japersx's Avatar
Level 54 Grandmaster Architect


Hey all! Thanks for stopping by my page! I build recreations of Roman structures and also dabble in some inspired builds. Bringing this style to life in Minecraft has been a passion of mine since I started this journey in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. I've always had a love for classical architecture, and I'd like to share that same love with you through my builds. However, I'm just a minor cog in the wheel of awesome and well-accomplished classical architects on this platform, but I like to think that someday I can make an impact with my work.

I hope you enjoy the work that I've done so far -- whether through server projects, downloadable maps, or just looking at the photos -- and stay tuned for more to come! Currently, I have two ongoing projects that you can check out on my profile page just below this about section: the Imperial Fora Project and the 5:1 Series. The Imperial Fora Project is a 2:1 scaled MC build series of all five fora in the Imperial Fora complex of Ancient Imperial Rome. The Imperial Fora included some of the most famous Roman structures, including the Forum of Trajan and the Forum of Julius Caesar. The 5:1 Series is a Roman structure/temple series built in a 5:1 scale. This series focuses more on detail and realism than in-game perspective.

If you'd like to reach out to me for business or community inquiries, please feel free to direct message me on either Planet Minecraft or on discord (thepraetorian1).

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159Discussion posts
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Oct 17, 2021Joined PMC
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