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    06/11/2013 2:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    IGN: acebyace1

    Skype (optional): jack.jakobsons

    Age: 16

    Location (Timezone): Britain (BST)

    Redstone Capabilities (1-10): 7
    Reason(s) You're looking at this server: I have an 11 week break from education until I go to college here in England as I just finished high school. It would be great to have a server to chill out on and make some good community friends. I also hope to start recording some.

    Thanks for reading
    05/26/2013 7:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    IGN: acebyace1
    Age: 17
    Building example:
    05/26/2013 3:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    Apparently I could not edit it as it says spam, but here is the edit to my post

    EDIT: This could be an application for anyrole you are needing, just looking for a new family since 2pacshakur got shut down
    05/26/2013 3:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar

    Name: Jack
    Age: 17
    IGN: acebyace1

    skype : Jack.Jakobsons
    05/26/2013 3:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    How many hours/week can you spend on the server? 50 is around the maximum
    What qualities should all Staff have? Good sense of humor, maturity, expansive knowledge of game and plugins.
    How old are you? 17
    Are you already in a Kingdom? no.
    *If so, is this the Kingdom you are applying for? I am not currently apart of the server.
    Rate your familiarity with the plugin "Towny" from 1 (Not at all) - 10 (I made it) 10 I made it, but seriously I have been an admin on the same towny server for a year and a half so know alot about it and the permission nodes if you ever need help.
    Leave your contact information: skype: Jack.Jakobsons My raidcall server: soulgameraidcall or 6332889
    Comments: I love to roleplay, I can do about everything to do with minecraft. I know all about the mainstream plugins and everything to do with them. I can do GFX at an above average level. I love to write lore. I am an above stander builder, terraformer and redstoner. I can do pretty much everything apart from program.
    IGN: acebyace1

    Thanks for reading chaps!
    05/26/2013 10:07 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    MC Username : acebyace1
    ★ Age : 17
    ★ Do you understand that mistreating or abusing of powers will result in you being banned from all servers related to this one? : yes, this is understandable in life not just minecraft.
    ★ Do you promise to be highly efficient, professional and provide support where needed? : Yes, I will be very active and supporting of your ideas.
    ★ What makes a good game moderator? : I have a 11 week break from college so would like this as a pass time along with my irl job. I have great knowledge of all things minecraft and plugins.
    ★ Experience with Towny (1-10)? : 10, I played on a towny server for 1 1/2 years.
    ★ Experience as Mod / Admin : The towny server I played on for 1 1/2 years, I worked my way up and became an admin for the last 5 months it ran.
    ★ What makes you suitable for this role? : I am overall mature and educated on how to solve issues and other aspects of the game.
    ★ Anything extra you wish to add? : I was a RaidCall server and a skype if you want to add me on skype it is Jack.Jakobsons - Jack(dot)Jakobsons
    05/26/2013 6:58 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    IGN - acebyace1

    Skype - Jack(dot)Jakobsons 'Jack.jakobsons'

    Age - 17

    Why do you want to be admin/Have you had experience before? - Around a month ago, my friend 2pacshackur shut his server down. He wanted to finish his exams properly and get a Job and quit minecraft. I am used to the position and it does not feel right not being able to help and enforce like I used to. I have just finished my exams and I am on a 11 week student leave from college and have a Job so need something for my passtime.

    Are you good at building? - I would say I am a very strong and developed builder. 8/10

    Are you good with redstone? - I would say I know above average about redstone. such as advanced T-flip-flop junctions.

    Your personality? - Fun, class clown. I get depressed if people provoke me or abuse power on me.

    Someone is hacking what do you do? - I would /vanish teleport to them, jail and ask them to remove the hacking program. They get freedom but on a second time hacking it is a ban.

    Someone scammed someone else on a server where you cannot scam. What do you do? - I would revert the trade of goods. Verbal warning/possible jail time. Re-occurrence of the same rule breaking will lead to a ban.

    Overall - I am a nice guy looking for somewhere to take me in as my new dedicated server. I have an expansive knowledge of minecraft and plugins, I can terraform. I know how to do GFX, can record high quality video's with shaders. I have a RaidCall server you can use (it is like teamspeak but better) the only thing I cannot do on the internet, is program.

    Thanks for taking the time reading this, took me a while to write.

    sincerely - Firoz 'acebyace1'
    05/25/2013 11:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    IGN: acebyace1
    AGE: 17
    Gender: Male
    A o t y c b o: As much as you need me 7 days a week, got 11 weeks of no education. I have a job but I can balance it.
    Do you cuss? Yes, it is perfectly natural to cuss when mad. But no I wont type it into some minecraft chat as it is stupid to rage into a game. If I was mad and we was voice calling then you would hear me cuss if that is a big issue then ok.
    Do I grief? I respect other peoples property as I would want mine to be respected, and that is untouched.
    Picture of builds: I do not have any because I recently bought a new asus gaming laptop but I can prove myself in 30 minutes easily.
    Skype: I do not like it because of DDos this is why I got myself a 'Raidcall' server it is really good like teamspeak but with permissions and radio if I turn it on and I can DJ it. But my skype is Jack(dot)Jakobsons
    05/25/2013 8:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    Hey, you had no application for builder so here is mine from scratch.
    (Not copy and pasted like others)

    Name: Jack

    IGN: acebyace1 (prefer the nickname Firoz)

    Age: Turning 17

    Applying for: Builder/Terra-former.

    For my age my grammar should be above the standard of the Minecraft community... For obvious reasons.

    I would like to make my project on your server and it will be a huge benefit to your server for letting me host it there.

    List of knowledge.
    I have played since beta and know how to build and terraform, I am good at GFX and video editing along with redstone. I know about every command to all mainstream plugins and I am a fast learner. I also come in various colors... The only thing I can not do on the internet is program.

    Finally, I have a RaidCall server which you can use that has already set up permissions and I can DJ a radio on it if you so please.

    - Firoz, Skype = jack.jakobsons - Jack(dot)Jakobsons
    05/25/2013 8:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    Hey, the server I played on for over 1 year and a half was Towny.
    It was ran by '2pacshakur' but recently shut down.

    So yeah I know what I am doing when it comes to everything Towny. I am dedicated and have a lot of free time now I have finished high-school.

    IGN - acebyace1 but call me 'Firoz'

    Name - Jack

    Age - 16

    Played Minecraft since early beta.
    05/24/2013 1:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Firoz's Avatar
    I just wrote the best application of my life and pmc bugged -crycry- ill add you on skype and just say it outloud. because that took me like a half hour -.-



    Skype me.

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