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Level 1 New Explorer

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    04/16/2012 9:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    CKswell's Avatar
    The shocking thing is almost anyone can be a bully if they're not careful. Bullying can definitely lead one to distrust the human race but to be truthful, the human race doesn't really deserve trust in the first place. If you are being bullied, stick with those people that are also bullied(aka us nerds). Also, get a dog because animals are oh soooooo much better than humans.

    And NEVER forget, ALWAYS tell someone of authority. Really, it's okay. Once you tell someone, things will start looking up.
    04/11/2012 8:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    CKswell's Avatar
    Cyberbulling? I haven't really ran into much since I tend to be pretty internet/computer savvy but as for the schoolyard....I got bullied like crazy.

    I'm a girl, adopted and african american so I tend to be quite the oreo(black on the outside but absolutely whiter than white.) Ever since I was little, I always loved animals. Everything I owned had some animal somewhere on it. Because of this, the kids teased me like no other all through gradeschool.

    By jr high, I was known as that really odd girl. I was into everything from make-up to star wars pod-racers. The boys shunned me for liking the same things as them, and because of my interesting style of dress, the girls just plain made fun of me every single day in class. I tried my best to not let it get to me, but when I got to highschool, I had to switch schools due to my location, losing all my friends and being put in a school combined with kids my former school's BIGGEST rival.

    They all had their cliques and mostly....they were all cheerleaders. By this point I had well established my nerdyness (despite everyone thought I looked like a model). The drill team, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the Student body presidents were constantly mocking me, spreading rumors (one of which i caught and told the principal, the girl was told to apologize but she never did. And this girl was one of the student council members!). They were mean and I barely made it through jr year. But then I found the best place ever. Musical Theatre. We all knew we were the odd ones and we all treated eachother like family. I managed to remain safe in there until graduation despite the occasional mocking from people about my single relationship status.


    I never want to go there again. They say it's fun and social and everything. IT IS NOT. THEY LIED. None of my friends even went to the college I went to, they all went to another college....TOGETHER. As for the people at this college, Everyone teased me because I didn't want to live in a dorm and was currently living at home. But hey, would YOU want to live in a dorm if you already had Darth Vader painted on your wall at home? DUH. No. Still, they mocked me. Or shunned me for being so different. The other african americans in fact.....stuck their noses up at me everytime I walked by. I hardly made any friends and the ones I did make, pretended they didn't know me outside of class or would arrange hang outs & dates right in front of me without bothering to invite me into the conversation & events.

    I learned that the average world was a miserable one. That was about 1 year ago. Now I'm 20, and ever since then, I have remained in the safety of my house. I did get out a bit and managed to get a boyfriend but he later dumped me 4 months later because "I love animals." That simply reminded me how messed up normal people are.

    I say, power to the outcasts, to the nerds, and to the socially awkward. Just remember, you're the future of this world and they still have yet to figure out what RPG means.

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