happyFACE82's Avatar
Level 9 Apprentice Miner

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    06/21/2013 11:17 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
    happyFACE82's Avatar
    Great thread! I was thinking the same thing a while back as well! I mean, at least FINDING it takes FOREVER, and sometimes when you actually DO find it, you fall in lava, or get blown up by a creeper! You can't really do anything with it besides make armor and tools, and even then, it's not like they last forever.
    06/07/2013 3:48 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
    happyFACE82's Avatar
    My username is happyFACE82. When I got Minecraft, I was learning piano. One of the acronyms I had to learn for piano was FACE. I thought, hey, it's a face! What emotion should I have? I thought for a minute. I didn't want to play multiplayer and have people see me as a greifer, or PVPer, so I chose happy. I combined and got happyFACE. It sounded like it needed something, maybe a number. So I thought literally for 11 seconds, and 82 was the first thing that popped into my head. happyFACE82, a good ring to it... BOOM! I was born...
    02/12/2013 2:41 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
    happyFACE82's Avatar
    that is, if i could only REACH the server!!!! note: always try and get on a server before you write a review.

    02/12/2013 2:38 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
    happyFACE82's Avatar
    this is wat i have been lookin for!!!! i will check it out. btw, the open staff positions are nice, but u need to garentee the player somethin. e.g. moderator gets fly, operator gets god, administrator gets creative. ect. (from personal xp)
    02/12/2013 2:41 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
    happyFACE82's Avatar
    that is, if i could only REACH the server!!!! note: always try and get on a server before you write a review.


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