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Level 32 Artisan Lemon

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  • LadyO's Avatar
    June 1, 2024, 3:09 am to Public

    Small progress ...

    I just finished to design the exteriors of the Minotaurus wall Tower, refining its matching with other minotaurus buildings.

    I also added the connection to the fortified walls, that will be the other next minotaurus building to be added to the shop.

    The wall section contains three corridors: the first, visible, is open on the top, the second, just behind it, protected by the stone walls, in the middle, and the third, secret, protected by stone and ground, located at the very bottom of the wall.

    Wall section and Wall Tower will be sold separately, but they will be included together in the future bundles.
  • LadyO's Avatar
    May 26, 2024, 3:43 am to Public

    Minotaurs wall tower

    As you read in the last status, I'm currently working on a Minotaurs wall tower. It's complete at 50%, at the moment, with only the exteriors completed.

    In the interiors I only defined the lower room, in the basement, with also a secret room closed by a hidden redstone mechanism.

    I still have to define the upper rooms, last external touches and to add the side connections to the (upcoming) walls.

    Here some step-by-step pictures:

    Basement with an unexpected visitor already at the entrance.

    Main door and main floor.

    Upper part of the stoney structure.

    Final exterior build (except for last-minute retouches).

    Walls will extend from left and right sides, respect to the entrance stairs, and will be high enough to cover half the tower height, more or less.
    McMeddon said 2024-05-26 10:33:21
    McMeddon's Avatar
    progression images are amazing! ✨
    LadyO replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-26 08:51:58
    LadyO's Avatar
    Thank you, but looking at it again, there are some tweaks I can make to let it better.
    ScotsMiser said 2024-05-26 06:05:12
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    Good looking build
  • LadyO's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 4:23 am to Public

    News update

    Happy weekend to everyone!

    Let's make a recap about LadyO projects so far:

    Just uploaded the revised version of the Dwarven Barracks, increasing the number of warriors from 20 to 28 and aligning the style to the recent darkest design:

    You can download the PDF booklet from here: https://ko-fi.com/s/99c75f7b46

    Updated, of course, the Dwarven city bundle:

    Available here: https://ko-fi.com/s/6beff1f453

    Started a new collaboration with a great builder from PlanetMinecraft: DreamWanderer ! Check his page here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/dreamwanderer/

    We are preparing a collection of his nicely detailed trucks and vehicles, where the Peterbilt 396 is the first example:

    Booklet available here: https://ko-fi.com/s/d12d89153a

    More trucks to come in the future, stay tuned.

    For all of you that asked me how I work, which softwares I use etc.. I prepared a detailed article explaining the whole process.

    Most of you already read it, this is only a reminder for those who didn't read it yet:

  • LadyO's Avatar
    May 5, 2024, 4:00 am to Public

    For everyone wondering how I create my booklets, I created a post explaining the whole process: https://ko-fi.com/post/How-I-make-my-booklets-H2H2XQKZZ

    LadyO replied to eagoy's comment below 2024-05-05 14:51:20
    LadyO's Avatar
    Of course! You cannot imagine how much time I had to redo something!
    eagoy replied to LadyO's comment below 2024-05-05 10:56:35
    eagoy's Avatar
    Yikes, hand-coding stuff like that? sounds like mistakes are easy to make.
    LadyO replied to eagoy's comment below 2024-05-05 10:37:03
    LadyO's Avatar
    Yeah! When I started it was everything coded on a text editor, by hand, layer-by-layer!
    eagoy said 2024-05-05 07:15:56
    eagoy's Avatar
    It was a pretty interesting read, to see some behind the scenes. And darn, that's quite the workflow with custom stuff involved.
  • LadyO's Avatar
    May 5, 2024, 1:36 am to Public
    From the collaboration with Dreamwanderer, a prolific PlanetMinecraft builder, a sweet looking truck, powered by a Caterpillar diesel engine, ready for work in heavy haul.

    First Image

    You can download the instructions booklet from here: ko-fi.com/s/d12d89153a
    LadyO replied to Stubbs1's comment below 2024-05-05 10:37:41
    LadyO's Avatar
    Sure! We are preparing a whole set of these ...
    Stubbs1 said 2024-05-05 07:34:26
    Stubbs1's Avatar
    Hope to see more of this in the future! :D
  • LadyO's Avatar
    April 21, 2024, 2:47 am to Public

    The BeeHive has a Tree

    It was really hard, to create something organic, but I finally succeeded: the Tree is ready:

    It is so huge that I needed to divide the instructions in 5 different booklets.

    It is 76 blocks height and occupies an area of 144x96 blocks.

    Without the beehive it uses 21835 blocks!

    You can download it from the shop: https://ko-fi.com/s/0fe8732b96

    I hope you enjoy it!

    Next week I will complete the DreamWanderer truck, as I promised, then I need to continue with the buildings of all my races, because I left them too behind.

    For this reason I closed the commissions, for the moment.

    See you next weekend!
  • LadyO's Avatar
    April 14, 2024, 3:16 am to Public
    I finally finished the Big tree where the BeeHive can be hanged. I will not able to let this booklet available this weekend because the tree is really huge and composed by 5 different booklets.

    Here an image, then some numbers:

    The Tree occupies a volume of 96 x 144 blocks, for a height of 76 blocks! You will need a total of 21835 blocks!

    As you can see in the image above, I needed to cut the tree in 10 macro areas, due to the Java version limit, for structure blocks, of 48x48x48 blocks. I then reduced the areas to 5, jointing the 5 on the ground with the 5 above them.

    As you can see in the image, I included the first layer of the beehive, located 7 blocks from the ground, to indicate where to start to build it so that it will be connected to the branch above.

    Stay tuned.
  • LadyO's Avatar
    April 7, 2024, 2:01 am to Public


    Due to Easter vacations and to a project bigger than expected, I was a little bit absent.

    I'm still working on the big tree where hanging the big beehive I created. Organic structures are complicated and trees are a real pain to shape.

    I've almost completed it, missing just the closure on top, but here is the general appearance of it:

    It will be almost 80 blocks height!

    Stay tuned!
  • LadyO's Avatar
    March 24, 2024, 5:05 am to Public
    I received a joint commission for a massive tree where hanging the beehive I just posted.

    I started to work on it but I have to stop due to a strong headache, It's completion is at 75% at the moment.

    What do you think?
    LadyO said 2024-03-24 09:31:02
    LadyO's Avatar
    Thank you!
    Square Pirate said 2024-03-24 05:20:35
    Square Pirate's Avatar
    Looking good!
  • LadyO's Avatar
    March 23, 2024, 11:46 am to Public
    First ImageA very large beehive, to be hanged to a huge tree branch, complete with honey deposit, soldiers room, throne hall, brood room and the Queen quarters.
    First ImageFirst ImageFirst ImageFirst ImageFirst ImageFirst Image
  • LadyO's Avatar
    March 17, 2024, 9:28 am to Public
    Time for collaborations!

    After the collaboration Bluesky3000 and its warships, and Trydar and his roman buildings, I now have two new entries: ColtCoyote & DreamWanderer.

    It was ColtCoyote and its blueprints on Deviantart to drag my husband before, and me after, on this "layer-by-layer" parafernalia. His houses and castles captured us and gave us the idea to recreate them in isometric.

    I started a new category on my shop that will host all his creations, sometimes with a little intervention of mine (interiors, mainly, but also some small retouch outside).

    The first of his creations is already in the shop and it's his beloved Small Frigate:

    The external shape, sails and overall aspect is his design. I simply added all interiors and some minor details, like the crow's nest and the cannons bodies.

    You can find it here: https://ko-fi.com/s/99237496ee

    The other collaboration is with a valuable planetminecraft member: DreamWanderer. He creates som much detailed vehicles, trucks, tractors, trains and whatever with a unique style. They are so beautiful, you have to check them, hos production is huge: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/dreamwanderer/submissions/

    We worked together to carry his first creation to all of you. It will be available in the shop very soon, but I can show you a sneak preview:

    He usually use some special block placements, not possible in Survival mode, so I will have to let it be compatible, but ... isn't it amazing?

    Stay tuned, guys!
    DreamWanderer said 2024-03-17 10:10:08
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    =0 Can't wait =D
  • LadyO's Avatar
    March 3, 2024, 5:54 am to Public

    Little update

    This week I finished the commission I had: the huge beehive to be hanged on a tree branch.

    Here some screenshots of the monster:

    External view of the Beehive. It touch the ground because I had no monster tree available ;)

    Bottom room: the honey deposit.

    One side of the soldiers bedroom: it can host up to 32 soldier bees.

    Throne hall

    Brood room, with hexagonal cells full of honey and larvae.

    And for last the Queen quarters!

    Hope you like it. If the follower that ordered the commission agree, I will let it available in the shop.


    I have another collaboration project in progress. I spoke with my old friend ColtCoyote from DeviantArt, the one that started me to the layer-by-layer world, and I redid its Small Freight ship, completing it in the inside and correcting some minor errors.

    It will be available soon, and I will put it in a new category for ColtCoyote creations, as i did for McNoodlor.
    Papa Enny said 2024-03-03 06:02:51
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    This has potential for a hive village
  • LadyO's Avatar
    February 24, 2024, 4:41 am to Public

    A big beehive!

    This week I've been very busy on an interesting commission.

    One of you asked me to build a 32x32 beehive. Let me tell you that it's a huge building!!

    I did some researches and I viewed a lot of references. In the beginning I tried to search for a 3D model of a beehive to convert with the ObjtoSchematic web app, but I didn't find any decent model, so I draw one myself on Windows Paint.

    I then proceeded to build the main shape on Minecraft. This is the final result:

    I built it starting from the ground, but it is designed to be hang to a big tree! You can see the bees main entrance.

    I started to design the inner rooms, starting from the bottom, but I just reached the half of its size.

    This above is the Throne room, for the Queen, same level of the entrance. Right under it a small floor with 32 beds for the working bees. The bottom is the honey depot...

    This above is the floor over the Throne room, still empty. I have to decide what to do in it and in the other rooms of the other half of the hive!

    Maybe next week. Stay tuned.

  • japersx's Avatar
    February 22, 2024, 4:57 am to Public
    Went back and made some slight adjustments to a few of my builds, including design choices, lighting fixes, and detailing. This is more so in an effort to keep the builds updated with research I've been doing -- or if I've come across something online with a recreation that I felt should be implemented with the build.
  • LadyO's Avatar
    February 18, 2024, 1:47 am to Public

    Felinis new entry!

    Good morning to everyone!

    Back to business, I worked this week on a new Felinis tribe entry and to a new commission.

    Let's recap everything:

    For the Felinis tribe, I created a new house, with a Veranda, a small bamboo garden and a nice look:

    There are two bedrooms in the middle floor, with a total of three beds, even a fourth one, little, outside in the veranda.

    A big kitchen on the base floor with a little, walled, bamboo garden on the back.

    The house has been also added to the Felinis tribe bundle as well.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Another commission I worked on this week is about a beehive house. I'm still in the developing phase, but I think it will come out very nice.

    Stay tuned for screenshots and news.

  • LadyO's Avatar
    February 10, 2024, 3:38 pm to Public
    First Image

    This nice design has been created as a free tutorial by the talented WBC Builds.
    You can find it in their very nice Youtube channel, here: youtube.com/@WBCBuilds
    They have plenty of free tutorials, so if you want to build this mansion for free, you can follow their videos. This building in particular has been divided in three long videos.
    I created this booklet for a commission, and because personally I think that layer-by-layer images are easier to follow.
    Find it here: ko-fi.com/s/a7ee6bbcf4
  • LadyO's Avatar
    January 28, 2024, 4:53 am to Public

    Victorian commission

    This week I've been busy with a special commission: I had to recreate a Victorian Mansion.

    I didn't have to try my version of this famous style, but I've been asked to recreate the mansion of the WBC Builds tutorial about the Haunted Second Empire mansion.

    It's a set of 3 videos, starting from this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBs1itF-8aM

    Here a screenshot of the just finished mansion.

    I just finished to build and convert the NBT file to my isometric viewer. Next week I will fix some mistakes and create the booklet.

    Leave a comment here below, if you would like me to add this building to the shop.
  • LadyO's Avatar
    January 21, 2024, 3:57 am to Public

    Renewed Wagons and Carts !

    Here I am for the weekly news!

    The next week, maybe two, I will be busy with a commission: a large Victorian mansion that I don't know if I will be able to share with all of you, after. We'll see.

    In the meantime:

    I completed the PDF booklet for the renewed Wagon & Carts bundle, carrying them from the original 4 to a whopping 18!

    As you can see there are a lot of designs, with or without horses, that I built with blocks, but you can place real horses there, if you find a way to let them stand still.

    You can download it here: https://ko-fi.com/s/1524ea8abe

    I also updated the Service Buildings Bundle 1, where the Wagons and Carts original bundle was.

    Available here: https://ko-fi.com/s/3196e3a096

    Hope you enjoy it!
  • LadyO's Avatar
    January 14, 2024, 2:40 am to Public

    New Dwarven redesign!

    Happy weekend!

    As requested in the survey, where only one follower answered (thank you @slytherinec), this week addition is for the Dwarven city!

    In the list of re-designs for the Dwarven, this pig stables was first in-line.

    You can find in the shop, usually, under the Dwarven city tag, or directly here: https://ko-fi.com/s/6628f5a650 .

    I also added it the the Dwarven city bundle, that actually reached the 9 buildings, here: https://ko-fi.com/s/6beff1f453 .

    Only 4 buildings and the whole Dwarven bundle will be re-designed. Then I will be able to create new buildings and, when they will be enough, to separate the bundles in sectors, such as the Medieval village: Houses, Service buildings, Resources buildings, Defences and more.

    This week I also had a moment of inspiration and created a bunch of new wagons designs for the Medieval village. I'm really proud of them. I will update the actual Wagons bundle in the next week, changing its number from 4 to a whopping 18!

    Here is a little preview:

    They will come in a single e-book, easy to use, as usual.

    Stay tuned!
    Square Pirate said 2024-01-14 06:01:43
    Square Pirate's Avatar
  • LadyO's Avatar
    January 7, 2024, 3:39 am to Public
    The survey results are here!

    I posted the same question on Ko-Fi, on my DeviantArt page and here on Planet Minecraft. I received ONLY ONE answer! Pretty neat... or sad, I don't know...

    The result is that the next building to be posted will be a Dwarven redesign or a new Dwarven building, I have to choose which.

    Let's see now what's new:

    As promised, I completely redesigned the Medieval Library, because the previous version had great inner design, but a poor aesthetic outside. The result is here:

    Much better, huh? And the interiors are fully furnished as well, with a lot of study areas, small, medium and large, with private and public rooms, and a meeting room on last floor.

    I also re-arranged the Service Buildings Bundle, dividing it in two different bundles, in order to reduce the overall price.

    The first one is a collection of 9 classic Service Buildings, also including the new Library:

    The second is a collection of service buildings related to the water element. At the moment it includes only 3 buildings, but I already have other two creation in the waiting list: a small pier with two small boats and a medium Sail Ship.

    Next week, thanks to the Survey, another Dwarven buildings will be published.

    I still have to decide if to re-designed an existing one, such the Armory or the Pig Stables, or if creating a new one, from the to-do list, such a Treasury or a Shrine.

    Stay tuned, pals!
    Square Pirate said 2024-01-07 05:57:22
    Square Pirate's Avatar
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