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Level 2 Apprentice Crafter

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    06/19/2014 6:28 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Real first name: Tori
    Age: 14
    Country: U.S
    Skype (not required): tori.loveyuh
    IGN: Leikotha
    Years played?: 3-4
    Skills (minecraft related): I am good at catching abusers/hackers. I am good at helping others with things, and teaching new users commands. I am good with plugins(basic ones) I know almost ALL of the commands.
    Could you help donate to make the server a hub?: If i ever get money? xD
    Why should I accept you?: I have owned my own server before with Samantha (one of the applicants above). Unfortunately, It got shut down. I am currently Mod on a server, and Head-Mod on another server. I have been all the ranks out there(the basic ranks). I know All of the basic plugins and how to use them. I am mature person but fun at the same time. I am usually liked on servers I am staff on because I am known for my weirdness. I get along with people easily, and if they don't really like me, I won't make them like me, but I will still be nice to them. I am loyal to the higher ranks and owners. I Don't apply on servers to have creative or stuff like that. I apply to HELP users, and help YOU. I obey the rules and do not abuse my powers. I am RARELY banned, & if i am, it's usually my brother being retarded playing on my account. I can get some of my friends to come on, and I can provide a lot of time on the server because I'm a loner. I try my best to be the best staff member I can. Well, anyways, Thank you for taking your time to read this application.

    Hi Tori, if you are still interested I would love to have you as Mod. Love the part about helping the server an me but. P.S I am sure your not a loner

    Admin Application:
    Real first name: Jason

    Age: 16

    Country: United Stated of America

    Skype (not required): sullie98

    IGN: sullie98

    Years played?: since beta

    Skills (minecraft related): My specialty is Bukkit and Forge. I am currently receiving some training in permission files, so I may enhance my current performance with them.

    Could you help donate to make the server a hub?: Yes i can i get my paycheck every 2 weeks so i can donate about 10$ a week or 20$ every paycheck if i don't need it to pay my parents back for my college funding,

    Why should I accept you?:I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, I have been redstone engineer on multiple servers, and have built spawn on all of the servers I've worked on. With the exception of one. In fact I used to be called TheArchitect for my building ability. The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help; I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can. Also Im Willing And Able To Completely Devote My Time To Fixing Moderating, And Helping Out Whenever Needed. I Am Always Willing And Able To Be There On Call Most Hours! I Am Nice, Decent, I Can Handle Myself In Stressful Situations, I Am Tech Savvy If You Know The Term, :p I Am Absolutely Fair, Yet Another Reason Being I Do Not Cuss With Every Word Nor Do I Tolerate Racism, I Like Doing Little Things That Everyone Else Doesn't Want To Do Just Like Little Things Or Even Big Things!. I Believe I Should Be Hired Instead Of Someone Else Because I Am Devoted To This Server And Its People I Will Never Steer Anyone Wrong And I Only Am To Do The Best I Can To Support Everyone And Any I Can No Matter The Situation, I Want To Make This Better For Everyone In Any Way I Can And I'm Even Willing To Accept Help From Others And Advice/Criticism No Matter What Type Be It Negative Or Positive Also Being Tech Savvy I Can Help With Forums And The Web Site In Any Way Needed, As Of Now I Do Apologize For Having EVERY First Letter Of Every Word Its The Way I Type,i play 6-8 Hours On Average (i will notify you if i can't come on).

    Hi Jason, I will talk to my head admin and see what he thinks of you. I think you should be an admin for us but I just neeed to confirm with my head admin.

    Real first name: Eli
    Age: 15
    Country: US
    Skype (not required): elibowlby
    IGN: thecrashdemon
    Years played?: About 1 year on Xbox and 2 Years On PC
    Skills (minecraft related):
    Could you help donate to make the server a hub?: Yes about $5
    Why should I accept you?: I think you should choose me because I am a great person to get along with and that is what would make the server fun. I have been playing minecraft when it first came out, and I still am playing it today. I have great staff experience and know what to do when there is a difficult situation. I own a server right now(that is on a current hold) and I use to own one. If you need me for anything, I could do it. I am a really awesome builder and I make minecraft skins for fun. I know how to manage a server and you can trust me.
    This is a very trusted spot... How can YOU prove to me that you are worth this place?: I love playing minecraft and will do anything minecraft related for you. I can prove to you by showing my plugin knowledge, I can name most of the plugins out there and I also know how to use them all. Main plugins for minecraft are essentials, worldedit, A Group Manager(such as permissions ex or groupmanager), Multiverse, multiverse inv, multiverse portals, copysign plugin, and maybe a couple that you just fine but those are the main ones. Other plugins that you will probably need are, factions, parkour, ultimate skyblock, heavy spleef, survivalgames, and an economy plugin, you will mist likley get a lot more plugins that that. I can work with any minecraft server type, Bukkit, Spigot, or vanilla(you can't have plugins with that). Right now I would prefer the Bukkit 1.7.9 Beta Build. I also can prove by how I love to talk to people, helping with your minecraft community. My Past Staff: Own 2 servers, Admin on MasterRealms, Head-Moderator on KiwiCraft. I know how to manage a server and you can trust me. I hope you have a good time picking staff and with the server. Have a great day .

    Hi Eli, I would like you to be a mod as well as Tori. I think you would make a great adition to our server. Just come on when ever and I will add you to the perms.

    Thank you for all the applications so far. Still would love a mod that has a UK timezone or close to it.
    06/03/2014 9:52 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    MCNivaCraft & MrMeHe if it i so easy provide some of the work that you have done please.
    05/11/2014 9:25 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    04/12/2014 12:07 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Age: 21 Freelance web dev, loads of spare time just love Minecraft.
    Country: UK
    Time Zone: GMT
    Skype Name: iXpure

    I am applying for the highest role as I have 5 years + exp with minecraft. I have had 5 successful servers total and private servers for family and friends. Vanilla to Bukkit to Tekkit. Have a look at my building skills as well. I would very much love to help with a prison server. Hope to build some blocks/cells/spawns etc.

    My Work --> http://s63.photobucket.com/user/CAStewa ... tory/30111
    04/11/2014 10:06 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Name: Craig
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Skype: iXpure
    Age 21
    Minecraft Experience: 5 Years+

    Previous admin experience - I have a huge amount of admin experience as I have owned several servers and became Co-OP or Head Admin on a few servers. I have had 1 server per year and they were all successful except the first as it was hard to get a start. With the help of some people I managed to get my server successful.

    Pro's of you being a admin - The amount of experience I have, very patient, defuse tense situation (If any), manage server to it's full potential, keep everyone happy as possible, very fair person, non abusive.

    Cons of you being a admin - I honestly can't think of any... maybe that I like perfection.

    Can you come on daily if not, how often? - Any time from 10AM - 3AM next day GMT. I am a freelance web dev and designer so I have a tone of spare time. I love minecraft.
    04/08/2014 9:05 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Manager a.k.a Head-Admin
    Name: Craig
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Skype: Yes iXpure
    Age: 21

    Have you ever been staff on another server: Yes I was an Co-OP on Bakku-Shan. Started out as Head Admin and progressed to Co-OP because of the work I put in to the server. By work I mean plugin management, building amazing things, keeping the piece, creating permissions, keeping the server fun.

    3 Reasons Why I should pick you? I have over 5 years experience with minecraft and servers. In the past I have had 5 servers (1 for each year) all successful. I have this thing about perfection, if there is a problem I will fix it. If I don't understand how to I will go and learn it. Check below to see the things I can build. I have more screens shots of other things if needed.

    My Work

    04/08/2014 5:21 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Hello, I am interested in becoming a Co-Owner for the pinicle server. I have vast experience with minecraft and running servers from vanilla minecraft to tekkit. At the bottom of this application you will see some images of the things I have built in the past.

    I have had 5 servers in the past (1 for each year) with different play styles such as survival, creative, mini games, skyblock,. tekkit (most mod packs) and also have had the first four merged together in one huge server.

    All servers were successful but I had moved on to other games as I was bored. I wan't to get back in to server management but don't wan't my own. It was pretty hard getting it of the ground for the first year because I had done all the work my self.

    The skyblock games I used to do were small if I remember, so I don't know if it has changed much. I am a quick learner and if there is something that I don;t understand or get stuck at I WILL find out how to do it. Google is is everyone's friend plus youtube.

    Name: Craig
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Skype: iXpure I may not be available at most times. I have a friend who I like to game with. We are in chat a lot plus all the people who want sites call me. I can be on the server from 10AM - 3-4AM next day GMT.
    Age: 21
    Experience: 5 years+
    Contributions: I can advertise, manage forums and websites, keep the piece, build awesome things, add/fix/remove plugins and much more. I am a freelance web designer and developer. Just adding that in.

    My Work:

    04/06/2014 10:25 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Real Name: Craig
    IGN - iXpure1992
    Age - 21
    Location - Scotland
    Do you have Skype with a working Microphone? - Yes but I am allways in a skype call because I design and develop websites for clients and I also keep in touch with a friend to play LOL.
    Have you ever been banned on a server before? If so, why? - Nope
    Why should we chose you as staff? - Look at my images and you will see. I am a very devoted player and extremely trust worthy. Plus I have a ton of experience with minecraft, plugins, mods, building, server admin, mod and more.
    What are some qualities that you may bring to our server? - Anything you need. I am great at advertising as long as I know what you need/want done. Designing amazing structures for spawns and towns.
    How many hours a week can you be on the server? - How much do you need? I can be on from 10AM - 3AM next day. I only have uni but even then I am able to be on the server.
    What are you best at? - Administrating the server AND building.
    What Languages do you speak? - Only English sadly but that's what google translate is for haha.

    My Work:

    04/06/2014 9:04 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Hi, hope you are still looking for a spawn builder? Below is some images of what I can do. I have done loads of different things in the past. Been playing minecraft for 5 years now. I can do some cool stuff with redstone if needed.

    10/01/2013 12:02 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Thank you for making me an admin. This server is awesome. Friendly people and love to try new things. There are still a lot of placements for builders and mods so get your applications filled out.
    09/30/2013 6:26 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Age: 21

    Available: 5-7 days a week for 12+ hours each day.
    Reward: Would be nice to be an admin. I have a tone of experience with servers. I have had a few of my own and have been OP/admin on certain servers. I have been on MC since the BETA launch which I think has been 4 years I have been playing MC .
    09/30/2013 3:49 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Age: 21
    Minecraft IGN: iXpure1992

    Admin/Mod/Staff Experience: Admin, Mod and Staff. I have been on MC since the BETA MC rolled out. I have been on many servers and have had a few of my own.

    Pluggin Experience: I have a great understanding of most plugins. If I don't understand it I will go and research.

    Building Experience: Well... I can build anything as long as I have a rough idea on what is wanted. I am amazing at building. If you want screenshots of some just ask.

    Year you began to play Minecraft: 2009 Beta stages.

    1-3 Sentences on why you would like to help us begin our community: I understand that running a server needs to be done effectively and smoothly. I find that it is easier to work with people that are asking for help. I have had a few servers and it was hard trying to get a good start. I had a decent server after 6 months of hard work. No help just all done by my self.

    I will be a great admin simply because I love to help others and improve anything that can be improved.
    09/30/2013 3:15 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Country: UK
    Age: 21
    Contact: (Skype) - iXpure
    What are you applying for?: Admin

    Have you been staff on other servers?: I have had a few servers in that past and have 1 at the moment but it is just for friends and family.

    Can you donate?: Yes I can.
    Timezone: GMT
    How many days a week can you be on the server?: 5-7
    How many hours a day can you be on the server for?:12+

    Why do you deserve this position?: I have had past experience with servers and how they should be run. I understand how important it is to keep things moving smoothly and effectively.

    What are general server rules?: No girefing, respect others, no thieving, avoid caps, no hacks/cheats etc...

    What would you do if you saw someone had griefed over 40 blocks, what would you do?: Perma ban the let them appeal if they want to.

    What if someone was advertising?: what would you do?: Kick 2x then perma ban.
    09/26/2013 3:04 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    Name: Craig
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Age: 21
    Why should I pick you?: Not copying what you said but I am all of the list above. I have ran a few servers of my own and know how important it is to keep things moving smoothly and effectively. No room for errors.

    Have you ever hosted a server or have been staff on a server?: Yes to both. I have been an OP on some servers and mod on others. I can't remember the names. I am only just returning to MC. I have a server that I am working on just now for a mate since he is useless at making them :L I can show you it. Work in progress.
    09/26/2013 4:43 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    iXpure's Avatar
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Skype: iXpure
    Age: 21
    Timezone: UK GMT
    Building Skill: 9
    Pics of builds: I don't have any at this time.

    IGN: iXpure1992
    Skype: iXpure
    Age: 21
    Timezone: UK GMT
    How will you help the server? I have a fair amount of knowledge about how a server should be run. I don't need any teaching/training in the operations of a server. I can help keep the community stable. I will help anyone who needs it un like most admins/mods.

    How much time can you spend on the server? How long do you wan't? I am on during the day most days. There is the odd 1 day I will not be on. I also stay up very late so I would be on for at least 12+ hours a day.

    Have you ever been a mod/admin before? Yes I have. I have run my own servers and also been a huge part of... ??? sorry cant remember the name.

    Forum/Site Mod
    IGN: iXpure1992
    Skype: iXpure
    Age: 21
    Timezone: UK GMT
    Rate your puntuation skills: 9
    Do you enjoy helping others and solving problems? Yes
    How often can you be online? 12+ hours

    Why are you a trustworthy person? It is in my nature. I know how inportent it is to keep things flowing.

    Do you have experience in enjin? Not much but if you have used one sit builder you have used them all. I have a HND Interactive Media & Web Development degree. I am good at web design/development.

    Do you know any HTML coding? HTML 4-5, CSS 2-3, JavaScript, PHP, Ajax, VB, C++ etc... More than needed.

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