Daggers's Avatar
Level 3
Apprentice Explorer

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    02/03/2014 1:59 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Daggers's Avatar
    Age: 16
    Skype: Fuzzybrain101
    Reason: I want to help a server grow, my other server was shut down so now im applying for another. I assure you i have enough experience to be a staff member.
    Job Position: Admin or Mod
    Can you donate? Might sometime yes
    Extra Information: I have been Head-Admin and Co-Owner before.I'm very good at building (especially medievel things) And i am very loyal to the owner. I'm also mature (something some admins and mods need in servers) i dont abuse powers like so many else etc.

    Hope i made it
    02/03/2014 1:53 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Daggers's Avatar
    IGN: Fuzzybrain101

    Age: 15

    Penalties you would give(Give examples):
    Grief= kick (first warning) temp ban (second) perm ban (third)
    Spam= mute
    Swearing, being very rude etc.= temp ban

    Positions on other servers(currently): None atm

    Previous positions: Head-Admin Co-Owner

    Time dedication daily:3-4 hours weekdays, up to 4-6 hours weekends

    What input can you provide: Very good building, Good moderating, helping players in need of assistance

    Reason for applying?: I want to help this server grow and make sure players have so much fun playing on it.

    Why should we accept you: Well i'm Helpful, Very Loyal to the owner, almost always cheerful lol and mature (something many mods and admins sometimes need on other servers)

    Hope i made it ;D
    01/27/2014 10:56 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Daggers's Avatar
    1. Minecraft IGN: Fuzzybrain101
    2. Age: 16
    3. Position: Admin or Moderator
    4. Played Since: 2011
    5. Play any modpacks?: No
    6. Average daily on time: 2-3 hours maybe 4
    7. Previous experiences on other servers(If no skip to 10): Mod on 1 head admin on 1.
    8. If so, names of these servers: They are both shut down atm ;_;

    9. What happened to these servers?: One had like 9 players per hour playing but got shut down because the owner suddenly didnt want it anymore, the other had like 20 players per hour and got shut down cuz the owner had to lay down all their time to study.
    10. Are you currently staff of any other servers? (If no skip to 13):
    11. If so, names of these servers:
    12. Why are you applying for another server?:
    13. Building skill (1-20): 17 or 18
    14. Plugin Knowledge (1-20): 5
    15. Coding Knowledge (1-20): 5
    16. Basic Command Knowledge (1-20): 15
    17. Fluent Languages: English
    18. Why are you applying?: I like helping other players and watching servers grow, i hate griefers, hackers etc. and love trying to catch em' xD
    19. What do you hope to accomplish for the server?: I hope to make playing on it a great experience for the player and i will help the server however i can to become one of the big servers.
    20. What can you bring that others can't?: I can build very well, so many say the same thing i know but like 60% don't even know what details and variety in builds IS.
    I am very loyal or so i think and won't do anything stupid because SOOO many of the staff on other servers have some admins or mods who LOVE to use abusive power on other players (smite them, kick them for nothing, mute them etc)
    21. Anything else you may want to add?: Don't think so.
    22. Skype: Fuzzybrain101

    01/26/2014 4:23 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Daggers's Avatar
    IGN: Fuzzybrain101
    Age: 16
    Skype (Not needed): Fuzzybrain101

    Previous Experience: Staff on 3 servers (moderator on 1 and admin on 2)

    Why do you want to become the thing you are applying for: I want to be a Moderator because i absolutely hate griefers, hackers etc. and i think i have done a pretty good job on Moderating the other 3 servers. I am loyal (ofc you can't know for sure until you see me) and i love MC XD btw i also love helping other players in need of help.

    What are you applying for: Moderator or Admin doesn't really matter i just want to spot dem meanies XD

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