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    01/02/2015 8:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    kennyth's Avatar
    IGN: Kazuki_Saito
    Real Name:Kenny
    Time Zone: UTC Central Time US And Canada
    Any past experience as a admin? yes on a lot of servers
    Tell us about yourself. Add 2 paragraphs, with 3 sentences per paragraph.
    My hobbys are playing on the computer going to partys socializing with people and being racist sometimes, Im also very random and I guess a lot of people like me or they tell me but I don't really believe them and stuff... My favorite color is blue because ive been looking at the sky a long time and one time, Ah. ive had at least 6 girlfriends and well that's not much but im stil dating Mary right now... and aah.... im pretty mature in my own way I don't do things I cant do....
    A player is griefing a non-protected part of the spawn. What do you do? Assume you are a mod in this situation.Kick him and warn him to stop and if he doesn't ban him
    A player is DDoSing another player, but your instincts tell you it is their first time doing it. What do you do? Assume you are the Head-Admin in this situation. Use your brain.
    I tell them if there gonna dose the server then they should get ready to be sued and pay a lot of money

    A demoted staff member still has creative. What do you do? You are a admin in this situation. I ask an owner if we should still let him be in creative or watch the player if an owner is not on
    Any questions? What kind of server is this going to be I never checked....
    01/02/2015 7:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    kennyth's Avatar
    Skype: Kazuki_Saito4
    Name: Kazuki
    Why you want to be staff and what you can do for our server
    I want to be staff so I can show people what to do and what not to do and I can also have fun. I might be racist or cuss a lot sometimes it depends on the situation and also I want players to have fun so ill try that with the best of my abilitys
    Experience Ive been co owner on 4 servers. Admin on 3. Mod on at least 20 and builder on at least 10 and helper on at least 4 or so thanks for reading this Im also very funny btw
    Position you want to be Admin/Mod Mostly Admin
    01/01/2015 9:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    kennyth's Avatar
    IGN: Kazuto_Saito
    Real name: kennyth
    Age: 14
    TimeZone Central
    From: Minnesota
    I want to be an admin so I can help people and lead them to the right path I can also be mod if you want me to.
    I have team speak and Skype
    Skype Name: kennyth123
    I do have a mic
    Minecraft Experience: A lot ive been co owner on 7 servers and admin on 3 servers and mod on 6 servers.
    Ive also been builder on 2 servers
    Im good with commands and plugins if you need help with it I can help you so please ask me.
    I can be active 4-5 hours
    I can help new players by telling them what not to do and leading them in the right direction so they don't get banned or anything else.
    I can be on Saturday-sunday Just messege me on Skype if you have it

    Maturity Level: 8/10
    Building level: 7-9/10 depends on the time of day
    EDIT: Don't Read This Unless You Want TO
    Other stuff about me: I like anime and I like drawing, My favorite food is steak or rice and im Asian, My favorite colors blue, Im random a lot so you might not understand me and I like doing a lot of stuff. My favorite things are minecraft mmorpgs, Ive only had 3 girlfriends and im still dating one of them right now so u could meet her soon if she wants to play minecraft idk if she wants to though. Um I have 2 siblings and parents. I go to highschool at Patrick henry
    12/30/2014 2:13 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    kennyth's Avatar
    I want to join so I can help you guys with stuff and so I can have fun while doing it and I can also want to join because I want to be a beta tester IGN: kennyth123
    12/29/2014 7:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    kennyth's Avatar
    Age: 14
    IGN: kennyth123
    Skype: kennyth123
    Rank you want?: Head-Admin Or Admin
    Why you want that rank?:: Because I can help lead everyone the right direction and I can talk to anyone and get to know them then do a whole bunch of stuff, and I can also be reliable. I can also help people with there expeience by showing them how to do things and stuff
    How you can help?: I can help by answering peoples questions and I know commands and plugin stuff so you can ask me for anything
    Why should we choose you?: Because ive been playing minecraft for a couple years so im very experienced. I can also start projects if you ask me to and I can do them alone.
    Previous experience?: Ive been builder/mod/admin/co-owner/owner on over 10 servers

    Maturity: 6-10/10 depends on the situation
    Building: 9/10
    Availability: 4-5 hours a day Sunday-Saturday
    I have teamspeak 3 if you have it
    Other stuff about me: Im a hard worker so Im not on in the morning. Im Asian and im 14 years old, My favorite color is blue. Im random so you might not understand me, My favorite food are noodles,Steak,Rice,Sausage,Ribs,Sushi,Candy, And Meat aaah what else should I add? good with a lot of things? and thanks for reading and taking your time!!
    12/29/2014 7:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    kennyth's Avatar
    I woul like to be admin thx
    12/29/2014 7:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    kennyth's Avatar
    My ign is kennyth123

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