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    07/13/2016 1:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    07/12/2016 2:28 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    07/12/2016 2:25 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    Age (Must be over 13):


    IGN (In Game Name):

    Gender (Doesn't matter):

    What you want to be called:

    Youtube Channel and experience(If you have one): ... Ek9KUs7ErQ
    I have owned a previous channel that does have the same name standing at 248 subscribers but I made a new one due to community guideline issues.

    Timezone and times you can play:
    EST [Eastern Time Zone]

    What are your favorite things to do play in Minecraft:
    Building, Playing with friends, Pvp

    A little bit about yourself:
    I have a timid nature at first but, once you get to know me I start to be very... unique. I love playing with other people and I am kinda crazy XD. But yea, I'd love to work with you guys and hope to see you in the future.
    07/12/2016 12:25 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    07/12/2016 12:22 am
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    groundoesmc's Avatar
    Yea I host the server, I told him 1.9 by accident XD
    06/27/2016 9:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    Age: 15

    Name(only need First):Nathan

    Skype: groundoesmc (This is my public skype, I don't want bots adding me on my private skype)

    Do you record Good Quality Videos (720p or Higher):Yes I do record 720p and higher.

    What do you like Playing the most : I mostly enjoy first person shooter games but, I really love to play dumb games too.

    what Recording software do you use: Bandicam [Paid]
    05/01/2016 10:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    -Minecraft username:

    -Youtube channel:
    New: ... Ek9KUs7ErQ



    -skype name:
    04/21/2016 11:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    killer, I didn't recieve anything on skype
    04/21/2016 12:52 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    Name: Nathan

    IGN: GroundGaming

    Skype: groundoesmc (this is my public skype so, i'll tell you my private one later)

    YouTube Channel Link:
    Old Channel:
    New Channel: ... Ek9KUs7ErQ

    Age: (14+ please): 14 years of age exactly!

    Personality: I'm pretty chill and kind. But I tend to act weird sometimes.

    any Other Info:
    Otaku, Gamer, Black Belt, That's about it :3
    03/05/2016 11:45 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar

    (I will reveal my "true" name in private)


    Owner [Flowey] or Lower

    Why Should You Pick Me:

    (Side note: Ok, I will divide my traits into 5 sections. Also, I apologise for the lack of images. I play Minecraft for fun and I have been entertained by it for almost 5 years. I don't really have much proof because I really don't take screenshots for no reason. Also any server shown, is probably shut down by now because they were small community servers and their donations did not help them keep up their server. Lastly, I'd like to note is that I wanted to section, "Experience" and "Why You Should Pick Me" due to the fact that I don't want this section to be like 2 pages long and I want you to understand only the main facts about me and why you should pick me.)

    [Trait 1: Previous Server Owner]
    Being a server owner is really tough work. I do understand the concept of being in that position. As a previous server owner of a prison server, I do know the feeling of owning one. I had a small strong community of about 10-30 players. I had to transfer the server to one of my good friends that I trusted due to the lack of time I had around that time period. The server has been shut down due to the server community getting boring after awhile. While being the owner, I had to work too in order to help the server stay on and to improve each day. I have had to get donations from the players which made me feel guilty up to this day since the server shut down. I had to do multiple chores at my home to keep earning enough money to help expand the server. This was really hard work, but it did work out at the end. I also did develop my server by myself and a few friends for almost 6 months so that I could launch it. My friends and I have built every building in the server, but even though they weren't the best, (in my opinion) they community still appreciated it. Also, I had to edit and find plugins that would suit the server so that everyone enjoyed it. Extensions, plugin configurations, and all other server type items I had to do by myself. Then I had to manage staff and players. I had to trust "strangers" from online and I did everything in order to find out if they were trusted enough for me to promote them to the staff rank they applied for. Also, I had to decide along with my fellow staff members, who to ban or to unban. The server lasted around 2 years and I had it for 1 1/2 but, it finally closed. I really did enjoy the server and it has thought me multiple things. To conclude this, being a Minecraft server owner is really tough work, and I understand this position well enough to enter this position again.

    [Trait 2: Real Life]
    The tasks in the real world are also dependant on you're personality online. I live in Canada if you'd like to know. In life, I live with my mother, father, and my younger sister. I play with my younger sister all the time and spend time with her when I get the time. I also love my parents since they have given me everything that I need and I have trusted them all my life. In school, I am that weird asian smart kid who is always picked on. I always have had high grades because I want my parents to appreciate me and see me as a good student. Our principal thinks that I am also a star student. I have participated in multiple clubs: eco club, wrestling club, and etc. I am always a good student and yes, I have had detention(no suspensions though) before because, everyone makes mistakes and I'm not perfect. Also, about the bullying. I have been bullied as far as I can remember. I have gone through depression and cutting before but, it was really difficult. But, after 3 years of bullying, I started to ignore it. In fact, I used it as courage. Knowing that people pick on me, is just a message that they're jealous of me so I really shouldn't be mad. I do get shy though when I do presentations though. I love school, my friends, and my family. I thank them for giving me the future on where I stand now!

    Click to reveal
    [Trait 3: UnderTale] (WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD)
    Undertale is one of the best games I have ever played in real life. Playing this game has almost changed me in the inside and has made me reflect the person I am. Just kidding, but I really love the concept of the game and the story line. I have gone though every time line, neutral, true-pacifist, and the genocide ending. And, I know what each ending is. Neutral is when you kill some and spare the others. The true-pacifist is where you save everyone and get out of the underground. Lastly, the genocide ending is where you kill everyone and get one of the saddest endings ever. Also, I do know the genocide route will effect the true pacifist route ending by having Chara being in the ending scene and having a photo with all the monsters crossed out and Chara in the picture. I have seen most easter eggs through the game and youtube video's so I think that I know most of the easter eggs. Knowing the different time lines have given me a large database of knowledge about Undertale. Also here is a true fact, Flowey has had the power to reset. He (Depending on what ending you choose) has a section in the game. Flowey has a save file in the game,"FloweyTale" in where he is level 9999. I don't really want to say anything else because there is to much things to put, so I will cut it here. Undertale was such a good game, and it has to be one of the best fandoms I have ever joined in my life!

    [Trait 4: Previous Staff Experience]
    I have worked multiple positions as a staff member such as being a moderator, admin, and even a developer for some reason. I don't have that much proof if you read the top note. Being a moderator was the first staff rank I have ever been in. This was the first time I have had the chance to show that I was a good staff member. That server was a faction server and it was amazing. I loved talking to the large community they had and trying to bust the bad guys! I even donated to get a rank! But, it all ended when someone in the staff, probably an admin or the owner's friend, griefed the whole server and deleted the server files and backups. This really sucked and they emailed me that the server would never come on. This was back in 2013 when I got this. Then I started to expand my server list by joining and applying for staff on different servers. This ranged from 2013-2014. On some servers, I got the moderator rank I did help those servers a lot. I kicked rule breakers, muted spammers and the people that sweared a lot, and other things too. But, there is one server that I always put my attention to, it was a prison server with a medium sized community. I first applied in 2014 around June and I was accepted by a server admin. I didn't really know much and I really didn't like prison type servers that much. But this one caught my eye.The community really loved it and it was really big. They had so many different things from other normal prison servers. They had a giveaway in real life to see who could earn the most in game money. They gave random stuff for free from higher tiers to lower tiers. The staff were also really nice to me. After being a staff member for 4 months, they made me a admin! I really didn't know what to think. This was my FIRST time ever being an admin. I thanked the server staff for the things they did and dedicated all my life to being the server admin even though there were others. I did my best trying to enforce the rules of the server and I tried improving it in any way possible. But, then the community got bored of it, and the donations went down wit the server. That was a really good time. But, everything has an end. To conclude this, I do know the position of being a staff member and the expectations of being one.

    [Trait 5: Why You should choose me]
    If you read the last 4 paragraphs about me, you should understand a bit more about me. This paragraph won't really be a paragraph, maybe a group of sentences at least. If I seem sketchy, you can make me a server moderator and over the tiers, moderator to mod sr., mod sr. to admin, admin to owner and so on. I know being a server owner is a responsibility and promoting a random stranger online is a hard decision. I do hope we can be friends online! I know I may seem young for my age, but trust me! I am mature and serious when it matters. I loosen up when everything is going good. I know this section might not make me owner, but I can't really afford it right now. My parents are kinda in debt and they have been struggling. It really sucks but I do my fair share of work around our home. Well, I think you should get a bottle of water if you read all of this but yup. Thanks for reading and I hope you respond soon! Remember, i t ' s k i l l o r b e k i l l e d !


    Playing Time:
    I am available mostly everyday and I play for about 2-5 hours.(Timezone: EST)

    Way Of Contact:
    If you would like to email me, please contact:
    Or if you would like to message me through Skype (Public Use/Preferred Contact):
    02/01/2016 10:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    sure.. im up for it... skype me at groundgaminggg
    02/01/2016 8:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    IGN: GroundGaming


    Skype: groundgaminggg

    Timezone: EST

    Maturity: What's MaTuRiTy? (I'm kinda mature, not child silly but not to serious. I like to have fun in my videos that's why)

    Why you want to colab with me: I'd like to colab with you because i've only colabed with 1 of my friends twice but she dosen't anymore. Also, it's a good idea for youtubers to colab with each other to show the power of 69 XD.
    01/31/2016 10:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    IGN(In Game Name): GroundGaming
    Age: 14
    Skype(You must have this): groundgaminggg
    Experience(1-10): 7-10
    Maturity(1-10): Depends on situation
    01/30/2016 3:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    skype: groundgaminggg
    Age: 14
    Name: Nathan
    01/16/2016 8:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN: GroundGaming

    Skype? Teamspeak? Discord?: Skype (groundgaminggg)

    What servers do you play on?: Lots of servers, mainly mini game servers.

    How old are you?: 14

    What is your IRL Name?: (optional): Nathan

    What is your experience with YouTube?: I have been on youtube for more than 3 years and I enjoy making youtube videos with anyone. I enjoy making content and people laughing at my videos.

    Do you consider yourself to have a good sense of humor?: Out of 10, 6 or 7.
    Maturity?: Out of 10, 7 or 8

    Do you play any other games? Consoles?: Gmod, Skyrim, CS:GO, TF2, Black ops 2 and 3 (xbox 360)

    Can you swear (sometimes) in videos? (It is okay if not!): Sometimes, not all the time. I don't try to.
    01/09/2016 10:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    01/09/2016 3:36 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    IGN: GroundGaming

    Background: None

    Item in hand: Diamond Sword

    Pose: Maybe in this position:

    Skin for render: HD

    Extruded: Sure
    01/09/2016 3:27 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    Name: Nathan
    Age: 14
    Skype: groundgaminggg
    01/06/2016 11:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    In-Game-Name(MC Name): GroundGaming

    Skype(Skype Name, VOICE ACTORS): groundgaminggg

    Age(Real Age): 14

    Gender(Real Gender):Male
    01/02/2016 10:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    groundoesmc's Avatar
    I do know that and thanks for your opinion. I put the pole just in case, this idea would be bad.

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