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Level 36 Artisan Engineer

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    02/08/2016 2:11 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    I'm not sure how I'd do that, but if possible I absolutely would. I feel bad about clogging up the Redstone boards lol, but I figure activity is a good thing, and I try to post in other people's threads, answer questions, etc.

    You can always subscribe on YouTube, but PlanetMinecraft is much more interactive than YouTube so I'd love to set up some kind of blog series. Just not sure how I'd go about it I'm actually kind of new to PlanetMinecraft
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    but I like it more than the official forums shhh
    02/11/2016 2:18 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    Thanks, I used it for my Skyrim Map to open the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary...maybe someday I'll finish & upload that map...someday.
    02/06/2016 5:43 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    Or, for the first cake... "Oh, these aren't homemade. They were made in a factory... a bomb factory. They're bombs."
    02/04/2016 3:23 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    AzieI was dissapointed Fallout 4 as well, but there's a few issues with this.

    You did have evil choices in Fallout 3, but there was nothing to encourage you to be evil. The big evil choice in the end is actually harmful to you, so why would you do it?
    Arguably there are evil choices in Fallout 4, in the Institute and Brotherhood. There is no truly good and evil this time around, more of a big gray area like New Vegas did, which I enjoy.

    You're forgetting the Minutemen and Railroad. They aren't as big as the other two, but they still make up the major players in the Commonwealth.

    Everything else you nailed. The ripped quite a bit out of Fallout while replacing it with nothing substantial.

    Warning: No spoiler tags at this point, so don't read this post if you want to avoid spoilers
    If the "Big Evil" choice you're talking about in Fallout 3 is nuking the Citadel, that does benefit you. You get to raid the armory, which has tons of good stuff, and hostile Brotherhood Knights will spawn in the crater of the Citadel, with Power Armor and other good equipment to sell.
    Nuking Megaton lets you live in the one Tower place, which I can't remember now, without needing to kill everyone inside and replace them with Ghouls.

    Sure, FNV had grey areas, but it was pretty easy to be "Conventionally Good" (side with NCR or House, or even Yesman, establish diplomatic relations with other groups, forgive Benny, etc) or "Conventionally Evil" (side with Caesar or Yesman, kill everyone who stands in your way, crucify Benny, etc) if you chose to be.

    Fallout 4 is all grey area. And it's not all even well-explained grey area: for example, the Institute never explains why they're replacing random civilians with synths. Some have tactical purposes, but it seems counterproductive with their goal of not having the surface dwellers fear and hate them (and, therefore, interfere with them).

    I didn't forget the Minutemen, but they are a semi-compulsory part of the game. No matter what you do or who you join, you can't get the Minutemen to reject you. I did forget about the Railroad though...personally I went with the Institute so I wiped them out pretty early on. Can you complete the whole story with the Railroad as your primary faction? No "Railroad sends you to work with the Brotherhood of Steel" cop-out?

    And another thing - the "Ending Sequence" to the game. In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, it would mention totally peripheral characters who you encountered, like Rose of Sharon Cassidy. In Fallout 4, it only mentions what you did on the main storyline. It felt like a much less complete review of your time in the waste. Prepackaged and hollow.
    02/02/2016 2:47 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    This. Other complaints:
    -No good way to be evil except just killing everyone! And that's not very imaginative. In Fallout 3, you had "evil" speech options, you had "evil" storyline choices like
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    blowing up Megaton or blowing up the Citadel in Broken Steel

    -Removed ammo types (Would've made more sense to have incendiary and explosive bullets than a gun which somehow transforms bullets to be explosive)
    -Only 2 primary factions to pick from (Institute and BoS) while FNV had Wild Card / Yesman, House, NCR, or Caesar's Legion.
    -Seemed like they focused on Radiant Quests more than real quests; I remember if I wandered the wastes of Fallout 3 or New Vegas, I'd encounter tons of characters with interesting requests / related quests. Of course Fallout 4 has some of those, but mostly if you wander the wastes, you're just encountering Super Mutants and ghouls with no associated storylines.
    -Forcing your character to have a deep back story in an RPG, so you can't make it up yourself as much - yes, in FNV you were a courier, but that's less "restrictive" than being a former-military family man searching for his son. That's almost literally just a reversal of Fallout 3's storyline, "where's muh father"
    -The Skill system! It's insane that they got rid of it, and results in stupid things like needing to waste Perk Points just to be able to hack terminals. Gone are the days of popping some Mentats to increase your Science, which would then let you hack a terminal. The new system isn't BAD, but it's nowhere close to as good.

    Basically, I think they really failed to incorporate everything that was done better / correctly in FNV, and that's a huge mistake.

    Of course the only reason I was disappointed was because I had huge hopes to begin with. The game which failed to meet even my modest expectations was Star Wars Battlefront; No space battles, vehicles set up like "Power Ups," and - most oddly - you can't change your controls, so you're forced to use their terrible non-inverted flight controls? How It was free with my PS4, and somehow I'm still disappointed.
    02/02/2016 4:03 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    Oh that's cool that he enjoys Redstone. Sounds like he has the real basic-basics down. I hope the tutorials would be useful for him if he hasn't mastered communication skills yet, but who knows, maybe they would even help him do that by combining something he's already interested in with verbal instructions. Not sure though, I don't know much about teaching kids with autism or I'd offer to make at least a few videos more geared towards that.

    The central, important theme to sorters is that comparators can measure how many items are in a hopper, and that if you fill a hopper with a certain type of item, other items won't be able to enter.

    Here's the tutorial for that, if you'd like to check it out and / or show it to your son. It says "XBox / Playstation" but it works all the same on PC, I just recorded it on PS4.
    02/02/2016 3:19 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
    Hive_Mind's Avatar
    Nice, that's one of the most fun things to do with the rapid comparator signal.

    If you try it with Fire Charges, it will shoot even further (but everyone loves flaming arrows of course), and you can even use it to shoot flaming snowballs and eggs.
    02/01/2016 4:42 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    No problem at all! I was wondering what to do for my next video, so having a sort of "request" helped.

    Yeah once you get the REAL basics down (how repeaters work, basics of comparators, signal strength, direct vs indirectly powered, etc) then I would suggest learning how to build Item Sorters. Some of the designs which have impressed people the most, like this Lock & Key system and my Bank / Currency Exchange for Economy Servers, are basically just creative uses of Item Sorters.

    I do have a video on the basics of sorters, but nothing on the real basic-basics of redstone. Not yet, anyway.
    01/31/2016 6:58 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    Video for the One Choice Machine is up!

    I'll probably post it in its own thread in the future, but I feel like I'm taking up too much screen real estate here on the Redstone Forum So I'll just post it in this thread for now, since it was inspired by this thread.


    For anyone who doesn't feel like reading the thread: in this tutorial I show how to build my original design for a "One Choice" or "Pick a Door" mechanism - a redstone mechanism that allows a player to select a multiple choice, but only one choice.

    So, you could use this to allow players to open only one single door from many possible doors, or to pick one reward item at the end of a quest without getting the other items.
    01/31/2016 6:12 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    01/30/2016 4:51 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    Yeah, good point about naming it something which people can understand. Maybe "Multi-Choice Redstone Selector," because it could do more than open doors, but I'm not sure...someone really needs to make a Redstone Dictionary for things which are beyond just Comparators, Repeaters, etc.

    I'll have to put more thoughts towards what to name it, and tomorrow is my last day to record the "How to Build" video lol
    01/29/2016 1:27 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    I could do either one, but I feel like having them only have a single choice would be more appealing (that way you could use piston doors, and they would have no idea what was behind the doors they didn't pick). I'm pretty sure I've figured out a way to do it; you just need to feed the paper (which would have the dialogue written on it) into your series of sorters, and then have the sorters feed into a chest. That chest would have a comparator connected to it, which would sense when an item is in the chest, and then shut off all the hoppers.

    I should have a video up on how to build it by Sunday, I have to build it and test it though - it might not work if they put all the "Dialogue" options in at the same time. But I think I know a way around that.

    What should it be called? Dialogue Machine? Multiple Option Machine?
    01/28/2016 4:25 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    01/29/2016 4:31 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    Bump, added another video which could've been a topic on its own, but I figured it was best to have Part 1 and Part 2 together

    Let me know what you guys think, and if there are any add-ons to an Automated Shop which I didn't include
    01/28/2016 3:00 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    Oh yeah you could definitely do that. The "different choices open different doors" would be very easy. The hard part would be allowing them to have only one choice, but I'm sure it's possible. I'll look into it, test some designs and post a tutorial sometime when I have a compact, working model
    01/25/2016 8:23 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
    Hive_Mind's Avatar
    Very nice! Have to show this to my friend who loves Minecraft and is also a serious piano student. He'll love this, I think.

    Subscribed to you, consider returning the favor if you get the time to check out my videos & like what you see.
    01/25/2016 6:19 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    You're welcome!

    About using it for an Adventure map, you're totally right. For example, I added things to the Skyrim Map that came out with Skyrim Texture Pack on Console Edition (maybe PC too, I think texture packs work much differently on PC though).

    One of the things I added was the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. It was a Spruce Door, but behind that was an Iron door encased in Bedrock. You would open a nearby hopper, which I renamed with the Dark Brotherhood question, "What is the music of life?" So you would see that quote when you "open" the hopper. Then in a nearby chest, there were 4 responses (renamed pieces of paper, which had the quotes from Skyrim): 3 did nothing, and one "Silence, my brother," opened the door. So it worked like a "Dialogue Machine" basically.

    If I was building that now, I'd probably use sticky pistons and stone instead of an iron door, but that's just one example of an Adventure / Quest-style application.
    01/25/2016 3:59 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
    Hive_Mind's Avatar
    Looks great, it would be a lot of fun to use a FatMan that could actually destroy the world around it (even if that world was made of blocks lol)

    If this is Fallout 3...maybe you'll need to make the Experimental MIRV and hide it somewhere good
    01/25/2016 2:55 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
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    Yeah that's a good point too. And besides Console Edition, Pocket Edition might get all the necessary Redstone someday, but I'd be surprised if PE got Command Blocks.

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