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Level 1 New Miner

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    01/31/2016 12:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Frostbite0901's Avatar
    IGN: Frostbite0901
    AGE: (Not Used for Maturity): 14 (2001)
    Timezone: EST
    Past Experience as Staff: (Do not list ips! Only names!) I Have Been Owner 3 times) Frozen Factions, Infinity Prison, and Vadorx Creative) which were shut down due to money issues. Ive been CoOwner 2 times ( Hardcore Factions, and Gold Haven MC). Ive also been Admin and Mod a bunch of times but cant rembember the servers.
    Why do you want to be staff: I would love to be staff because i love helping the minecraft community become a better place and where players can enjoy there selfs, and why not start by helping amazing servers such as yours. I also love to help players/staff that may need help in any way such as plugin help or just finding your way around spawn.
    Skype: Frostbite0901
    What are your moderation Skills? I have very good Moderation skills such as im very good at finding xrayers and can tell easily if someone may be hacking in pvp. im also very good at helping staff or players with plugins such as Essentials, Group Manager, PermsEX, world guard, world edit, and many more. Also if i do not know how to use a plugin i can learn quicky and tell you how to use them. I also like to try to Welcome and Welcome Back every player that i can (expect when im afk or ofline ofc).
    Anything Else? Im ok at Building, here is a build i had done
    Are you prepared to help Helpers and be on actively
    Yes! i love to help other staff and be active!
    04/27/2015 4:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Frostbite0901's Avatar
    App: All Servers

    What rank are you applying for: I'm applying for Admin or Administrator

    Ign: Frostbite0901

    Skype: Frostbite0901

    Name: Kyle

    Age: 14 Years Old

    Maturity: 10/10 I take my job seriously.

    What you plan to do for the server: Well if u ask I plan to do a lot for the server, including, I will help any new/ or old players or staff with just about whatever they need, help with minigames, rules, what to do, ect. Also help staff members do there job correctly. I would also help plan and build things for the server as a whole (Suggest plugins, Minigames, game type). I would also make sure everyone is following rules and not hacking, doing threats, ect.

    What can you do: Well I'm very good and experienced with many plugins most servers have and if I don't know them I can learn easily. I can also build (Not my best talent) and defiantly look over other staff make sure there not abusing and make sure players are following rules. I'm also very good with answering questions, If I don't know I would ask the you ( the owner ) instead of give them " uhh I think its a ban". I can also catch hackers very easily (Weird Movement, Mining to Diamonds, ect)

    Experience: I've owned a total of 5 servers in my minecraft time (2 Faction, 2 Prison, and 1 Minigame). There all shut down due to money issues. I've also been every rank below Owner (H-Admin, Admin, Mod, Chat-Mod, Jr.Mod, Helper, and Trainee).I also know a lot about all of these ranks and have learned overtime my wrongs and rights. I have been all of these so I know what's kick, tempban, mute, ban is used for and will not be abused.

    Why do you want to join the server: I would like to join this server and the staff because I love helping servers and basic survival, and having a good time in minigames but I also hate rule breakers, and hackers, and can stop them.

    Any bans(We will check): I've never been banned on this server but have on other for some dumb reasons, like swearing and such.

    Any other information(This could help in being accepted): I can be on 3-5 hours on week days 4-9pm EST, and 3-8 Hours Week ends (12pm-8pm). Also im staff on no other servers so I can be on your server a lot.

    Hoper you enjoyed my application, Thanks for your time
    04/26/2015 3:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Frostbite0901's Avatar
    What is your Real Life Name? Hello, My name is Kyle

    What is your IGN (InGameName)? Frostbite0901

    Age? I'm 14 Years Old

    Why do I want this Rank? Well I'm obsessed with prison servers, I've been playing them like 4/5 of my time playing minecraft. I would like this rank because im always on prison servers so I know a lot about them why not spend my time help managing one? So I would be very active helping new players to the server get to where they need to be or help them with other questions, or help players along the way if they need help warping somewhere or questions about the rules. I would be very active helping whoever needs me Player or Staff. I'm very familiar with prison servers and what do to on them and the basic rules, no hacks, no disrespect, no threats, no scamming (some servers), No Swearing (some servers), and some other rules you may have. I will Enforce all the rules and make sure everyone follows them.

    Do you have Staff Experience? Yes I'm very experienced being staff on many different servers including Prison. I've been owner a total of 5 Times, 2 being prison and the rest factions. There all down now due to money issues but I've been most ranks below those multiple times. I have been playing minecraft 5 years now and about 4 of those years were on prison servers (yes 4/5).

    What do I Kick for? Command? Well I would use /kick (the command) if people are not listening to my warnings for (spamming, disrespect, racism, sexual speaking, and very immature conversations.

    What do i TempBan for? Command? Well I would use /tempban (time) for many reasons. The time depends on the rule they broke if they were spamming none stop I would tempban them for a day or a couple hours. I would do this for many of the reasons above if they didn't stop.

    What do i ban for? Command? I would use the /ban command for Major Rule Breaking such as advertising, hacks, Major Threats (such as DDOS), and other major rules you may have.

    What do you do if you see another Staff abusing? If another staff member is abusing there powers I would make sure there abusing and if there the same or over me I would deop and tempban them until a higher staff member comes on to deal with them and see there real punishment. if there under me and I truly think there abusing I would derank them and contact an admin or owner.

    What skill level and maturity, do you have? (1/10) Some of my skills in minecraft Is building, and helping other players the levels Building [8] Helping [10]
    and my maturity is [9] almost 10 I like to have a little bit of fun but still help and enforce rules.

    Tell us more about your self (Optional)? Well I just want to thank you for your time and if u accepted or considered me as a staff rank. My Skype if Frostbite0901 and if I get accepted please contact me there Thanks Again - Frost
    04/25/2015 7:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Frostbite0901's Avatar
    Name: Kyle
    Age: 14
    Skype Name: Frostbite0901
    IGN: Frostbite0901
    Maturity Level (1-10): 9
    Why you wish to join: I love playing with players on a semi small server where we can talk on Skype and not worry about grief. I love building in survival, and watching spm's such as mind crack or hermit craft.
    Best Skill in MC: building
    Building Skill (1-10): 9
    Extra: I'm very kind nice and freindly
    04/25/2015 6:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Frostbite0901's Avatar
    Staff App
    Name: Kyle, IGN: Frostbite0901

    Age: 14

    Skype: Frostbite0901

    Country: United States
    Why you want to join: Well I want to join because I love rp servers and love to help new players that need help playing or help for some other reason (mean players, reporting hacks, and other info like that) I'm ok at building (have no proof) and will always be kind to a player if there mean to me or not, and I do my job.

    What can you offer (Skills)? Well if ask I'm very good with many plugins and if I'm not I can learn easily, like I said above I can help build if u ever need a build done and have no builders, I'm also good with dealing with problems I player might have.

    Why should I pick you and not someone else? You should pick me over someone else because I'm mature and take my job seriously, and won't let u down. I'm also very experienced by owning 5 of my own servers (shut down due to money issues) but got a decent 20 players at a time. I've played minecraft for about 5 years and most of that time were on servers. I'm very kind and nice and enforce the rules.

    Any other things we should know: I will be very active and never let u down
    (If I get accepted please contact my Skype)
    03/24/2015 8:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Frostbite0901's Avatar
    1. What is your IGN: Frostbite0901
    2. Why are you interested in joining this server? I Love watching hermitcraft and mindcrack and want to be part of a nice survival smp community with nice and active players that don't grief and I can talk to and play around with and just have fun.
    3. How often will you play on the server? Probably around 4-5 days a week
    4. How old are you? 14 almost 15
    5. How long have you played Minecraft for? About 4 years.
    6. How do you plan to spend your time on the server? Building is on of my favorite things to do I'll do a lot of that and mining and other large projects on the server and be in contact with most of the server to Skype them and hangout.
    7. What is your skype? Frostbite0901
    8. What is your Youtube? No Youtube

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