GabbyPlaysGames's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    07/26/2019 2:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GabbyPlaysGames's Avatar
    sure! what's your discord?
    06/30/2017 9:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GabbyPlaysGames's Avatar
    hey there!!
    1. Name: My name is Gabriella but people call me Gabby for short (:

    2. Age: 18

    3. Timezone/Country: MST and I'm from America

    4. Role and maybe some work of yours:
    I would like to take the role of a builder I don't currently have any pictures of my work but I am a decent builder I can also be a writer I'm really good with word choice and details. Mostly builder or a writer is my strong points I'm also pretty good with story ideas! (:

    5. Discord/Skype Name:
    My discord is:Gamerella_xoxo #3321
    Skype: Gamerella xoxo

    6. Why you want to join the team:
    I would like to join the team because I think this could be something I would really enjoy I like creating content and I like to keep myself busy. (: I also really like to meet new people and talking to them and just hanging out and having a great time. I'm also very dedicated and when I put my mind to something I like to make it happen and get stuff done right away. I'm also available all the time so if you ever need me to hop on I can do so and get to work! (:
    06/30/2017 8:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GabbyPlaysGames's Avatar
    Hey there! I'm interested in being a staff! I'm really friendly and I'm really good with people as well I love helping around and I think this would be perfect for me! I am 18 years old and I think I can really help around with your server and help answer questions and making sure everything is in order. I am very active so I will always be able to help and I'm very dedicated. (: I will join your discord and my ign is Gamerella_xoxo (:
    06/30/2017 12:27 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GabbyPlaysGames's Avatar
    MC username: Gamerella_xoxo
    Age: 18
    timezone: MST (Mountain Standard Time)
    skype: Gamerellaxoxo
    twitter: Gamerella_xoxo
    discord: I don't currently have one as I never had any point to use it but I can very easily download it. (:
    --- List all experience below---
    Hi!! I currently do not have any professional experience but I love acquiring new skills and I'm a quick learner. (: If you're looking for someone that needs to keep an eye on the server like making sure everything is under control and making sure no rules are broken, or helping new players on the server, and answering questions I'm good for the job. I'm a very people person meaning I'm very friendly when talking and interacting with people I make sure they are happy, if they have any problems, or questions. (: I really do enjoy helping people out and interacting with people I know just what to say without properly offending anyone and I'm also a great friend if anyone needs someone to talk to. I've been playing Minecraft for about 6 years now I'm good with using Minecraft permissions and stuff like that. I am also ALWAYS active. So, if you need something done I will most likely hop on to the server and make sure it gets done. I am a very dedicated person and I love keeping myself busy and helping people out so I really think this will be perfect for me! (:

    what do you normally play in minecraft:
    I play a variety of games I play mini games, Survival games, Sky wars, smp's , bed wars, I will pretty much play anything as long as its fun and enjoyable! (:

    have you ever been banned on a server y/n
    if yes why (wont condemn your application):
    I have never been banned. (:

    do you record on YT or stream to

    I recently made a YouTube and just posted my first video! Its a side hobby of mine to keep myself busy from time to time! Its Gamerellaxoxo Check it out!

    I really do hope you take me into consideration even though I don't have any experience , but like I said I am always willing to learn new skills and challenge myself. I'm really excited and I hope you take me into consideration! Have a good day/night!
    06/30/2017 12:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GabbyPlaysGames's Avatar
    Hey there! I am willing to help you out and being an admin! I'm very people friendly and love helping people out and I can help with making sure the server and players are under control and ansering any questions people have. I'm not very busy so I can be active when you aren't around. (:
    06/29/2017 11:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    GabbyPlaysGames's Avatar
    Age- 18
    IGN - Gamerella_xoxo
    Previous experience - I do not have any experience, but I am a people person meaning I'm good with talking to people and negotiating with them if they aren't happy with any situation and I am very friendly with them and I really do love helping people out and answering questions and making them satisfied. (:

    Some questions:
    Why do you want to be staff?
    I would love to staff because I really don't have much to do and I always like to keep myself busy and I think this is something perfect for me to keep busy and I really love helping people and answering their questions it really does make me happy knowing I can provide help for someone. (:

    What position are you aiming for?
    I am aiming for any position you have available for me I would just really like to help out! (:

    Why should we accept you as staff?
    You should accept me as stuff because I am very trustworthy and I'm ALWAYS available and very active. I am also a very friendly person you can talk to me about anything and I am always there and once again I really like to help people out so I think this would be perfect for me when it comes to new players joining and needing help starting out then I am happy to help! (: I really hope you take my application into consideration even though I have no professional experience in being a staff but I am always willing to learn new skills! (:

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