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    05/23/2014 7:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
    Application for Developers:
    IGN: dallin101
    Name: Dallin Sorenson
    Age: 21
    Skype: DallinSorensonVGT
    Timezone: GMT - 6:00
    Maturity 1-10 Be honest: 9
    How do we know that you will not betray us?: To me Minecraft is not just a game, I take it very seriously and it is how I make my living, I develop for over 4 servers at the moment and 2 of them pay me to do this, although I do this for fun as-well as my work, I will not ask for anything unless I am offered.
    Previous/current positions on servers (IPS,Proof needed): (Dev.)PVP.Today, (Plugin MNG.)mc.obsidianprison.com, (Dev.)play.koonkraft.net, (Perms. MNGR.)mc.ecocitycraft.com
    How long have you been coding?: one year.
    Java experience?: Loads, I am currently attending the school of Georgia Tech and am fluently writing 11 languages of code, these include, C, Java, C++, Python, Ruby, HTML, CSS, MIT, C#, Objective-C, JavaScript, PHP.
    Why should we accept you? I am not just any developer, I am a very unique developer and coder that can do more than just code for the server, I will come on the server and regularly play and can serve as ChatMod, Admin, Mod, Etc. and help the server when I am not coding, I take this very seriously and care greatly for the people that invest time in having me as a developer.
    Examples of previous work: I have made various programs during my year in college, not copy righted but small project not involving Minecraft, I have also made several plugins and am currently working on one very unique, it involves auto coding for the servers permissions etc. it will function by having the operators/owner of the server type in one of the commands listed for the plugin, they can type the issue such as perm.block.122 and it will set it automatically to the permission selected.
    What can you offer to the server? My new plugin in the process of making, I can also send the links to downloads of my other plugins or I can tell you about them and install them myself for you.
    Any more info?: I am a gregarious, outgoing person, with unique charm. I like people and they warm up to me fast. I am very motivated in my works and look forward to serving you as a developer. Thank you for your time in reading my application.

    05/23/2014 12:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
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    Id love to help.
    03/02/2014 3:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar

    03/02/2014 3:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
    Wow, your server is absolutely
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    02/27/2014 4:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
    02/22/2014 12:02 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
    Age: (Required age is 14 or older. Don't lie!) To be 100 percent honest I turned 14 lasnt month so I guess i'm lucky xD

    Contact Information: I will be getting a skype soon aswell as teamspeak.

    Skype: Well this really puts me down, I have no skype. I will have one by 2 days if that is fine.

    What is your experience? : Well ever since the Minecraft MP servers came out 2 years ago on Febuary 17th, I was hittin everyone up on staff

    Scenario 1: If a player came onto the server and started disrespecting Staff, what would you do? I would give them a polite warning, followed by a very stern warning and they would be muted immeadeatly. After this and they started again they would be tempbanned for 1 hour. If they continued the ban hammer will speak!

    Scenario 2: What would you do if a player asked for items or op? Politly remind them the rules of the server and if they did not stop they would be muted for 5 minutes, so on and so forth.

    Scenario 3: How would you handle someone who used profanity, and had a skin that displayed profanity? Intant ban! We don't need people like that here.

    Write a two paragraph summary, supporting why you should be a staff member on NeutralCraft. Ever since I was a kid my parents have said I was extremely responsible. me being myself, think its great but sometimes I have nothing to do, so i play Minecraft! I have developed over the years a very strong passion for this beautiful game. As a staff member I will support the entire server. I will devote myself 150% to this server and make us succeed. I can provide the best gaming experience for players in need. We all know the types of people that play Minecraft Servers. The Smartasses, The I want op's, The hackers, and the People that just don't talk much. I am very experienced with each types of these players and will repetably learn from my mistakes and correct them. I think this server will help me grown more responsible as a person and player.

    Thank you very much for your time in reading my long ass application! xD I look forward to joining you aswell as other staff members. Thanks again!!!!!


    02/21/2014 10:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
    Age: 15 My b-day is today
    Skype: Don't have one but im working on it
    Responsibility: I am only 15 years old but know alot. Don't worry im not a Smart A. I can take care of server needs as well as help build
    Knowledge: I have tons of redstone experience and competed with some youtubers once. I won! But i think i can take care of anything you need on the server
    Plugin Knowledge: Verryy high. I took a coding course last year and made some basic shop plugins. Nothing big though.
    Building: Pretty decent, i make modern mansions, they sexayyy.
    What you want to be(Staff or Builder): Staff an Builder if thats possible?
    Ever been staff on other servers: 9 of them, basically when multiplayer servers came out i was hittin everyone up for op xD...
    Ranking(1-10): 10 I'm absolutely fabulous.......

    Thank you for your time in reading my application. I hope you liked it and I hope you consider me as a staff member. I really look forward into this server and it has great potential to be amazing if you get the right people to help you out!

    Thank you again

    -dallin101(my IGN)

    02/20/2014 10:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
    - In Game Name? dallin101
    - Age? 16
    - Time Zone? Mountain Standard
    - Staffing experience? Ever since the beta release of Multi-player servers when I joined my first server!
    - How can you help the server? Well, as a guide my responsibility is to guide! Therefore I will give 110% into improving player experience as well as staff experience. I am also a great builder so if any building is needed I am your guy!
    - How can you help Players/Players' experience on the server? We all know the types of people that play on mc servers... The know it all's, the I want op's, the smartasses, and last but not least the actual people that just play... I am experienced with dealing with every one of these types of players!

    - Why do you want to be a guide? To gain resposibility in myself and respect from others.
    - Have you ever been banned on a server? I will be honest. Yes. Only because I was a noob back then and got banned for spamming xD...
    - What seems the most interesting to you? By far the general structure of the server. It makes me inspired to make my own again.

    Well thats it!!
    Thank you for your time and patience in reading my application I look forward into contributing into this server as much as possible.


    02/20/2014 10:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
    Heck yeah!!!! What type of server you wanna make? I'm in college for coding atm so I can do all that technological crap xD Message me if you want meh!
    02/20/2014 6:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Llama_Ears's Avatar
    ur server -snip-

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