king_cody_'s Avatar
Level 4
Apprentice Artist

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    07/17/2015 6:33 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Artist
    king_cody_'s Avatar
    IGN: king_cody_

    Age: 13

    Skype: (Already have you added)

    Timezone: CST

    What are you Applying for? Administrator / Moderator

    How do you think you could benefit The Ayku Network? I know it sounds cheesy, because everyone says it, but truly I feel that I can make sure that the community is safe and everything is kept clean. My application will probably be denied because of my age and you will not think I am an irresponsible child, but I found more mature than others at my age. I can also benefit the network by being responsible but not strict at the same time. Finally, my time I give into the server. A few days ago I was given a task by a server owner to build a spawn. I stayed up till 3:00 to 3:30 in the morning so that I could finish the task the owner gave me, this not only shows I give my time, but I was dedicated to finishing the task.

    Why Should we choose you over someone else? I should be chosen over other applicants because of my Maturity, Time, and Dedication. Not only will I be mature, but I will also show enjoyments whilst I am being mature. No one has ever liked a staff member that is too strict, but the ones that have fun along with doing their duty. I also have a whole lot of knowledge about how to do my duty as a staff member.

    Past Experience: When it comes to past experience I have been staff on multiple servers, most of those servers are down, but there is one that is currently in development and opening soon, that is the reason I am applying here. The servers that went down had pretty sad endings, but I do not dread on the past but look forward to the future. This server has has a good future, as the staff has been working very hard. All I can say is this server is gonna be good.
    To show that I have prior experience and know how to use commands properly, I will do a few scenario.

    There is a player on the server, who is using offensive/racist language, how do I fix this problem

    First I would straight up give them a warning since it is unacceptable to do that. If they kept on using racist comments or offensive comments I would kick them from the server. Finally of they joined back and kept repeating their action I would tempban them anywhere from 2 - 7 days depending on how bad it was.

    There is a player on A MiniGame complaining about a player that is supposedly hacking. You have no evidence since the player accused left the server. Since you cannot do anything what do you do

    I would tell them that they need to post a report on the forums with evidence (Video, Screenshots etc.) and if they didn't have evidence I would tell them sorry for the inconvinience, next time please gather evidence and post on the forums at (Then the link).
    One last thing is, I have been playing minecraft since 1.2.5 or early January of 2012. I know almost every aspect of minecraft. I have been banned from a server for a bad reason though. It was back in 2012 and I joined a server, I walked passed the rules because I had just learned about servers and didn't know how things worked. So the admin made me go back and read the rules. I did and then went to play, then he banned me. That is the kind of admin that no one likes.
    Thank you for taking your time for reading my application
    07/17/2015 2:46 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Artist
    king_cody_'s Avatar
    IGN: king_cody_

    Age: 13

    Skype: (Already have you added)

    Timezone: CST

    What are you Applying for? Administrator / Moderator

    How do you think you could benefit The Ayku Network? I know it sounds cheesy, because everyone says it, but truly I feel that I can make sure that the community is safe and everything is kept clean. My application will probably be denied because of my age and you will not think I am an irresponsible child, but I found more mature than others at my age. I can also benefit the network by being responsible but not strict at the same time. Finally, my time I give into the server. A few days ago I was given a task by a server owner to build a spawn. I stayed up till 3:00 to 3:30 in the morning so that I could finish the task the owner gave me, this not only shows I give my time, but I was dedicated to finishing the task.

    Why Should we choose you over someone else? I should be chosen over other applicants because of my Maturity, Time, and Dedication. Not only will I be mature, but I will also show enjoyments whilst I am being mature. No one has ever liked a staff member that is too strict, but the ones that have fun along with doing their duty. I also have a whole lot of knowledge about how to do my duty as a staff member.

    Past Experience: When it comes to past experience I have been staff on multiple servers, most of those servers are down, but there is one that is currently in development and opening soon, that is the reason I am applying here. The servers that went down had pretty sad endings, but I do not dread on the past but look forward to the future. This server has has a good future, as the staff has been working very hard. All I can say is this server is gonna be good.
    To show that I have prior experience and know how to use commands properly, I will do a few scenario.

    There is a player on the server, who is using offensive/racist language, how do I fix this problem

    First I would straight up give them a warning since it is unacceptable to do that. If they kept on using racist comments or offensive comments I would kick them from the server. Finally of they joined back and kept repeating their action I would tempban them anywhere from 2 - 7 days depending on how bad it was.

    There is a player on A MiniGame complaining about a player that is supposedly hacking. You have no evidence since the player accused left the server. Since you cannot do anything what do you do

    I would tell them that they need to post a report on the forums with evidence (Video, Screenshots etc.) and if they didn't have evidence I would tell them sorry for the inconvinience, next time please gather evidence and post on the forums at (Then the link).
    One last thing is, I have been playing minecraft since 1.2.5 or early January of 2012. I know almost every aspect of minecraft. I have been banned from a server for a bad reason though. It was back in 2012 and I joined a server, I walked passed the rules because I had just learned about servers and didn't know how things worked. So the admin made me go back and read the rules. I did and then went to play, then he banned me. That is the kind of admin that no one likes.
    Thank you for taking your time for reading my application

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