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Level 27 Expert Pirate

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    09/05/2011 3:30 am
    Level 27 : Expert Pirate
    JonnyKrass's Avatar
    Punch the first bully right in the nose. If another bully didn't hear about that event, punch the next one in the nose. You will not be messed with again. When I was in Jr High a couple of kids tried to pick on me, I grabbed them by the neck, squeezed in on their windpipe to make them afraid and threw them across the room, each time. It honestly doesn't matter if you get in a little trouble, if the principle says anything to you when you're both in the room, you say he started it and leave it at that. If the principle and you are alone you tell him the truth, you were being picked on and you're not willing to just take it, the bitch got what was coming to him. If it ends in a fight and you loose, you will have earned respect from the bully and all your classmates. No one is going to pick on a kid who will punch them in the face, even if they win in the end. If you're too much of a pussy to stand up for yourself, then you're a coward and you deserve the bully. Cyber-Bullying isn't something a normal person should care about, trolls are everywhere and if you can't handle that then just go kill yourself, life is going to be terrible for you. Nuff said. Basically, don't be a pussy.

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