Dawnfur_'s Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    03/11/2015 6:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Dawnfur_'s Avatar
    Rank applying for - Admin or Mod
    IGN - Jauregui96
    Do you Know Warriors? - Yes, I've read all the series. Even the new ones.
    Age - 12 (Turning 13 in May)
    Timezone - Pacific
    What time are you most often on? (your time) - Usually around 5 - 6
    When did you first play MINECRAFT, how often do you play? - I try to play everyday when I'm not busy with homework.
    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? - No
    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? - I've been a mod, admin, head - admin, and a co - owner.
    How many hours can you contribute per day? - 3 to 4 maybe more
    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? - I would say to not cuss around them, always make sure that your not upsetting them and treat them like a normal human being.
    Anything else we should know? - I sometimes record server stuff and post it on Youtube.
    01/31/2014 10:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Dawnfur_'s Avatar
    Your Cat's Name: Clearsong
    -{Please be original!}-
    Your Cat's Clan: Midnight Fir
    Your Cat's Clan Rank: Leader's Mate
    Your Cat's Age: 20 Moons


    Your Cat's Fur Color: A white greyish color
    Your Cat's Unique Markings: She has a diamond mark on her left haunch
    Your Cat's Eye Color: Crystal Blue
    Your Cat's Scars / Wounds: She has one claw torn off (Due to catching her paw on a bramble as a kit)
    Your Cat's Body Height: Average
    Your Cat's Body Size: Kinda small


    Your Cat's Weaknesses: She can never take food first from the pile. (She always makes sure the kits queens and elders have some first)
    Your Cat's Strengths: She's a good hunter and can climb trees
    Your Cat's History: She was a normal kit growing up but her parents got into a fight and split up only to find new mates. She always loved the thought of being a mother and having kits of her own when she was a kit. She was very tomboyish when she was younger she loved to hang out with boy kits and play tackle or chase the mouse .She met Lost Heart and knew he was the one.
    -{ 5 - 8 sentence paragraph. No 'pity-me' histories where everything goes wrong for them. No godly 'my parents were leaders' crap. No half breed 'my mom was a cat my dad a horse' crap. }-

    Your Cat's Plans For The Future: Too have kits and have a happy life.


    Your Cat's Parents/Adopters: (Mother) Dawnnight (Father) Dark-Sorrow
    Your Cat's Siblings: None
    Your Cat's Mate/Crush: Mate - Lostheart
    Your Cat's Kits/Adopted: None
    Your Cat's Best Friend: None at the moment.
    01/30/2014 8:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Dawnfur_'s Avatar
    If so I would love to be a Leader!
    01/30/2014 8:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Dawnfur_'s Avatar
    Is this server on?
    01/30/2014 6:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Dawnfur_'s Avatar
    Username: cccool999
    Name: Cece
    Age: 13
    Time-Zone: Pacific
    Experience: I'm a co-owner on a warrior cats server and i've been an admin head admin and mod!
    Maturity 10/10: 8/10 I'm not messed up
    Why you deserve this spot: I think I deserve this spot because I think I could make your server popular and I wont be afraid to advertise!
    Skype (Must have): my Skype is.. If I get accepted I'll message you it
    Other (Will help you get the rank): I can be on the server almost everyday and I will be committed!
    01/30/2014 5:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Dawnfur_'s Avatar
    Dawnfur_Name: Cece
    IGN: cccool999
    Age: 13
    Timezone: Pacific
    Have you read a warrior cats book?: I've read all the series
    are you willing to donate?: Maybe
    did you check out our website: Yes
    Are you awesome ?: My name says it all
    A Bio of your self: I am a co-owner on another warrior cat server and I've been admin before a couple of times. If you need staff I can help! I also love warriors and have been reading them for 2 years. I also can be on the server almost every day.
    01/30/2014 5:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Dawnfur_'s Avatar
    Name: Cece
    IGN: cccool999
    Age: 13
    Timezone: Pacific
    Have you read a warrior cats book?: I've read all the series
    are you willing to donate?: Maybe
    did you check out our website: Yes
    Are you awesome ?: My name says it all
    A Bio of your self: I am a co-owner on another warrior cat server and I've been admin before a couple of times. If you need staff I can help! I also love warriors and have been reading them for 2 years. I also can be on the server almost every day.

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