Joelestral's Avatar
Level 2 Apprentice Explorer

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    01/28/2013 6:59 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Joelestral's Avatar
    Name: Joe (IGN:Joelestral)
    Age: 13
    Timezone/Country: GMT+0 (London)
    Do you have a microphone?: I do indeed
    Do you Have Skype?(If so include your skype name): Yes, it's joelestral
    Why Do You want to Join?: It should be a new experience to me, I always like to make new friends and would like a new group of people to socialise with.
    What Can you do to Benefit us?: I already have the experience of making videos due to having a youtube channel already, I also have some programming/html knowledge and server (bukkit/plugin knowledge)
    Mature- 0-10?: 8 (I don't really like to rate myself)
    How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft?: Since mid-alpha (since november 2010 i think)
    Expiriances?: I have owned my own youtube clan before (still kinda do), made youtube videos, owned servers, made mods & plugins, i've done quite a lot i guess :3
    01/26/2013 8:20 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Joelestral's Avatar
    thanks man
    01/26/2013 7:53 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Joelestral's Avatar
    np man, just keep your channel going
    01/26/2013 7:49 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Joelestral's Avatar
    Exaclty! Do that more! Another suggestion is that you join a server of people that make let's play or just join a group of people that make videos, doing this would get some of their subscribers from their channel intrigued in yours, increasing your fanbase.
    Another thing would be to make a video about a popular but still small server. Since the server probably hasn't had many lets players on it, if you make a couple vids about the server, then some of the regulars will probably watch that video and if they like it, they'll carry on watching your vids.
    01/26/2013 7:28 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Joelestral's Avatar
    This is the internet dude, age is just a number on the internet.

    Anyways, I would suggest maybe tutorials, you'd be surprised how many people look up even the most basic tutorials on youtube, you could maybe even do a mod showcase on some small mods, then send it to the person who made the mod, they can then (if they want to) put it on their forum post of the mod, that would gain a couple more viewers.
    01/26/2013 7:08 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Joelestral's Avatar
    Don't close your account,
    you're still getting a decent amount of views each day, you just need something different in your videos to spark some more interest,
    think: what got you to 500 subs in the first place which you could do to grow even more?
    01/26/2013 7:03 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Joelestral's Avatar
    Hey guys,

    just gonna post my channel here, I currently have 3 series on my channel atm, sorry my mic isn't that good in the last couple vids, they have been fixed in the recent videos I've recorded (not uploaded to youtube). The series and their description will be below my youtube link. I like any feedback regarding my channel, just feel free to post feedback in the comment of the video you want to give feedback on.


    Minecraft RGC Server Survival: This is a vanilla survival series on a server with 4 other people (all who which make their own videos on the server), it is mindcrack style and we also do special PvP events sometimes.
    Minecraft Survival: Atm this is also a vanilla survival on singleplayer, although, I will be turning this into a modded survival in the next couple videos (youll have to wait and see what mod it is)
    Faster Than Light: This is my first non-minecraft content on my channel, I only just started this series and in the first episode the music was too loud, but i'll be fixing that also in a couple episode.

    If you like my content, feel free to leave a like, a comment, or even subscribe if you want to see more

    Thanks for reading, ~Joelestral
    12/02/2012 4:48 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Joelestral's Avatar
    Name: joelestral (call me Joe)
    Age: 14
    Country: England (London)
    What will you be Performing?: Building
    Can you dedicate a fair amount of Time to the Show?: Yes
    Do you have Teamspeak 3? (Just Download it if not): Yes

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