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Level 1 New Miner

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    03/07/2021 5:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar

    Shoot me a message on Discord - Conquest#0001
    01/30/2021 7:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    still looking
    01/02/2021 8:58 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    Hey get in touch - Conquest#0001
    12/29/2020 7:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    Apply by sending us an email
    12/09/2018 7:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    Still Looking for Staff
    01/18/2017 2:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    Name: Jack Guild
    IGN: ItzSavageV1
    Age: 17
    Skype and teamspeak : skype = vetraconquest teamspeak = I have it but forgot my nickname
    Why should I be apart of your staff? I should be a member of your staff because I can make the server a good proffesional and enjoyable server for anyone to play on. Making sure staff and the Server Itself put across a good representation of what we want in our good server.
    Why should I be in your team? I would like to be apart of your staff to help make the server better and assist in plugins and development. I can make websites,setup domains and most Plugins. I can work confidently with permissions plugins and any other plugin arround pretty much.
    Experience: Ive Owned servers and Ive been staff on servers since i got minecraft in 2009.
    How can I help the server while it is in development? I can help by making sure all staff are doing the job they have and ensuring they have the resources needed to do the job. I will also work day and night until the server is complete.
    How can you help the server when it is released? I can continue working to add new things so the server is kept up to date and has new features all the time.

    Hey So I'm sorry for changing the format just wanted to get a few extra bits of info in if you want me to do it your way then just msg me and I will.
    01/16/2017 1:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    IGN: ItzSavageV1
    Age: 17
    Skype: vetraconquest
    Position: Admin
    Why should we recruit you? You should recruit me as I'm a kind , committed and very skilled in working with players and using plugins. Ive previously owned servers and wish to spread my skills to other servers. I chose yours! . I can help with plugins although I'm not a great builder I can do basically anything else you need me to. I can spend a large amount of time on the server.
    What makes you different to others? unlike many others I'm a cool legit guy who likes to talk to people and interact with the community. I can be on regularly and wish to help out a lot.
    Experience:(Must Include IP's) Most of my experience is me owning servers however if you give me a shot I can show you that I know what I'm doing
    If a player was Breaking the Rules what would you do? Use in server commands to punish them accordingly depending on which rule they broke
    05/21/2016 5:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    Name: Jack
    Age: 16
    IGN: ShakeyConquest
    Skype: vetraconquest
    Position: Manager or Co-Owner or Head-Admin
    Ive had alot of experience as staff. In the past I have worked on both ends of the chain. I have been A Chat-Mod on a server called Epic Prison in the past which is no longer. I have been Manager on a Server called SpiderMc which was a Network. I have experience with Plugins and things outside the server like managing staff ensuring everyone has the resources they need to do they're job and other crucial parts of the server.
    How you can help: I can help with Config and Plugins Mostly but can also help by dealing with staff issues and always working on new things to make the server flow even smoother. I can do almost anything Plugin wise and Im always open to trying new things.
    Timezone: United Kingdom
    what else should I know?(optional): If you require any more info please message me on skype
    05/15/2016 7:43 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    I can do the role in game aswell
    05/15/2016 7:42 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    IGN: ShakeyConquest
    Age: 16
    Position wanted: Manager
    Skype Name: VetraConquest
    Why should you be apart of our staff? I should be a member of your staff because I can make the server a good proffesional and enjoyable server for anyone to play on. Making sure staff and the Server Itself put across a good representation of what we want in our good server.
    Why do you want to be apart of our staff? I would like to be apart of your staff to help make the server better and assist in plugins and development. I can make websites,setup domains and most Plugins. I can work confidently with permissions plugins and any other plugin arround pretty much.
    Experience: Ive Owned servers and Ive been staff on servers since i got minecraft in 2009.
    How can you help the server while it is in development? I can help by making sure all staff are doing the job they have and ensuring they have the resources needed to do the job. I will also work day and night until the server is complete.
    How can you help the server when it is released? I can continue working to add new things so the server is kept up to date and has new features all the time.
    What is your maturity level out of 10? 9
    05/15/2016 7:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    IGN: ShakeyConquest
    Skype (required): VetraConquest
    Are you any good at building? (If so, post pics or PM me pics): Im decent at Building but would most likely get a Build team to assist on the server. I will mainly do the config stuff as thats my areas that im most confident in. I would hopefully like to get Prison and most of Prison servers is on the config side so....
    Have you owned any servers before (Please provide proof): Yes I have owned servers in the past a few of them have went down but I feel confident about this 1 I have done OPPrison in the past and believe I will be able to manage it. I plan on hiring a reliable staff team and have the server with a domain aswell as the website. I will probably use a downloaded version to start us off and get players on ASAP then I will start Building the prison while we have people on. I owned a server called Shadow Realms not too long ago but it went down as my pc broke and i didnt pay
    05/14/2016 1:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    Completed mine
    05/14/2016 12:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    IGN (In Game Name) (Username): ShakeyConquest
    Age (please be honest. I will find out anyway): 16
    Real Name: Jack
    Skype(required): VetraConquest
    E-mail (can be PMd if you wish):
    Do you have any experience being Owner on other servers, previously?: Yes Ive owned servers in the past aswell as have managed them. Im good with Config and will put in maximum effort at all times. I can also get domains for the servers and will have custom emails for staff.
    Are you currently staff on any servers? If so, which ones?: No Meaning I can dedicate more time to this server
    Why do you want to be Owner on ZentriaMC? (Minimum of 100 words); I would like to be Owner to help out with the server put in my own ideas and use my expertise in config and plugins to help out also I would like to be Owner to recreate my old server aswell as take some time off my hands. I can assist in most aspects of the network aswell as i can work with BungeeCord and Want to be able to create a proffesional and fun environment on the game for people to play on. I can get us teamspeak and Will be a great help to the Network aswell as the server. I have good experience with OPPrison so that would suit me best. I know alot of the plugins for it and could turn it into something great . I can manage a staff team and plan to put out updates to players regularly.
    05/14/2016 10:35 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    What is your 1st name? Jack
    How skilled are you /10? 8/10
    How mature are you /10? 8/10
    Why should we make you admin not Moderator? Because I have great Skills in Moderation but even better in Administration. The role of the Admin is to sort out techincal issues and constantly improve the server. I believe I am a most suited person for this role as Ive made servers in the past aswell as Networks. Im good with plugin configuration and I have done work in managing a team as well as being part of one.
    How old are you? im 16
    Do you have Skype? Yes my skype is VetraConquest
    What past experience do you have? Ive Owned servers aswell as have worked for hosting company's before so have setup servers on both sides of the industry. I can help with domains and I can also help manage the server. Im great as part of a team and can help with the website too. I can offer techincal help and I am skilled with plugins and Websites
    Why do you want to apply? I would like to apply to help the server and get a new project on my hands due to the fact i do not have much to do.
    Why do you think you are better that other applicants/why should we choose you? Because I can offer you help with domain setup know how to setup most plugins aswell as I can work well as part of a team and other cannot.
    What would you do if you caught someone hacking? I would investigate, get a video then tempban the player for quite a while.
    What would you do if you caught someone spamming chat? Mute them for 5 mins if they stopped after the mute ends they would stay unmuted if they continued they would be tempbanned for a small time
    05/14/2016 6:19 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ConquestBro's Avatar
    IGN - ShakeyConquest

    Previous IGN (If changed in name changes) - VetraConquest

    Age - 16

    What are you applying for? - Systems Operator But could possibly do more if i balanced this role with Content Operator

    Timezone - United Kingdom

    Time you are on often - I can be on weekdays 5 hours each day weekends i can be on atleast 14 hours or more it will varie

    Do you use a microphone? - Yes

    Twitter/facebook account (if you have one) - Im not comfortable with sharing my Facebook acct

    How often will you play? - I will play alot and if I get the desired role I will be on frequently and if not will be on mc chat or be on console ensuring the server is doing good. I can be on the website frequently too.

    What is your past experience in moderation? - My past experience in Moderation goes from back when i first got Minecraft I started off Moderating a Server called MintyPrison then moved to a few other small servers My biggest server I was a Moderator on could hold 60 players at peak times it was called Darkened Realms.

    Are you a good builder? (Just would like to know) - Not really but would do it if its needed

    Skype (Can PM if you want) - Ill pm you my skype

    SCENARIO : You are getting hacker reports from 3 players at once, then the Anti-Cheat goes off like crazy telling you someone is hacking. 2 people join and start spamming their server. This keeps on going on from alternate accounts. What do you do? - Well the simplest thing to do is do /ipban (playername) by banning 1 of them they all will be kicked off after ive done this I would go in vanish and watch the hackers seing if there is anything going on. I would have the players post a report on the website and would create a case file. I would Video the hacker as Evidence and if I saw hacking then I would make a Ban on the player.

    Will you be dedicated if you join? Yes

    Are you able to record? - When i get my other pc fixed Yes

    Anything else we should know? - If you would like to know anything else let me know.
    Im a Great Plugin Guy and can config pretty much any plugin. I have experience in Managing Staff and Players aswell as Plugins and Think i suit the role perfectly.

    Thanks for Reading,

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