Hordeboy24's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    09/18/2016 9:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hordeboy24's Avatar
    IGN (Premium or Cracked): (Cracked) Hordeboy24
    Age (Do not lie about your age): Almost 16
    Country: United States
    Time zone: Central Time
    Do you have a Skype and is it accessible (yes or no, don't write your Skype name): Yes

    1. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Over 4 Years

    2. How long have you solely been building: At least 2

    3. Have you ever been on a building team: Yes

    4. How many servers have you been builder on (Include IP if available): 3, None of which succeeded

    5. Do you prefer to build with others or alone: Depends on the project

    6. Regardless of your preference, have you mostly built with others or alone: Others

    7. How many hours a week can you commit to building: Anywhere from 4-12 hours a day (Monday-Friday)

    8. From 1-10, how would you rate your building skills (be honest): 7-8

    9. From 1-10, what would you rate your WorldEdit skills (be honest): 3-4

    10. What makes you stand out above other applicants: I'm very commutative, I'm mature, but try to keep the mood up... I'm not rude when someone doesn't know something simple, everyone starts somewhere... I don't mind helping with other problems... I'm blunt, I can be very serious at times, I don't enjoy punishing people, but don't hesitate to if the rules are clearly stated or if I find they're a repeat offender...

    Anything else you would like to add? I haven't done a ton of work on the servers I worked on, but I enjoy free building... My main habit is deleting worlds I've done work on, I can't stand clutter... Meaning I don't have any pictures of work I've done... I think I'm better at world edit than I give myself credit for, I can rotate and move things with it fairly well... I prefer to copy and paste rather than move but I guess its a learning process like everything else, right? I have multiple ways of getting reached... I use Skype, OverWolf, TeamSpeak, Discord, Kik, and for certain necessary reasons, some people have even received my Instagram and Snapchat... I hope you accept this application and I'll be waiting on hopefully good news...

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