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Level 1 New Miner

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    07/29/2015 1:56 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    eat6877's Avatar
    - In Game Name eat687
    - Can you fluently speak English? Yes/No Yes
    - Other languages fluently spoken (If any)
    - Time Zone Pacific Time
    - Country US
    - How long have you been playing Minecraft? For about 3 years now
    - Have you ever been staff on other servers before (do not mention other server names)? Yes I have been almost every rank including owner on which servers I had
    - Why you want to be staff? I know everybody probably says this but I want to be staff to help out the server and make it one of the best servers minecraft has ever seen. I want people to come onto your server and say wow this is something I would want to play i want people to wish they owned the server. I want this to be a server were people come on and think they should tell there friends about it.
    - Have you ever been banned from a server? Yes I was once banned for being falsely accused of cheating.
    - What is your maturity level on a scale of one to ten? 8 this is because I am always mature but I like to have some fun sometimes with other players and mess around.
    - How well do you think you can handle a staff position? I think i can handle a staff position very well considering i have done it many times before.
    - How will you and/or have you shown your dedication and commitment to this server? I will show my dedication to this server by being a very active staff member and making sure there is no cheating or arguments I will settle disputes correctly by listening to both sides of the story and punishing whoever should be punished.
    - Why should YOU get staff compared to the other people here. Honestly I think many people are worthy of staff positions and they have just as good of a chance as I do but personally I believe my experience as owner and staff members of servers is why I should be staff over other players.

    Thank you for reading my staff Application to ZuiiCraft.

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