Gingernatar's Avatar
Level 12
Journeyman Engineer

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    05/04/2013 11:49 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    it reminds me of a guy from Au Oni. Just search it.
    05/01/2013 11:28 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    I find it annoying when a individual does not capitalize at all. It's more common, and frankly more aggravating.
    04/30/2013 3:56 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    This is... just a ripoff...
    04/30/2013 3:49 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Your Cat's Name :: Bright Claw
    Your Cat's Clan :: Willow Reed
    Your Cat's Clan Rank :: Medcat
    Your Cat's Age :: 7 Moons

    Your Cat's Fur Color :: Nice orange/red coat, brown stripes.
    Your Cat's Unique Markings :: A brown patch on his left eye, and a small dot in the center of his nose
    Your Cat's Eye Color :: A nice, deep blue. Almost like the color of a lake.
    Your Cat's Scars / Wounds :: none
    Your Cat's Body Height :: Long legs, Regular sized body
    Your Cat's Body Size :: Skinny, but fit (He is not hungry or starving, it's just his figure)

    Your Cat's Weaknesses :: Emotional damage, Depression
    Your Cat's Strengths :: Encouragement from others
    Your Cat's History :: He used to be a regular kit, aspiring to be the greatest warrior anyone had ever seen. He was attacked and carried off by an owl one day. He escaped, but was way outside the territory he knew. He spent days walking, starving, lonely. He followed the only thing that was familiar to him, the river. He prayed to Star Clan that he was going in the right direction. A few days later, a patrol from another clan found him and took him back home. He recovered fine, his whole clan glad to see him home. But some say he never fully recovered, he has nightmares in the middle of the night. He also wanted to be a Medicine cat afterward, so he would mostly be with others. He eventually did become one. He would never have to be alone again. But if he is alone, he might just crack, and go insane...
    Your Cat's Future **Dreams** :: To just be a regular Medicine cat, with no more trauma.

    Your Cat's Parents/Adopters ::
    Your Cat's Siblings :: None
    Your Cat's Mate/Crush :: A female medicine cat from another clan
    Your Cat's Kits/Adopted :: None
    Your Cat's Best Friend :: His apprentice, Reed Paw
    04/12/2013 7:41 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Tree Treepuncher, It's great! 20 people on bukkit would cost $20, it also lets you mess with all the server files!
    04/12/2013 10:21 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    IGN: Gingernatar
    Age: 14
    Skype: Yes
    How well do you work in a group: Well
    Maturity: Mature
    Building Experience: I create lots of builds to order, mainly looking at a picture.
    How well do you build in a group: Well
    Building pictures(required!): ... 251465.jpg
    Server Experience: Good
    How well do you work in a group: Very Well
    Other: I would love to get a building job because I am a big fan of Fantasy RP, and I believe I could be a big asset to this server. I know it's only one picture, but please consider me.
    05/29/2012 12:10 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    "HA! I can do the same thing! But my normal form is much more attractive"
    Z strikes a pose
    05/28/2012 11:16 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    "Wow, you can transform too...?"
    Z looks at Samere
    "Anything special about that ring? You blushed and changed the subject"
    Z starts poking Samere
    "Eh? Wink wink, nudge nudge."
    05/27/2012 9:37 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Wow. You joined today, made 4 posts, and you expect people to know what your skin looks like?
    05/27/2012 9:34 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Z walks up with anewly polished golden ring and engraved on it says 'For my true love'
    Z holds it up to Samere
    "How much do you think I can get for this?"
    05/27/2012 4:30 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Z calms down but keeps snickering
    "Ok, well I need to upchuck that ring anyway. I'll just be a moment"
    Z walks into the forest and throws up the ring
    05/27/2012 10:09 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Z st keeps laughing as he finds this amazingly funny
    "R-really? Pike you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
    05/26/2012 11:55 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    "You do?"
    Z starts laughing and rolling on the ground
    05/26/2012 2:16 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    "Why, you looking a mate?"
    Z grinned
    05/25/2012 3:24 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    "Wait, what's with this Night Shadows and Chav-whatevers?"
    Z has a confused look on his face
    Night Shadows is a pretty cool name...
    05/24/2012 4:23 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Why not?
    05/24/2012 4:02 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Z quickly swallows a ring.
    He starts coughing until it goes down
    "Ugh, ok. Now what are we going to do? Anyone on a mission? I want to hurt somthing!"
    05/24/2012 3:59 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
    Gingernatar's Avatar
    Can you make a server(needed):No, its too laggy. And I can't save it.
    skype:Will pm
    Are you funny?:Yes
    Are you fun?:Yesseroo
    Are you kind?:Unless I rage, yes

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