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    07/31/2014 5:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    I'm 16. My IGN is SkaarjLord and I fit all of those requirements.
    07/30/2014 1:35 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    IGN: SkaarjLord

    Age: 16

    Youtube: I don't have one at the moment because i forgot my password but I will make one shortly and I know how to record and post videos.

    Skype: ruhbuh-neckk (with 2 k's)
    07/29/2014 2:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    Jus add me on skype if we got a deal and msg me on there
    07/29/2014 2:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    IGN: skaarjlord
    Skype: ruhbuh-neckk
    I can't talk though, I can type and you talk if that's ok? I can record and post I am very familiar with that. I'm 16 btw if u wanna know my age
    07/29/2014 1:43 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    Hi. My IGN is SkaarjLord. I'm 16 years old and I believe I am suitable enough to be Admin. Here are a list of reasons why I should join your team as an Admin:

    1. I am very responsible
    2. I am active
    3. I have had experience with Admin, Mod, Co-Owner, and I even hosted my own server in the past.
    4. I make sure other staff members and myself as well do their jobs and they do it right.
    5. I am great at advertising and I also have a youtube channel so I can advertise there too. My youtube isn't very active atm though but I may get back into it and I will definetely advertise your server.
    6. I am familiar with basic and advance plugins.
    7. I will volunteer to help build anything you need built.
    8. I will make sure every player follows the rules.
    9. I will follow all of the rules of both staff and player on your server.
    10. I've been playing minecraft for about 4 years now I believe so I have much experience in the game and I am definetely NOT a noob.
    PM me if I am accepted then I will PM you my skype. I respect any decision you choose for me. Thank you for this opportunity.
    11/26/2013 12:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    Position applying for: []-Builder
    []-RPG Staff
    []-Chat Mod
    2.How old are you: 16

    3.How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 4 yrs

    4.What are some of the projects you've worked on since playing Multiplayer?: Spawn

    5.Do you have skype: [X]-Yes
    Enter your skype name [ruhbuh-neckk]

    6.How many hours per day do you play minecraft?: 3-5+

    7:Vote what number for the Minecraft server name: []-1
    Suggestion of your own?:[ ]

    8.In game name: [dragonhunter900 ]
    11/26/2013 12:12 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    Actually my pvp skill is 6/10
    11/26/2013 12:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    IGN: dragonhunter900
    How long have you played factions: about 4 yrs now
    DO you have skype(not always needed): yes
    What is your specialty: Building, farming, hunting, and pvping
    hours a day online: 3-5+
    BE HONEST(i would rather have low score then lie)
    PVP skill: 5/10
    Raiding: 8.5/10 (without pvping), 6/10 (with pvping)
    Search for bases: 7/10
    Base building: 9.5/10
    11/22/2013 4:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    IGN: dragonhunter900
    Age: 16
    Plug-in experience: I used to own a professional server myself. I had to config everything with no help at all.
    Area of expertise: Config, moderating, building
    Staff managing skills: High

    Positions on other servers(currently): Currently I am an admin and co-owner
    Previous positions: Owner, co-owner, head-admin, admin
    Time dedication daily: 3+ hrs on weekends 5+ hrs

    What input can you provide: I can provide new ideas and help you with whatever you need whether it comes to configing, building, and advertising
    Reason for applying?: I want to help your server be as professional and fun as can be!
    Why should we accept you: I am honest, play daily, love the game, am non abusive, have a lot of experience, and make sure all players play safe and fair and that all staff do their jobs and they do them right!

    Extra information: In my free time, I am a dancer and play lots of sports!
    11/22/2013 4:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    IGN: dragonhunter900
    Name: Matthew
    Age: 16
    Country: US
    Experience: I have been a gym leader on 3 other servers and I used to own a pixelmon server myself.
    Why you want to be that position: I enjoy pixelmon for I am a HUGE fan of pokemon and minecraft! I love being a gym leader as well!
    Why we should accept you: I am active, a great battler, non abusive, very respectful, super honest, 99.99% mature and I have a lot of experience with staff.
    How many hours a day do you play MC: 5+
    Bit of info on yourself: Irl, I am a dancer and I have performed in Vegas once and I compete every year.
    Skype: I will give you that info if I am accepted.

    Thank you I respect whatever decision you come up with!
    11/07/2013 4:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    I like to apply I'm joining the server now
    11/07/2013 1:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    I would love to be a dragon type leader
    11/07/2013 1:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    pm me if I can help
    11/07/2013 1:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    I am interested in helping, I have tons of building and staff experience as well and I used to own my very own faction server as well and I work GREAT with plugins my ign is dragonhunter900
    11/05/2013 11:41 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    -Have pixelmon 2.5.2 (Any Forge) Yes
    -Post your Favorite Pokémon: Question I really can't answer. But if I were to choose, it would be Charizard or Rayquaza
    -Post what position you would like: Admin or gym leader (which ever one you think would best suit me)
    -Leaders post the Type of Gym: I honestly don't care which gym I'm sent to.
    -Builders post what type of building style you use
    -Staff post weather you are good at (following directions, talking with others, helping others, and battles): I am good at all of these. I have tons of staff experience and used to own a server as well.
    -Post your Skype (So i can contact you): ruhbuh-neckk

    I will relax hahaha thx for reading
    10/24/2013 12:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    I am willing to help. I have tons of staff experience and I used to own a successful server myself called simplepvp. I can tell you more about me on your server.

    IGN: dragonhunter
    Age: 16
    Specialty: building, moderating, making sure staff are doing their jobs right
    10/13/2013 12:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    [*]Name: Matthew
    [*]MineCraft Name: dragonhunter900
    [*]Age: 15
    [*]Skype: ruhbuh-neckk
    [*]Position applying for: Gym Leader
    [*]If applying for admin, previous admin experience(if none, leave blank):
    [*]If applying for Gym Leader, what type pokemon/gym?: Dragon, Fire
    [*]If for helper, what previous experience do you have?(if none, leave blank):
    [*]Previous Minecraft Servers: I don't remember all the names but I have a lot of experience in pokemon servers.
    [*]Previous staff experiences (detailed experiences): I'm not applying for staff but I used to Own a server, be admin, head-admin, and co-owner
    Thank you
    10/11/2013 5:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    1. MC Name: dragonhunter900
    2. Name: Matthew
    3. Skype (can PM me it if you like): I'll PM if I'm accepted
    4. Country: US
    5. Age: 16
    6. How often will you be able to play on the server? Daily
    How would you act in these three situations?
    Write as detailed as you like, make sure you understand the server rules and make sure you understand the 'type' of the server and how the situation would change in different server types.
    You can also be creative with your response and respond in a way that you would respond to such a case.
    1.You notice that a donator, or above, is giving out spawned items to a lower ranked member.
    First, I would warn them and tell them not to it again or I will tell the owner (you). If they keep doing it then I will take a pic and send it to you with my report. Then you take care of the rest .

    2.Someone writes in chat "Help, I've been griefed!".
    Well... if it's a griefing server then I will say "sorry nothing I can do, griefing is allowed" but if it's not, then I will go investigate. If they ask me to give their stuff back from the grief I will say "sorry I'm not allowed to spawn things for other people, but I can help rebuild your house in survival mode if you want ^_^"

    3.A player joins the game and starts spamming the chat with abusive and/or offensive words.
    One word. BAN
    Why should we pick you? What server knowledge/experience do you have?
    I have tons of staff experience and I used to own a server myself. I am as professional as can be. I am serious, honest, trustworthy, but I can also be fun and humorous. I am also friendly and non abusive. If you need any help with anything, you can go ahead and ask me . I also always follow the rules and I am GREAT with plugins. Thank you for reading my app and I respect whatever decision you come up with .
    10/11/2013 3:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    Rank Applying For: Admin or Head-Admin
    Why do you want to be staff?: I love prison servers and I enjoy helping others.
    How long can you play?: 3+ hours/day
    How mature are you out of 10 and why?: 9 I can be humorous sometimes.
    What can you do for our server if you become staff?: Bring you my knowledge. I used to own a server and I have tons of staff experience. I love building as well so I can bring my building skills to your server. I also make sure other staff members do their jobs right. I also make sure all players are playing fair and square. I am honest, respectful, serious, yet fun. I would love to be a part of your community.
    How old are you?: 16
    IGN: dragonhunter900
    First name: Matthew
    Skype: ruhbuh-neckk
    Email address: mattroxdahouse@yahoo.com
    If you want the rank Owner how much can you donate?: Not applying for owner.
    10/11/2013 12:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dragonhunter900's Avatar
    Age: 16

    IGN: dragonhunter900

    Real First Name: Matthew

    Skype: If I am accepted I will pm you my skype.

    Do you have experience as an Administrator?: Yes, I have also been co-owner, owner, and head-admin. I have tons of experience with plugins as well.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft for?: 4 years

    What does "Being a Admin" mean: It means helping people, whether they are new or have been on the server for a long time. Being admin is pretty much being the 3rd leader. Making sure all players are playing safe and fair and helping the server grow. Also to make sure the moderators are making sure they are doing their jobs right. I've been staff on 16 servers now so I know what I do, you have my word.

    What is your definition of a "Good Admin": One who cares about the server, does their job right, and protects/helps the server and is active. Also one that is honest, friendly, and smart and makes sure moderators and other fellow admins are doing their jobs right. Also a good admin is someone who is always willing to help make new builds or help the owner in any way possible.
    What would you consider to be your biggest asset?: Honestly, I have 2, building and helping out. As much as I love helping people, I also love building so I work with both of them to make my self a better minecraftian. My knowledge is one of my biggest assets as well, without it, I wouldn't be able to help people with plugins. I am a professional at plugins so if you need any help with configing, I'm your guy.
    What is your biggest weakness?: Redstone xD (building wise), but in all seriousness if people annoy me or piss me off I can get pretty mad but I get over it and apologize and stuff hahaha. I'm also not so great with designing or creating websites. I'm not the coding type of guy either.

    What can you offer to NyxCraft?: I can offer advertisements (youtube videos), my knowledge on plugins that can help you protect your server and make your server better and fun. I can also offer fun, humor, comedy, honesty, friendliness, and more players to join your server! I also can make sure other staff members are doing their jobs and doing them right. If they are either screwin around or bullying or abusing their powers, I will update you on what's going on so you know who and who not to trust.

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