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New Miner

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    12/23/2013 7:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    IGN: dylanH_12
    1-10, how good of a builder you are: 9
    skype (you need it): dylanH_12
    Which of these can you build:
    Big Spawn
    i Can build all but i would like to build a shop,arena, or a big spawn but mostly a arena or shop
    12/23/2013 7:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    Description of experience with building and the type of building that you are good at: midievel, any type is fine with me, and i built a huge castle, cathedral, and a big city
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Skype: (If you have one, if not we can work something out) dylanH_12
    Have you ever done any sort of griefing? (Yes or no): no
    Attach pictures of builds/projects you have completed (or are currently working on), please be honest and don't take something from the internet! i dont have any pictures of them because i never thought of taking pictures of them
    12/22/2013 8:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    Name: Dylan
    Age: 16
    Skype: dylanH_12
    Youtube link: Dylan Horrall (my actual name and YouTube name)
    Do you watch other Youtubers, if so, who?: skydoesminecraft and his fellows, akspartinkiller,etc
    Why you want to come on the server?: because I love seeing new servers and how much people say hellow to new people
    What are your specialities? (eg, building, redstone, mining): mostly building and I can do some redstoning
    Gender: male
    A bit about yourself: I go to high school and I mostly play minecraft every day and that all I can think of lol.
    12/22/2013 8:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    I would love to help and I'll I'm you on skype to if you want to talk my skype name is dylanH_12
    12/22/2013 8:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    I could help with some moderating people and some building
    12/22/2013 2:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    IGN dylanH_ 12
    Age 16
    Have any Minecraft bans? No
    Past staff experience I've been a. VIP on past servers been a moderator and admin
    How mature are you? I am very mature and I probably am a 9.5
    Why should we accepted you as Moderator? Because I accept all rules, I treat evreyone the same, I would tell someone if they don't do something right I would give them a warning and if they do it again I would kick them than I would ban them for 1-2 days first
    How can you help our server out? I would advertise it on twitter, Instagram, other websites, etc
    Do you have good grammar? Yes I have good grammar and if I make a mistake I would correct it and I would rate myself at a 9
    Skype: dylanH_12
    Time Zone: eastern time zone
    How much time will you dedicate towards our server? I would dedicate time towards the server mostly everyday when I don't have school and after school to
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? 2 years
    How will you treat new players that join the server for the first time? I would welcome new players and tell them to read the rules
    How will you treat rule breakers on the server? I would tell them to read over the rules and kick them for a warning and if they do that again I would ban them for a short time and if they do it again I would ban them for a little bit longer
    Tell us about yourself: I am currently in high school. I am very knowledgeable in life and about minecraft.
    Anything else? Nope and have a good day
    12/22/2013 12:00 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    1. How good is your Building skills? About a 8.5
    2. Have you every built a (Good) spawn for anyone before? Yea, it depends on what type but I can do anything if you gave me a topic.
    3. How will you treat the other (2) members? I will respect the other members fairly and help them if the would need it.
    4. Will you guys work together? Yea probably if they wanted to.
    5. Will you Afk *ALOT*? I would probably mostly not be Afk except when I have to eat, go shopping, etc. And also I play minecraft everyday that I get home from school but around christmas and holidays I would be on mostly that day.
    11/29/2013 9:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    and also i have a youtube account and it is Dylan Horrall but i dont know how to change it
    11/29/2013 9:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    1. In game name: dylanH_12
    2. Skype Name? (Not needed, but recommended): dylanH_12
    3. How long have you been playing:1-2 years
    4. Age: 14
    5. What do you excellent most in (Building, PvP, Redstone, etc.): i can do anything but mostly building and some but little redstone
    6: Why do you wish to join the server: i would like to join the server because i would like to be part of the mindcrack team
    7. Any previous builds?: yea a huge coliseum, terraforming, castles, and loads more
    8. How often/how many hours per day will you be able to play: i mostly play minecraft whenever i get home from school and mostly everyday on any day that im free
    9. Who is your favourite Mindcracker: Sethbling
    10. Any additional notes: nope and have a good day and thx for reading
    08/25/2013 4:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    dylanH_12's Avatar
    Name: Dylan
    Age: 13
    IGN: dylanH_12
    What I would like to do: I really can do anything that u would like me to like to be a builder or an actor.
    Why I should get this part: I think tht I should get this part cuz I think tht I can act good and also with the building part is tht I have my own server and tht I have World Edit and I can build really awesome and cool stuff and u can use my server if u don't have ur own to use.


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