that you see when editing the language file.

    (Player) shouldn't have let go of the ladder.
    (Player) got tangled in foliage and smashed against the ground.
    (Player) was washed away into a pit.
    (Player)'s platforming skills were woefully inadequate.
    (Player) ran out of Beat whistles.
    (Player) was outsmarted by a freaking pit-guarding (mob).
    (Player) got hit by (mob)'s (weapon) and recoiled into a pit.
    (Player) found a deadly (mob) at the bottom of a pit.
    (Player) got knocked into a pit and destroyed by (mob)'s (weapon).

    (Player) overheated and went offline.
    (Player) couldn't take the heat, nor (mob)'s pressure.
    (Player) proved to be quite a flammable model.
    (Player)'s cooling systems failed while combatting (mob)
    (Player) melted into slag inside a lava flow.
    (Player) was tricked by (mob) into getting smelted in lava.
    (Player) glitched into the level terrain and got crushed.
    (Player) shorted out underwater.
    (Player)'s systems flooded due to a distracting (mob).
    (Player)'s internal reactor ran out of fuel.
    (Player) pricked a finger and exploded violently.
    (Player) tripped into spikes while dealing with (mob).
    (Player) anticipated dying sooner or later anyway.
    (Player) ought to invest in blast-proof shields next time.
    (Player) was demolished by (mob)'s high explosives.
    (Player) was subjugated by alien technology.
    (Player)'s power completely drained away.
    (Player) was compressed into so much trash for the incinerator.
    (Player) got decked in a critical place by debris.
    (Player)'s systems failed under (mob)'s assault.
    (Player) lost a battle against (Enemy) Man.
    (Player) was weak against (Enemy) Man's (weapon).
    (Player) was blasted to bits by (Enemy).
    (Player) failed to dodge (Enemy)'s (weapon).
    (Player) should have been more heatproof before confronting (Enemy).
    (Player) wasn't properly insulted against (Enemy)'s (weapon).
    (Player) crumpled under (Enemy)'s percussive maintenance.
    (Player) was smashed up by (Enemy)'s (weapon).
    (Player) was no match for (Enemy)'s alien weaponry.
    (Player) could swear that (Enemy)'s (weapon) is Stardroid-like.
    (Player) thoughtlessly cuddled up to the defensive (Enemy).
    (Player) collapsed into a pile of parts upon impact.
    (Player) stumbled into a bottomless pit.
    10/23/2013 8:31 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    It reminds me of those Pokemon cartridges for sale that come with a save where you start with every item and one of every pokemon in storage. The problem with those is that any reasonably smart person can make the same thing without paying anyone else a cent, plus they kind of defeat the purpose of playing the game in the first place. What good is a game that goes "YOU WIN!" when you boot it up?
    10/23/2013 7:58 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    Endstone, the block with blast resistance second only to obsidian, is useless? I beg to differ. It's a pretty strong material, such that it's no wonder there's a limited supply of it in any given world.

    Now cauldrons... THOSE are useless. I'd like to be able to use them to mix up different kinds of stew at least. That would give bowls more of a use as well.
    10/23/2013 5:57 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    Thanks. I read through the various rules, but it didn't say anything about that specifically. And of course Planet Minecraft isn't meant to be an advertising platform, but in some ways it is anyway. My resource pack, Megacraft Classic, is pretty obviously a love letter to the Mega Man series, and it may have even helped to promote the franchise (which I don't own at all either) in ways I'm not aware of yet.

    It may be a situation where there's more than one way to look at things. Could I get some more ideas and opinions, please?
    10/13/2013 6:41 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    All of the people who think Minecraft's Beta days were best do realize that the new launcher allows you to install and play every single version that's ever been released now, right? This even includes pre-Alpha and Indev versions that were never released to the public.

    I don't think you have anything to complain about. Mojang has always had your backs.
    10/13/2013 12:33 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    Nope. Minecraft doesn't even have dice in it.

    Seriously though, what you describe is the kind of fandumb that chases every creation that's ever existed. You need to factor that out and listen to people who have thoughtful and constructive criticisms instead. If all someone can say is "it's dumb" or "it's dying", then that person is most likely the sort who is never satisfied no matter what improvements and changes are made.
    10/11/2013 6:07 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    I used to like Pepsi more because it has a bit more "pep" to it. It has a more exciting flavor, really. But, perhaps because of that, occasionally it tries to grind my intestines into powder.

    Then I discovered Coca Cola Vanilla, and I have never looked back.

    Should Coke Vanilla be discontinued, I'll probably go back to Pepsi. And root beer. Root beer is an awesome flavor too.
    10/11/2013 4:11 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    Pretty much what Azie said. Actually, I suppose your preference in Minecraft vs. Terraria is significant because of what it says about you as a person.

    Most of my friends seem to prefer Terraria because it gives them goals to work toward, while in Minecraft there are no goals, really. They love all the cool weapons and armor with infinite durability and could never really be bothered to figure out how redstone logic works. I don't really want to spend most of my time killing monsters though. I want to build, create, and inspire others to do the same, thus I prefer Minecraft.

    One of the reasons Terraria has more content is because most of it is focused on finding new ways to kill monsters, while Minecraft tends to only implement new resources if they're unique or pragmatic when surviving or building machines.

    Course, there are probably mods to turn one game into the other by now. Terraria always did feel incomplete because it lacked creepers.
    09/18/2013 2:03 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    I recommend downloading Audacity, a free sound editing program, and playing around with it. That's about all I've ever needed to rip and edit sounds for a resource pack.
    09/13/2013 1:33 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    Trying to trap a Creeper in a house made of TNT. I have no idea why anyone would want to do that. No, I don't care if you're trying to make a special zoo exhibit or something; that Creeper's gonna blow his top as soon as someone gets too close to the cage.
    09/01/2013 2:53 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    I've got a resource pack here that's been slowly accumulating popularity, but doesn't really have any review or showcase videos for it, and a good video is key to getting noticed. So here it is, and I hope you enjoy it. ... ck-bomber/
    08/26/2013 4:32 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    Eh... heck with it. I'll throw my hat into this ring too. This resource pack of mine is largely responsible for me being as into Minecraft as I am. It includes its own language file, so don't forget to select that too when you try it out. It's also somewhat animation heavy, so I hope your computer doesn't choke on it. People have been saying that they think it's excellent, and if they're right, then I'd like more people to see it so they can enjoy it too. The notoriety from a review could help with that. ... ck-bomber/
    08/12/2013 5:13 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    You're a lot more skilled than me then. I usually defuse bombs with my face.

    I once tried to dig underneath some active TNT to bury it and reduce the damage it would cause to the surface landscape, but I accidentally fell into the hole, so I ended up defusing it with my face anyway.
    06/30/2013 2:56 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    Yeah, that's it there. I didn't even know you could save entire projects as drafts.

    Well, dangit, this may have been a user error after all. I discovered that the "Publish Live" button had become unchecked somehow. Checking it seems to have fixed everything.

    But I'd rather be a little embarrassed than lose all my hard work.
    11/13/2012 11:14 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
    CK20XX's Avatar
    17. Trying to find your way out of a cave you got lost in when the only food you have left is a stack of rotten flesh that you nearly had to throw away to make room for all those diamonds.

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