iMatt1801's Avatar
Level 5 Apprentice Crafter

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    08/19/2014 7:46 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    So I was playing on a faction server, and I made a faction. We had a few people join, and it was great! Then someone said "invite me" and I thought he was talking to me (he wasn't). I invited him and he joined. Then he kills us all and claims our base. I found a new spot, and after some of our members left, we got a ton more members. The same user somehow showed up again (no clue how he found us, he left the faction a while ago) and raided us again. We had a castle and a ton of stuff. Luckily, even though he claimed us, some of us had /home, so we were able to keep the base. Then another time he shows up again. This time we kill him, and then he says "You guys are losers" and all that junk (we just killed him and we are the losers?) Then after that we kept building our base. It was all good until someone from a trusted faction killed us. I shut that faction down and made a new on. (The name was the initials of the old one plus reborn)
    08/18/2014 8:43 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    Ok cool!
    08/18/2014 8:37 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    I can do them! (As long as I don't have to host the site lol)
    I could do both or only one if you want me to.
    Public App: staff-application-for-any-server-that-needs-staff-t427785.html
    08/17/2014 10:25 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    I got accepted for Jr. Mod but it didn't update yet. By any chance do you know when it will get updated? Thank you!
    08/17/2014 5:59 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    iMatt1801IGN: Matt_Botte
    Age: 13
    Time zone: EST
    Skype: I'll give you once I am staff!

    Sorry mate. But i'm going to have to decline the application. We expect more quality, also i'm coming down to my final spots so I have to pick the best applications. Feel free to apply in the future

    08/17/2014 5:58 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    Thank you! I'll be on later today!
    08/16/2014 8:41 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    IGN: Matt_Botte
    Age: 13
    Time zone: EST
    Skype: I'll give you once I am staff!

    How active can you be daily? I can be very active. Usually I'm on MC alot so I can come on alot.

    Previous experiences as a Helper? I run my own server and know how to moderate and can do alot of plugin commands.

    Why do you want to become a Helper? I want to become helper because I want to help out any server that needs my help.

    Why should we choose you? I am nice and know how to moderate. I know not to make exceptions. I also have been greifed before and don't want anyone else to greif or get greifed.

    Have you ever been banned before? If so why: No

    Anything else you want to add? I am very nice and know website designing (looks, not coding YET though)

    My public app: staff-application-for-any-server-that-needs-staff-t427785.html

    Anything else: PM Me!
    08/16/2014 8:35 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    Here is my public app: staff-application-for-any-server-that-needs-staff-t427785.html

    If you need anything else PM me!
    08/16/2014 8:34 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    Here is my public app! staff-application-for-any-server-that-needs-staff-t427785.html

    If you need anything else PM me!
    08/16/2014 7:39 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    Age: 13
    Username: Matt_Botte
    Experience: I run my own server (I know how to moderate and know commands) and another moderation example is I am co-leader in a clan (Clash of Clans)
    Skype: I will give out my skype if I get the position
    Why should we pick you?: I know alot of commands and know to be fair and not make exceptions.I am also nice and social. I would also be on the server alot.
    Are you currently staff on any other servers?: I am in the process of doing it. (Applied, accepted, not updated yet though)

    If you didn't like it, tell me what I did wrong to help me improve!
    08/16/2014 7:32 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    Here is my public app that answers most questions: staff-application-for-any-server-that-needs-staff-t427785.html

    Rank: Moderator or anything above moderator, your choice!
    Why can you trust me: I have been greifed and know how annoying it is. Also I run my own server and know how to be staff. Also I am a co-owner in a clan (Clash of Clans).
    I know many Bukkit commands and know not to let everyone get crazy or in fights.

    If you deny this please tell me what I did wrong to help me improve!
    08/15/2014 9:58 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    I'd be glad to help out!

    MC Username: Matt_Botte
    Name: Matt Botte
    Age: 13
    Maturity Level: 7
    Social Level: 8
    About myself: I love tech and my favorite game is Minecraft! I am willing to help out any server that needs it. I also know many Bukkit commands and more. I run my own VPN server and know how to make sure everything is running smoothly.
    Why should you trust me?: You should trust me because I have never griefed and never will. I have been greifed and hate it alot. I will make sure everyone on the server is having a great, clean time.
    Do I want staff for the power?: No
    Why you want staff: I want staff to make sure every Minecraft player is having a great time! (Except for rule-breakers. They don't get to break rules.) Also alot of times on on servers when there is no staff on and that makes me feel kindof weird if there is any "shady" people...
    Position: Any staff position you want to give me!
    Experience: I run my own server and know how to moderate. Also non-MC: I am co-leader in a clan in Clash of Clans (probably doesn't count but why not!)
    Contact: I'll tell you once/if I get the position!

    Thank you! If you did not like this please tell me what I did wrong so I can improve!
    08/15/2014 9:49 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    I'll be staff for it! Here is my Public App: staff-application-for-any-server-that-needs-staff-t427785.html
    and pm me if you need anything else!

    Thank you!
    08/13/2014 1:13 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    I would want to help, but I don't think we should have to pay instead of you.
    08/13/2014 1:03 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    IGN: Matt_Botte
    Age(above 13+): 13
    Rank wanted: Any rank you want to give me
    Reason why: I really want to help out any servers that need my help in order to provide a clean server experience and a great one. I know alot of commands and run a Minecraft Evolve VPN server and have good ranking ideas and many other things that could help.
    Experience: My own server, and I am also co-leader in a clan on Clash of Clans (don't really think it counts but why not ) and I am looking for more servers to help out on.

    P.S. If you deny this please tell me what I can improve on. Thanks!
    07/13/2014 7:24 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    A reason why would help me improve
    07/13/2014 6:16 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    iMatt1801's Avatar
    IGN: Matt_Botte

    Age (at least 13 years of age): 13

    Skype(Y/N): Yes (I like to be secure so I'll PM you if you accept this)

    Microphone(Y/N): Yes

    Timezone: Eastern (If I'm wrong I live in Massachusetts)

    What time are you most often on? (your time): 10:00AM-11:00AM, 5:00PM-9:00PM

    Are you multilingual?: I speak English and take Italian in school I have an A+ but I don't know if that counts.

    When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play?: I've played since release 1.2.5 and play very often but not 24/7.

    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server?if so what for?: No I haven't.

    *What is your previous experience in any type of moderation?:I run a Hamachi server and me and my friends play on it every once in a while I made a plot system on my server (It's not Bukkit yet but I am working on it) and I also made a tech forum ( and I co-own a social network (
    I moderate all three (Server, TechFort and Pictupost). I've also founded some clans in Clash of Clans, was a co-leader in 2 of my friends', and was an elder in 1.

    *How many hours can you contribute per day?: Probably at least 6.

    *What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them?: If younger is 1-2 younger, treat them like your age.
    If they are 10 years old or younger, go easy on them, but don't spoil them.

    Are you able to record?: I can but I prefer not to.

    *Anything else we should know?: I am a techie and prefer to figure things out instead of reading instructions.

    5 Reasons to why we should make you admin or a mod:
    1. I know not to abuse my powers
    2. I know what can happen if you give some random person a rank they should not have
    3. I know decent redstone
    4. I'm good at building roads, quick houses, and quick skyscrapers.
    5. I'm OK at naming streets
    6. I'm going to improve mine by doing more than 5
    7. I'm OK at naming cities.
    8. I know some cool intersection techniques
    9. I know locations that would be the most susceptible to greifing or trolling and
    10. I know how to make a good security system that can be disabled at the users request.

    *What skills do you have that will make you an outstanding Admin: I listed them above.

    *What makes you stand out: I'm super friendly, funny, active, and CRAFTy!

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