EddieBaledy's Avatar
Level 30 Artisan Creeper Hugger

About Me!.


I'm just you average random nobody with their head down in the crowd and you wouldn't ever really notice is there..

I am very anti-social while also not.. I love talking a whole heap but don't let me talk too much because then I go quiet and hate myself because I think I am annoying..

I tend to stay away from people but wish I could talk to people often in my spare time..

Other than the Depresso Espresso stuff, I love Coffee n Energy Drinks, Games, Drawing, Writing, Roleplaying and talking..

I haven't had much inspiration or motivation in general for a while to stick to many of my hobbies but I try to get myself into it as much as I can..

I also work at a Café Restaurant as a Café Assistant and I mainly make coffees like a Barista but sadly I ain't a Proper Barista..

My favourite Minecraft Mob is the Creeper, they are adorable and wish I could have a pet Creeper.. I also own 3 Creeper Plushies.. So I think that makes me a Creeper Hugger..

I also love using the Bow and Exploring the world in Minecraft, just sad how there's not a variety of Bow/Crossbows in the vanilla Minecraft game..

That's basically me.. Yup..

So I hope you like any of the content I post if you are looking at that part of my profile and if you aren't and you are looking at this for another reason then why?. xD

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Dec 16, 2019Joined PMC
EddieBaledyMinecraft Name

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