DreamBliss's Avatar
Level 31 Artisan Architect

Who is this DreamBliss guy anyway?

No, I didn't drop out of the sky, and as far as I am aware I am not an alien. I didn't just come out of the ether either. I have been around since 1999, originally as DeathBliss, creating and reviewing maps for the Unreal series of games after my first foray into map making with Deathmatch Maker for Quake.

Currently I am creating unique architecture for Minecraft and writing at my blog, BlissWriter. I also have many video tutorials at YouTube.

Among other things I am an artist, writer and teacher who does not subscribe to any institutionalized or organized religion. I have just graduated from Clark College and I would like to continue my education. But that path does not seem the best for me at this time. So now that I have my passport I intend to explore the world. I have never been out of the country, and I really want to visit Venice, Tokyo, New Zealand and Amsterdam, among many other places.

As I am not currently employed, and am earning nothing for my art or the work I do, I am dependent on the support of others. If you would like to be a part of that you can support my work through Patreon, or you could buy something from my SpreadShop, DreamBliss Designs, where I have all sorts of cool designs you an choose from. You could also start your own Patreon campaign, using my link.

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Mar 26, 2018Joined PMC
DreamBlissMinecraft Name

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