Gizmo_Gaming's Avatar
Level 5 Apprentice Miner

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    11/20/2014 4:44 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    Gizmo_Gaming's Avatar
    MC xXbluecubeXxNew Sonic form?

    Hmm, good idea ... maybe a few new useful Sonic forms was from all games I believe

    Yes, and he will be in this one!
    Kpop2pmthe yellow rings. Fricken annoying. Also it will give you new ideas to make an ORIGINAL sonic game.

    Hmm maybe hard to find a replacement for points, but I do know what you mean

    Also added some discussion points to the top of the post to stop the "It needs Sonic" sorts of comments (Well no duh it needs Sonic !)
    07/28/2014 11:40 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    Gizmo_Gaming's Avatar
    IGN: ghs815
    Skype ( Not needed ): Gismo Gamer
    Why would you like to join: I have been looking for a whitlisted server for quite some time and I thought that this server seamed to fit me well.
    Why should we pick you: At this time I have a youtube channel with 10 subscribers and I can build futuristic and old-lookng structures very well
    Past bans: hmm.. once
    Why where you ban if ever ban from a server: Since I was a moderater on that server, the owner asked me to test out the ban sytem... too bad he never set an end time on it!
    How can I trust you: Well, you cant be sure how someone will act online; but if it helps you can judge my actions through my youtube channel

    Here is my YouTube channel
    04/06/2014 6:57 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    Gizmo_Gaming's Avatar
    hey could you resend the skype invite
    04/06/2014 6:42 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    Gizmo_Gaming's Avatar
    Youtube channel

    Age (must be 13) 13
    Editing skill: currently do not do much but i use Movie Maker
    how many hours will you put into this: normal 1 video per day, about a few minutes to edit.
    thumbnail art skills: don't do much in the way of thumbnail art but i can start doing them (just a tad too lazy)
    Skype: Gismo Gamer
    Country: USA
    Timezone: Eastern Timezone
    Funniness: ranges from 3-6 (depends on my mood)
    Maturity: 9-10
    Gender: Male
    And why would you want to join I've been looking for a youtuber community to join.
    10/11/2013 4:11 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    Gizmo_Gaming's Avatar
    Ign: ghs815
    Age (between 13 and 16 preferable): 13
    why we should let you join: I love Minecraft and enjoy showing other on my youtube channel how good i am at minecraft
    skype: Do not have it but i can do software like Mumble
    able to record: yes
    time available: a ton of time! I can put in as much time as i feel needed (which is normaly a lot!)
    county: USA
    minecraft knowledge (i.e how long you have been playing for, types of games you play etc.) Been Playing minecraft since The offical Release and i play many games (most of which i have on my channel, The only game i do not record is The Sims!)
    08/05/2013 8:26 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    Gizmo_Gaming's Avatar
    Additional info:Love to build old buildings!

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