Khao59's Avatar
Level 16 Journeyman Explorer

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    02/09/2013 7:43 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    Danny: You get Admin
    Plarsootje: Head Admin!
    Alaawi: Admin
    CPL: haven't decided yet... Head Admin Or Co-Owner?

    Thanks for applying guys; I'll PM you my Skype username and we'll talk
    02/09/2013 3:46 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    Hi there, I've been through the pages of the thread (Can't control myself to stop looking at your graphics you made for people =P), and I think your graphics here are top-notch and like many people have said, I also couldn't control myself to stop saying 'WOW'... heh. I also need a server banner... it will be very specific, take your time! Could you do a 775 x 100 server banner with the properties of:

    -Grey background with slightly glowing lime-ish green circuits, like passages of a maze, and also the background like a circuit (except for the circuits itself). If you get what I'm saying ^.^
    -Text 'TECHNO WORLD' in grey metal and slightly 'hovering' (shades under the text), maybe make inside the text slight quantities of wires and gears. Text has 3D outline 'walls'.
    -under the text, please make a smaller text out of the previously mentioned circuits, saying 'AN EPIC EXPERIENCE'.
    -Make it as eye-catching as you can! (Surely that won't be hard as your graphic skills are amazing!)

    Thanks in advance,


    (P.S take your time! ^.^)
    02/02/2013 11:36 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    Could I have a 728x100 banner please, with a bright red 'curved rectangle' border and around it a slightly darker red. Dark red text 'xREDTechno' wrote in font like Minecraft's default font in the left side, and a redstone icon slightly sideways after the text. On the left side a redstone torch icon (lit up) on the left side. Thanks!
    01/06/2013 6:09 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    Name - Nick Cloudwood
    Age - 15
    IGN - Rainbow_Knight
    Servers you've been staff on - Two, but they are not popular and not 24/7 either...
    Why are you worth picking - I'm very experienced at being a member of staff. I'm mature, and I could random things up if things are a little sad, or something like that. I'm very good at teamwork, awesome at building, and I am a pal of public. I don't abuse.
    Plugin experience - I decorate signs/other stuff with ColorMe (It's really easy, I know but I can make it beatiful-er), not very good with WorldEdit but I don't use it a lot. I suggest many interesting plugins.
    Any other things I should know - A good way of contacting me when I'm not on is Skype, I'll msg you it if I get accepted.

    Thanks for reading,
    12/30/2012 6:18 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    Er, I don't know if this is kinda like you make a server for us, or an already-made server set up kind of thing?
    12/30/2012 6:07 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    You didn't describe the noise properly- maybe it was an enderman-noise-glitch thing?
    12/30/2012 6:03 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    You could make yourself invulnerable or something, like /god or some similar command. If there is in a vanilla server.Also you didn't mention you white-listed it- did you?
    12/26/2012 9:24 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar

    12/25/2012 12:12 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar

    Age: 16+

    Have you been banned on a server before? if so why: Well yes, but that server was hacked so it's not really my fault

    How long will u be available a day: For about 2-4 hours, more if you want!

    Why i should choose you over the Others?: I am highly mature, and random as well.I might be a good addition for a server as I am talented with building with hand. I also have Skype. And I can use ColorMe (plugin) very easily.

    IGN: Big_jake139 's my premium, Khaotikk is my cracked, please tell which one to use! (money's on premium)
    12/25/2012 12:00 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    How many color dyes are there? [Answer: 16]
    What is the best enchant for the undead? [Answer: Smite]
    What is red and goes 'BOOM!'? [Answer: TNT]
    What enchant makes a bow shoot infinite arrows? [Answer: Infinity]
    Who is the famed, creepy ghost myth who is Notch's dead brother? [Answer: Herobrine]
    How many kinds of edible, natural meat are there in Minecraft? [Answer: 4]

    There we go
    12/25/2012 4:48 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: Khaotikk
    Server Name: EnchantMC
    Home World Name: eMC World
    Max Players: 25
    Spawn-Animals: Yes pwease!
    Spawn-Mobs: Yes!
    MOTD: ~EnchantMC~
    Allow Nether: Yup!
    Default Gamemode: Survival
    Generate Structures: Yesh
    PvP: Yesh!
    Whitelist: Nah!
    Allow Flight: Nope!
    Level Type: Default!
    Ops: Khaotikk, Herobrine (no, I'm not crazy), Hemebru
    Operating System: 64bit

    Plugins: Factions, ChestShop, ColorMe, TimTheEnchanter, Jobs, mcMMO and PlayerSkulls ^.^
    Basic Plugins: Basic as in GroupManager, Bukkit, WE, WG, Essentials, etc? If so Yes!
    What type of plugins do you need: PvP, Money, and Shops!

    Thanks a lot if you get this done!
    11/18/2012 8:16 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    Maybe- Ultra Rare Shadow Fairies? They fly around just like bats and when they sense you they damage you. They drop 0-1 diamond blocks or 0-3 diamonds. Or both.
    10/31/2012 2:43 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    AGE: 15
    IN-GAME-USERNAME: Khaotikk, I have another one, h3artlezz.
    CAN U BUILD GOOD TOWNS: Yea! 10/10. Awesome without WorldEdit, Godly with WorldEdit (said an owner of a dead server... unfortunately.)
    ARE U MUTURE: I'm mature alright. But if you meant 'future', eh... no? Haha
    WILL YOU HELP: That's the whole reason of being a Server Staff. Of course I will!
    CAN I TRUST U: Yea, I'm trustworthy alright. Ask other staff, if you don't believe me. If you think I'm not (and demote me)... well, that's just how life works.
    ARE U FUN (are u not an ass): Yep... I'm not an ass. I don't troll to innocent people (unless if I feel like it), I'm a master at trolling hackers, or griefers. I just hope this server has a jail area!
    10/31/2012 2:36 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    AGE: 15
    USERNAME: Khaotikk
    LIST 3 PLUGINS: LogBlock, Essentials, Deadbolt (Old, isn't it? )
    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN RANKED ON ANOTHER SERVER: Yep, Moderator, And On Another One Member+.
    ARE YOU FUN: Of Course! Things Never Get Dull When I'm Around!
    CAN YOU USE WORLD EDIT: About 9/10, not the very complicated parts though
    10/31/2012 2:27 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    IGN: Khaotikk
    Age: 15
    Skype: chaotic.khaotikk (I don't have a mic, BTW)
    Country: In the UK.
    Time Zone: UTC.
    Wich position you want?: I'd like Admin please. However if you chose someone over than me I'd like Moderator. But I hope I get Admin..!
    Why should I pick you: I'm mostly active and responsible. Also I have MineShafter... and I understand all the negative problems Staff could have. Thanks for taking your time!
    10/29/2012 6:04 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    IGN: Khaotikk
    First Name(So I can address you correctly.): Nick
    Skype Name: chaotic.khaotikk (No mic, sorry)
    Can you set up a Server: No, me and my friend tried to make one but it was complicated.
    What you like to do in Minecraft: Oh I don't know, I'd do anything you'd like!
    YouTube Channel: Sorry, Youtube's blocked for me...
    10/28/2012 5:42 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    10/22/2012 12:38 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
    Khao59's Avatar
    I don't play a lot of single player, I love building mansions and PvP'in with people. Trollers and Griefers D:

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