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    07/28/2014 6:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    07/28/2014 6:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Then don't host a server. You're going to waste your time and effort for something that will eventually fail.
    07/27/2014 8:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    The owner didn't think you were up to it sorry :/
    07/27/2014 7:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Sorry, you have been denied :/
    07/27/2014 9:46 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Our server, buttersolace.mcserver.ws (ip) needs a developer as we just lost one.

    We are not public yet, but we have an amazing hub that is almost done, and many gamemodes. We just need a developer's help.

    That is all I am saying, because I'm not the one who should be applying to you, you should be applying to me. Contact me on skype (jbomber732) for more info.
    07/20/2014 3:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    07/20/2014 2:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Rank Applying for: Admin

    IGN: Jbomber732

    Skype: Jbomber732

    Past Work: Admin and moderator on many servers that have been successful.

    Examples/Pictures: Admin on a server called derpycraft which hit 50 people at its prime time.

    Special Qualities: Very mature, hardworking, and dedicated. I am very experienced on catching hackers, and I have a lot of experience as a staff member. I never ever abuse, and I am always fair. I am extremely good at working with people, and on previous servers I have been the one that players go to when they need help.

    Why others will like working with you: I am very fun, yet mature at the same time, and I always take other people's opinion into consideration. Overall, I am a very experienced staff member, and would be a great addition to your team.
    07/19/2014 4:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    I'm on
    07/19/2014 4:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Name (In real life name): Jacob

    Position Wanted: Moderator

    IGN (in game name/ minecraft username): Jbomber732

    Age (In real life Age): 14

    Skype: Jbomber732

    Have you been staff before if so what rank(s) and how many times: Yes, I have been admin and mod on many successful servers and I know how to be a good staff member.

    What you can bring to the Server: I am very good with people, and on servers I have been known as being the staff member whom players go to. I am good at bringing new players to the server, I can build somewhat, and I am always eager to help people. I never ever abuse, and would use my powers fairly. I am experienced in catching hackers, I know how to work with forums, and I would be an overall help.

    How long you've been on Minecraft: 2.5 years

    Could you bring people to our server: Yes, I am very good at bringing new players.

    How much will you be on: 1-4 hours, depending on the day.

    Could you donate: Not right now but maybe later.

    Any Extra Info?: Overall, I am a very experienced and helpful staff member and I hope to be able to help with your server.
    07/19/2014 3:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    supercraftdudes.mcpro.co is correct right?
    07/19/2014 3:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    It will not let me join for some reason. It says unknown host. Is the ip in the original post correct?
    07/19/2014 3:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    IRL Name (In real life name): Jacob

    Position Wanted: Admin or moderator

    IGN (in game name/ minecraft username): Jbomber732

    IRL Age (In real life Age): 14

    Skype: Jbomber732

    Country: USA

    Are you good with Plugins: I'm moderately good, but not a master

    Have you been staff before if so what rank(s): I have been admin on a successful server, and mod on a few others. I am very experienced on the staff aspect.

    What you can bring to the Server: I am very good with people, and on servers I have been known as being the staff member whom players go to. I am good at bringing new players to the server, I can build somewhat, and I am always eager to help people. I never ever abuse, and would use my powers fairly. I am experienced in catching hackers, I know how to work with forums, and I would be an overall help.

    How long you've been on MineCraft: Around 2 1/2 years

    Could you populate the server: Yes, I find that I'm good at populating the server.

    How much will you be on: Depends on the day but anywhere from 1-4 hours.

    Could you donate: Not at the moment, but possibly in the future

    Any Extra Info?: Overall, I am a very experienced player and staff member, and I think I'd be a great help to the server.
    12/25/2013 9:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Skills30Words long(minimum)(clear grammar please): I'm extremely good with players, I never abuse, I'm very mature, always on task, I help people all the time, I'm very trustworthy, I'm very active, good at advertising for the server, I know how to run a server as I've been an admin many times before. I'm honestly a perfect choice. My building skills are probably 8/10, my redstone skills are about 6/10, (I can learn if needed) I know how to use plugins to a basic extent, but don't know how to program/code.
    Age; 13 (don't look at this and think I'm a little kid. I'm very mature and up for the job of admin.)
    Skype: jbomber732
    Name: jbomber732/ jacob. (didn't know if you meant irl or ign...)
    XP?: I have been admin on many servers, so its not new to me. I know exactly what to do, and how to do it right. I'm really good with players and sometimes I'll just sit there and answer people's questions. I'm pretty experienced with advertising for the server, making a website popular, and working on the server. I'm amazing (no joke) at catching hackers, I know all the hacks and how to detect them, I'm always fair, no favorites, and I would do a great job.
    P.S. I'm applying for admin, but mod would be fine. I just feel like I'd do much better as admin...
    12/25/2013 2:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Well I would be a great admin but I don't make the age cut... Too bad.
    12/24/2013 8:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    In Game Name: jbomber732
    Skype: jbomber732
    Age: 13 (mature though)
    Time Zone: EST USA
    Server Position: Admin or Moderator: Either one, but I'd prefer admin because that's where I'm better, but I'm perfectly fine as a mod.
    Your Qualifications for This Position: I have been an admin on many servers, but my best experience as an admin has been on a server called derpycraft (down now) where we grew fairly large, and as the head admin, I did a great job with everything, so I definitely know how to help run a successful server.
    Why You Want This Position: I love to help new servers start up, and stick with them as they grow and become awesome servers. I love helping new players, building things, working out the problems of the servers, help making websites, and basically doing anything an admin does.
    What makes you different from the rest? Probably my communication skills. I'd spent countless hours on servers just answering people's questions and helping them. I am not bad a building though not the best, I am amazing at catching hackers, and know all hacks and how to detect them. I'm very mature, and never mess around, I'm nice, funny (or so they say) and I'm always ready to help. I don't think this makes me different than the others, but its makes me better than the others for sure, and I'd be great for the job.
    Would You Help Guardian Realms PvP Grow By Advertising? I know various ways of getting people such as spamming (some owners find this dingy) or posting on gaming forums, voting for your server, posting it on youtube comments, making videos about it, (I know some people who possibly could help) and posting it on PMC (duh) I know lots of ways to get new people, and as an admin my job is a lot of times to advertise for the server, and I've been pretty good at it.
    Do You Agree To The Rules Of Being On Staff? (Rules For Staff Found Here - http://grpvp.us/staffrules) Umm I don't see the rules atm but I'd probably agree to them as long as it wasn't anything crazy like give us your money On a more serious note if it says anything like be mature, don't abuse, or something like that than I definitely agree.
    12/24/2013 1:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Minecraft In-game name: jbomber732
    Real name(Optional): Jacob
    Age: 13 (mature nonetheless)
    TimeZone: EST USA
    Position you're looking for: Probably admin, but I'd be fine with mod.
    From a scale of 1-10, how good is your building skill?: Depends what I'm building. If you want me to build a PVP arena then probably 8. A spawn? 7 In general I'm a pretty good builder though its not my specialty.
    Experience as server staff: I have a lot of admin experience, including admin on a server called derpycraft where I was very successful and a good admin. I have plenty of mod experience on various servers and I know what to do.
    Why do you want to be staff on MineBound?: I love to help new servers grow and stick with them, and to help and see it grow. I love helping new players, and being friendly in general.
    What are you good at Server Wise?(Example: Good with players, know how to configure plugins, etc.): My main thing would be community communications. (or somethung like that) I'm great with the community, I'm always there to answer questions and I'm good with websites and making the websites active. I'm clueless with server configurations and stuff like that, but I can learn if you want me to. I know all my commands though, so don't think I'm clueless in that area too.
    Do you have Skype or any other contact info? (Skype is preferred) skype, and my Skype is jbomber732.
    Extra info? (Optional): I know how to ban hackers very well, and I know methods for catching xrayers, I know when to jail, mute and all that stuff. I think I'd be a great admin, but its up to you in the end EDIT: also don't just think that because my app doesn't make me look like the best means I'm not the best choice, because I'm not great at writing persuasively, so please take my word that I'd be a great admin.
    12/24/2013 12:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Real Name: Jacob
    Minecraft Name: jbomber732
    Age: 13 (mature)
    Time Zone: EST USA
    How long have you played Minecraft for: About 2 years.
    What makes you so good: I am very nice to people, I'm fair, and never abuse my powers. I have great experience on being an admin, and I'm always a very popular staff member on servers. I have great knowledge of what to do, and how to do it right. I know how to catch hackers and trust me I will not dissapoint. I am extremely mature, and don't mess around. I always know how to help advertise servers, and know how to make a website awesome. I hope I can get a chance to be part of an awesome server
    08/05/2013 12:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Bump Please join we'd really appreciate it.
    08/03/2013 10:16 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    Name: jbomber732
    Age: 13 but very mature.
    Timezone: USA EST
    Have you read a warrior cats book?: ALL OF DEM
    are you willing to donate?: Depends if I feel like it's worth it.
    did you check out our website: Of course I did. It's nice
    Are you awesome ?: That's like asking if humans need to breath.
    A Bio of your self: I was born and immidiately started playing minecraft
    I'm very nice mature and would never abuse. I will be very active.
    08/02/2013 8:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jbomber732's Avatar
    IGN: Jbomber732
    Age: 13 but very mature
    Skype: jbomber732
    Rank: co-owner head admin or admin. Honestly I like head admin
    Op: If you allow it then sure.
    Why you want this rank: To help a server grow and to help any problems someone has.
    How will you use it: ^ I will also not abuse powers and will be very active.
    Other info: I have had head admin experience on a recently started server and I helped get it to a point on where it had 50 people on at once.

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