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Level 5
Apprentice Dragon

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    05/04/2014 4:32 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Right here i added you
    05/04/2014 3:36 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Age: 15

    Skype:(REQUIRED) elishaz98

    How do you rollback a griefed house with CoreProtect: /co rollback u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>

    How do you protect someones house with Worldguard: To protect a region, take out the wand. Type //wand if you don't already have one.
    Leftclick one block.
    Rightclick another block elsewhere
    Type /region define <Area> into chat.
    Type /region addmember <Area> <Name>
    Type /region addmember <Area> g:Mod (optional)

    Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Prison and Parkour

    Give three examples where it is okay to ban someone: Being abusive, Spamming after being warned, and Hacking.

    How many hours of the day can you play: 2-4 hours a day

    Is it okay to ban a staff member: Yes when being abusive

    Is it okay to mute a staff member: When verbally abusing someone

    Why should you be Senior-Admin: Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being Staff will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being Staff I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough.

    What do you do if a hacker comes on the server and you can't ban him, your the only

    Senior-Admin on the server and I am not on Skype: All you have to do is kill them over and over and over again with /kill (playername) until they leave (I know this is pretty much spawn killing but they're hackers and they're not just playing to have fun). Then, when nobody else is on, so that they don't complain about seeing the ban message over and over again, ban them multiple times, however, that won't work when they are online for some reason that I do not know. Also try to avoid screaming at them in chat with all caps because they find that amusing. If you think someone is hacking, type /vanish and follow them around to see if anything looks suspicious and if it does then just keep /kill ing them until they leave. Whatever happens, NEVER feel afraid to ban them. Also, one last thing, if you are worried about hackers and griefers, Just create a backup of the world once in a while (Probably best to do so every time you build something for the server) simply by copying the folder called world, then pasting it into a backups folder! Then when the world gets griefed, just load the backup and your good!

    What plugins do you have experience with: GroupManager, Essentials, and many more
    04/13/2014 6:47 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    *In game name: elishaz98

    *Age (Be honest): 15

    *Applying for what position?: Developer

    *What you would bring to the server (Skills, etc.): I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough.

    *On a scale of 1-10, how are you with socializing with players?: 10

    *On a scale of 1-10, how is your grammar?: 10

    *Why would you like to join?: Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being Staff will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being Staff I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.

    *Skype username: elishaz98

    Prior experience?: I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home ) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= ask ci833508, or student4001243 on Skype) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof) and Mod on MCVortex (PROOF= http://www.mcvortex.com/ )

    Any other notes you'd like to include?: I can help you with your website and keep the permissions in good use. I don't make plugins but I can help with permissions, setting up ranks, prefixes/suffixes, and anything Groupmanager and not a lot of Pex.
    04/12/2014 11:45 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar

    Name: Elisha Zucker

    Age: 15

    Why should you take on such a big position? Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being Staff will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being Staff I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough.

    Skills: I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home ) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= ask ci833508, or student4001243 on Skype) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof) and Mod on MCVortex (PROOF= http://www.mcvortex.com/ )

    Skype: elishaz98

    Could you run this network in a good manner and commit to it? Yes

    If the network was experiencing huge issues, how would you resolve it? I would try my best

    Any Last notes: No sir.


    Name: Elisha Zucker

    Age: 15

    What sort of graphics you do: (websites, channel art, profile pictures) websites.

    What sort of designs are you aiming to do for this network? Headers, maybe Logos.

    Why this network? I've never seen the website, but if you need help with GFX, I can do pretty well.

    Extra Notes: None.


    Name: Elisha Zucker

    Age: 15

    Experience: Practically a GroupManager (Learning Pex) genius! Whether you need a good prefix/suffix to ranks, and even permissions, I'm the guy you are looking for. Now there isn't much to explain my experience for it's an easy job to do!

    How Much time would you put into this network: 2-4 hours a day!

    Why should you be picked? Remember that I can make ranks, Suffixes, Prefixes, and help with pretty much permissions that a lot of people would scratch their heads for.

    Are you aware that this is a very valuable position? Yes sir.

    Extra Notes: None.
    04/10/2014 9:34 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Recruitment Form:
    Name: Elisha Zucker
    IGN: elishaz98
    Job: Site Admin/Admin
    Age: 15
    Skype (Required): elishaz98
    Hours Per Week: 18
    Builds (If builder): X
    04/10/2014 9:33 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Recruitment Form:
    Name: Elisha Zucker
    IGN: elishaz98
    Job: Site Admin/Admin
    Age: 15
    Skype (Required): elishaz98
    Hours Per Week: 18
    Builds (If builder): X
    04/10/2014 9:05 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Your IGN: elishaz98

    How old are you? 15

    How log have you been playing Minecraft? 4 years

    Which position are you applying for? Co-Owner (Whatever fits well)

    Why should I select you as part of our staff? How can you benefit the the server?: Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being Staff will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being Staff I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough.

    How is your People skills 1-10: 8

    How is your building skills 1-10: 2

    ( If applying for Developer or Co-Owner ) How good are your plugin skills? Cant make plugins but I'm good at knowing them. (especially GroupManager!)

    Your Skype?: elishaz98
    04/10/2014 8:49 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    What position are you aiming for?- Admin or higher (Honestly I want higher)


    Maturity Level-7/10

    Time Zone-6+


    Why should we except you?-Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being Staff will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being Staff I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough.

    Proof of being staff(if applicable)- I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home ) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= ask ci833508, or student4001243 on Skype) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof) and Mod on MCVortex (PROOF= http://www.mcvortex.com/ )
    04/10/2014 8:45 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Skype: elishaz98


    Can make banners and logos but they have to be stand still
    04/03/2014 8:38 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Minecraft Username- elishaz98

    Would you like a nickname(choose wisely)- &a&oElizuck15

    Are you experienced with ranks and plugins? Yes

    Can you do permissions? Yes

    Can you code? (Optional) No

    Have you been staffed before- Yes

    Proof of being staff(if applicable)- I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home ) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= ask ci833508, or student4001243 on Skype) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof) and Mod on MCVortex (PROOF= http://www.mcvortex.com/ )

    Your age- 15

    How often can you get on- 2-4 hours

    Tell me a bit about yourself- Sorry it's private

    Skype: elishaz98

    Do you have a mic and use it often? Yes
    04/01/2014 9:52 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    IGN: elishaz98
    Skin Category: Misc
    Skin Name: Goku SSJ
    URL Planet Minecraft Skin Download: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/goku-ssj-2820196/
    03/16/2014 8:44 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    IGN: elishaz98
    Age: 15
    Bans: a couple by some staff members because i was fooling around but not that much
    Experience being staff:I own a server myself plus I'm very patient.
    Maturity: High
    Job you Want: Banners/ web art AND HIGHER
    Why should I hire you?: Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being a Mod will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being a Mod I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.
    How can you Help:
    Do you have Good Grammar: Yes at a 12th grade level
    Skype (required): elishaz98
    Time Zone: Central Standard Time
    Plugins experience/Building experience: Very good with plugins but not good at building.
    How much will you Dedicate to the Server: 4-5 hours on weekdays and 10 hours on Sunday.
    How Long have you been Playing Minecraft: 4 years
    How will you Treat New Players: With honor and a greeting plus a smile
    How will you Treat Rule-Breakers: I will treat them for warnings and a 5 minute tempban as a side.
    Why we should Pick You (5 sent. min.): I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough. That's why you should pick me!
    Have you had any past experience? If so please try and name servers:I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home ) I am also mod on MCUniverse (PROOF= Add ci833508 or student4001243 on skype) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof)

    03/16/2014 8:42 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    I can help with perms and ranks/prefixes but thats it.
    03/16/2014 8:38 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Right here for you
    03/16/2014 8:36 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Lol this thread has gone far enough. Please stop commenting for atleast 5 minutes. Ok?
    03/16/2014 8:05 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    My avatar shakes because its a gif
    03/16/2014 2:03 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    my IGN is elishaz98 my skype is elishaz98
    03/16/2014 2:03 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Yes that would be so much better for me!
    03/16/2014 2:01 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Darn I will try to learn pex but for now I only know how to use groupmanager and I can make ranks/prefixes with that.
    03/16/2014 1:51 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    -IGN? elishaz98.

    -How old are you? (You do not need to be 16 or so, you should only be mature) 15.

    -Where are you from? Chicago IL.

    -Do you have staff experience? If yes give examples I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home ) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= ask ci833508, or student4001243 on Skype) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof).

    -Are you interested in history? Yes in fact my favorite study is history.

    -Of course: Do you have experience with plugins? Yes. Factions, GroupManager, Essentials, and any additional plugins.

    -Are you able to create plugins yourself? No sir.

    -Can you build well? No.

    -Do you have any RP experience? If yes write a small dialog here No.

    -Can you speak propper english? Yes.

    -(optional) Can you speak german? (This would give a small plus point) No.

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