Dryicenightfury's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    10/29/2011 5:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Dryicenightfury's Avatar
    IGN: Dryicenightfury
    Role-play Name: Emma Lynn
    Background behind player: Emma Lynn is a young lady at the age of 18. She is a Mage who knows a lot of spells, but she has not mastered them all. One time as she was traveling in search of a place to stay during the night, a wolf had come out of nowhere and attacked her. She was left with a missing eye. She cast a spell to get her eye back but the spell had gone wrong. She had her eye back, but not her eyesight or eye color. She is now blind in her left eye and she has yet to find out the right spell that could help regain her sight.
    Real life age: 12 (I act older though often)
    Past role-play/server experience: I hang out a lot this one role-play server with all of my friends. I have role played a lot on other games, too. I am a great builder and it would be great to be on an rp server that RPs a lot more frequently than the other server!
    Why you wish to join: I am a great person to be around! Im nice, funny, and I am a good builder! (Also because of the experience I described above this)
    Will you commit to the server: Yes. I am on a lot! Usually when I'm done with all of my homework and on weekends!

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