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Level 37 Artisan Dragonborn

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    10/17/2021 7:06 am
    Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn
    ishoYs's Avatar
    Most likely it is possible, but you'd probably have to use a mod. I am not familiar with modding so I couldn't tell you.
    10/02/2021 9:16 pm
    Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn
    ishoYs's Avatar
    typically, there should be a phrase for the name. if you were to get a players head their phrase would be something like "{SkullOwner:"PLAYERNAME"}" if this works with mobs even then in vanilla minecraft a phrase for a regular mob head is "minecraft:creeper_head" if you are using custom mob heads from maybe a texture pack or something than it may have a similar phrase. what exactly are you using to get more mob heads? obviously a ghast head isnt in vanilla minecraft.
    10/02/2021 8:12 pm
    Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn
    ishoYs's Avatar
    Lunar client is technically better than Badlion, as it can reach you up to 1000 fps when standing still. If you use Lunar client or Badlion client you are going to want to be a Pvper. If you are a casual player who doesn't sweat at all then use vanilla but if you want to be more of a Pvper then get Lunar. I've seen Badlion and Lunar together, personally, I'd suggest Lunar (you can just look up a video on youtube to get a more in-depth answer on why lunar is better than badlion) if you want to play Singleplayer and Pvper I've heard that Badlion is better but I wouldn't know too well. Nonetheless only get it if you do lots of Pvp.

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