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Level 5 Apprentice Collective

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    07/29/2022 2:15 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Collective
    JDawgX2X's Avatar
    I used to be really bad at socializing too. You just have to talk to people. Sometimes it's really really awkward, sometimes you get ignored, but MOST people MOST of the time are very friendly. Even the worst experiences, you just walk away. You'll never see them again

    Make a joke about the line being long to the person behind you

    Hold the door and say something about the weather or, when I was in the elevator at school, my favorite was: "Are you running late to the same class I am?"

    Are you getting food real quick on a hot day, and there's something outside? Maybe ask for an ice water to go and offer it to them. Refer again to the weather, but since you brought a drink, it's not as weird.

    And you ask these silly little questions and just feel it out. Speak confidently, whole sentences, have thoughts and opinions on things. If they want to talk, you'll get the same content back. If you barely talk, they barely talk. You need to talk. Nobody wants to, everybody has to.

    If you're getting 1-2 word answers, they keep looking away or trying to move away, then that just means they have their own lives, and they have things to do.

    "It was cool talking see ya!"

    "Good luck at work, bye!"

    and then you walk away.

    Nobody knows how to socialize, it's not just you. Good luck!


    ps also my towny Minecraft server is:
    07/13/2019 7:29 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Collective
    JDawgX2X's Avatar
    Wow huh I wonder if putting the IP on the forum post would be a good idea, yeah thanks JD that's a good idea I'll go and do that

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