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Apprentice Dragon

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    03/08/2014 9:24 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Rank Wanted:Adminor Higher!

    Name:Elisha Zucker

    Age (16 And Up For Dev):15


    Skill In Building:3

    Skype (Required):elishaz98

    Smarts:12th grade reading 10th grade spelling 6th grade math

    Someone Threatens To Hack The Server What Do You Do?I would IP ban him because it is the only good idea to do for the staff to know the ip. (Not copying your app deen!)

    A Childish Person Asks For Op, What Do You Do?Kick them after 3 warnings i will ban them for about 30 minutes 4 wornings means a day and 5 warnings is forever!

    Someone Asks For A Rank, What Do You Do?Apply for it when recruitment's are open.

    Someone Spams, What Do You Do?Kick them 5 times then i ban him/her

    Will You Be Able To Donate?No

    Skill At Doing Permissions:I'm a GroupManager expert. I can make ranks add prefixes and I can add perms to players and groups!

    03/08/2014 8:55 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    How experienced are you with plugins?:Very skilled at knowing the configs and perms of them

    Familiar plugins:Groupmanager essentials and any additional plugins A little World EditI CAN HELP YOU WITH PREFIXES RANKS AND ANYTHING NEEDED WITH GROUPMANAGER

    How many hours do you think you can invest a day?:2-4

    Have you ever been banned on a server?:Yes

    Have you ever had past experiences on a server?:I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home ) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= http://mcuniverse.iruletech.com/index.php ) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof)

    Minecraft Username:elishaz98

    Skype name:elishaz98

    03/07/2014 6:05 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    You didn't follow his format O.-
    03/07/2014 6:01 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Thank you add me on skype it's elishaz98. Once added I would like to know my position.
    03/07/2014 5:55 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Why you want to be staff:Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being a Staff will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being a Staff I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.
    What you can/will do as a staff:I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough. That's why you should pick me!
    What your good at that would help the server:Can set ranks and prefixes plus I can add perms to players easily. Also I have a good sense of humor.
    Can you design a website?Yes
    Can you edit plugins?:Yes/No
    Are you a good builder?No
    03/07/2014 5:44 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    IGN: elishaz98
    Age: 15
    Bans: a couple by some staff members because i was fooling around but not that much
    Experience being staff:I own a server myself plus I'm very patient.
    Maturity: High
    Job you Want: Banners/ web art AND HIGHER
    Why should I hire you?: Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being a Mod will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being a Mod I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.
    How can you Help:
    Do you have Good Grammar: Yes at a 12th grade level
    Skype (required): elishaz98
    Time Zone: Central Standard Time
    Plugins experience/Building experience: Very good with plugins but not good at building.
    How much will you Dedicate to the Server: 4-5 hours on weekdays and 10 hours on Sunday.
    How Long have you been Playing Minecraft: 4 years
    How will you Treat New Players: With honor and a greeting plus a smile
    How will you Treat Rule-Breakers: I will treat them for warnings and a 5 minute tempban as a side.
    Why we should Pick You (5 sent. min.): I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough. That's why you should pick me!
    Have you had any past experience? If so please try and name servers:I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home ) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= http://mcuniverse.iruletech.com/index.php ) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof)

    03/07/2014 5:41 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    do we really collin?
    03/07/2014 5:40 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Name:Elisha Zucker
    IGN (In Game Name):elishaz98
    Have you had any past experience? If so please try and name servers:I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF= http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= http://mcuniverse.iruletech.com/index.php) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof)
    What can you bring to the server no one else can?:Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being a Mod will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being a Mod I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully.I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough.
    How many hours per day can you be online?(approx):2-4
    03/07/2014 5:28 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    It's fine as long as im helping and that payment may happen
    03/07/2014 4:16 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Minecraft name:elishaz98
    Skype?(You can PM me):elishaz98
    How many hours can you play a day?:2-4
    How much experience with being staff do you have?:I own 5 servers and admins on most servers i apply for and I recently go co-owner on RomanPVP(PROOF=http://romanpvpserver.enjin.com/home) I am also admin on MCUniverse (PROOF= http://mcuniverse.iruletech.com/index.php) and an admin on draconian (Sorry no proof)
    Can you have a laugh?:Yes with a side of potatoes!
    Your time?:Central
    What are you applying for?:Admin

    THE HEADERS WERE MADE BY ME! If you were wondering
    03/07/2014 3:41 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    add me on skype

    03/07/2014 3:40 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Name:Elisha Zucker
    Skype name:elishaz98
    What interesting things have you produced in terms of Graphics? (show evidence of production) add me on skype and i will show you some pics!
    03/07/2014 3:37 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Here's an example:
    This is mostly done by me
    the header the staff page the prefixes and more are mostly from me!
    03/05/2014 7:12 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    03/04/2014 11:50 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    03/03/2014 7:01 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    03/03/2014 6:59 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    03/03/2014 4:26 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    Rank wanted:Lead Developer
    Staff on other servers(yes/no) Yes
    Period of time staffed(1 year, 6 months, etc) Forever
    Rank held on that server: Founder
    Ip: UltimateZ.no-ip.biz:25564

    [b][i]WHY YOU WANT TO BE STAFF:[size=150][color=#FF0000]Because I am in 9th grade, my class schedule is flexible this enables me to monitor people from other time zones where it may not necessarily be day time for them. I am friendly and try to get along with anyone that I meet. While I sometimes act silly, I can and will be serious when I have to. I read the chat a lot and try to help out people who have questions. I understand that sometimes people can get frustrated when they ask questions and don't get any answers back because others are too busy or it gets lost in the flood of conversations due to something big like an event going on. My idea would be to try and address their questions as soon as possible to reduce the amount of spam/capslock frustration that people seem to do as a result of being ignored. Although even before this app when I try to answer their questions, sometimes they don't seem to notice me. Therefore, I hope the new color that comes with being a LeadDeveloper will help my answers stand out more so that people feel welcomed rather than ignored. I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds and having experienced racism myself, I do not tolerate people who are racist against one another.While I am Jewish, I keep an open mind and I respect all religions, so I do not appreciate people who bash on others' religious beliefs either. I dislike it when people are mean or disrespectful to others and hope that by being a LeadDeveloper I can reduce this so that this server can run peacefully. I keep calm when there are issues going on. When I'm being asked questions I answer them with a fast and reasoning answer. I try to make the server as clean from frustrated and swearing people by reasoning/talking them out of it. So why pick me? Because I know how to deal with trouble makers. I know how to keep everything calm. I know what to do when times are tough. That's why you should pick me![/color][/size][/b][/i]
    [color=#004080]Anything Else[/color]: I don't really have anything else to add, but all the information you need is above. Thank you for listening!

    02/26/2014 7:39 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
    Elizuck15's Avatar
    02/25/2014 8:00 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
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