Loganscott91's Avatar
Level 7 Apprentice Modder

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    11/01/2011 2:35 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    a) MC Name: Loganscottman91.

    b) Age: I am 20.

    c) Location (State or Province & Country: Dallas Tx.

    d) Years playing Minecraft: I have been playing Minecraft for about 7 months now.

    e) List of MC Servers you were an Admin or Mod: Divinecraft pvp server, Rufus Presents a Hogwarts Journey, and my Kingdom hearts role play server i had but i had to get rid of it because my computer crashed.

    f) List of contacts for those servers (their MC name or forum name) OneHandSolo, SammyDJDRIFT, than if you count mine Loganscottman91.

    g) Would you like to head a faction? (yes/no): Yes i would like to and call it [Rebellion].

    h) Do you have other friends you'd like to include in your faction?: Yes i do i have a couple of my friend that want to start playing Minecraft so if i got to make a faction i would be able to have like 7 friends already in my faction.

    i) Any other pertinent information: ill tell you a little bit about myself i am 20 i live in Dallas and i love to play video games and sports. I have been doing those things ever since i was 13 and im still doing it until this day. I am a pretty cool guy who gets along with everyone unless something happens and they make me mad. But other than that i am friendly and like to make new friends online. So thats about it. Hope yall get back to me Thank you.

    10/08/2011 11:14 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    Isay you build the world of tron and have the grid and everything and get a tron tecture to make it look good that would be sweet!
    10/07/2011 11:51 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    Hey looking for a good server im going to come join your community.
    10/06/2011 11:48 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    You needing mods still im experienced?
    10/06/2011 3:14 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    whats the servers ip or hamchie name?
    10/06/2011 12:47 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    Age (Please do not lie about your age, We take this very seriously to make sure the server is a fun and safe place for everyone):

    Age:I am 19 years old

    Residency: i'm from the United States

    Applying For Global Mod/Builder:Global mod

    Minecraft IGN:Loganscottman91

    How long have you been playing Minecraft: about 5 months

    What kind of experience do you have with running a server (ie. bukkit, installations of plugins, running & maintaining) For the 2 servers Rufus presents a Hogwarts Journey and IkingsSGC Startgate Hogwarts Rp Experience i was a mod for them helping them do pluggins and helping with there texture packs. I can say that i was very succesful and made the 2 servers not only look good but helped them grow in population and making everything work.

    Have you ever been banned on a Minecraft server before and if so why: No i have not and i don't plan on it.

    Why would you like to be the next Global Mod/Builder on our server: I am very good at what i do wich is make pluggin's and do texture pack's. I can build too but i like a good challenge when it comes to Minecraft, and i believe that's what yall can give me if yall would give me the chance to show yall what all i can do.

    What other servers have you worked on?: Rufus Presents Hogwarts Journey and Stargate Server Hogwarts Rp Experience.

    Are you an Experienced Builder: i have helped with
    massive projects on these servers not only on the server but on there fourms abd website to.

    I am sorry to tell you that i do not have any of my latest project that i have worked on my last photos i used on here for Rufus Presents a Hogwarts Journey. if you would like to look the server up the photos that i took for the owner are on the main Page other wise i do not have any other photos in my files because i deleted them awhile back. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    Do you agree not Grief/Destroy/Steal anyone's items/creations: Yes i agree i think its very wrong to take/ steal anyone's belongings or things they have built. would not want that to happen to me.

    Will you be an active member on the server (If so how many hours per day): Yes and I'm on all day until i have to go to work at night but i get back around 8 so im not gone that long than i'm right back on minecraft working on what i start.

    Will you take the required action if you see someone doing something they shouldn't be:I will do all what is nessary but wont go over my limit ill leave them to deal with the staff or the owner and they can do what they think is best for that player.

    Any additional information about yourself and why we should pick you: I love to get to know new people and make new friends on Minecraft and enjoy building with people and helping other peoples servers out. to get to know me and what i like to do. I play golf and other types of sports i enjoy playing video games i am video game fanatic some of my favorite games to play is Wow, Minecraft, Diablo 3 and Starcraft. So ya that's a little bit about me and what i like to do in my spare time. So hope i get to meet all of you on the server and get a chance to show you all what i am capable off

    Thank you for your time.
    10/05/2011 11:41 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    Your role: I would want to be a voice actor having my voice thru a mc toon would be awesome lol. i think.

    Have skype: Yes i do

    Why would you be good for this role: i am in theatre so i act all the time and do differnt voice overs for differnt people and in differnt plays. i have been in theatre ever since 6th grade and im in college now so a long time.

    Other stuff: i was currently mods for 2 servers but than i resigned.

    in game name: Loganscottman91
    10/05/2011 11:32 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    Hey i saw this and ill be willing to help donate or be on staff if i can apply i was staff for 2 other servers as well but thought i would just throw this out there and you would read it let me know whats up cool?.
    10/05/2011 11:06 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    Response: I would very much like to be on your staff.

    IGN: Loganscottman91

    Experience: I have been a mod for 2 servers Rufus presents hogwarts journey and ikings stargate servers i did there pluggins and texture packs. I built my way up from op to mod because of my hard work.

    Age: 19

    Reason: i feel like i can be of help with what wver it is your needing and i promise you i would never let you down. I like to build and when i start i dont stop until someone tells me its time to stop. and if u need a co owner i could help you with that get it going and get pluggins and stuff to make the server better and for everyone to enjoy.

    Extra info- i like to be creative but theres times where if someone tells me to build something in perticular i do it and not joke around.
    10/05/2011 2:22 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
    Loganscott91's Avatar
    where is your server post i would like to apply i can be on anytime everyday. can u tell me where to go please.

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