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    01/01/2016 2:22 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    Name Suggestion: Asuna
    why you wanna join: I'd like to join because I enjoy making others laugh as well as roleplaying with groups of people.I also think I'd be a great opportunity for all of the actors if I get included.
    skype: MabynMC

    I'd like to be an actor and a script writer If I'm good enough!

    If you don't see me as a Body actor I can try and be a script writer:
    Example of a badly written script D:

    Asuna: You know I heard this place is haunted...
    (Actor): Yea right ghost aren't real *turns around*
    (Actor 2): *Stand behind him as he turns around and whispers "Boo"*
    (Actor): AHH! *Runs away knocking over actor 2*
    (Asuna): That caused quite a scence'
    (Small crowd): "Good thing I got it on video"
    "Lol what a wimp"
    "I didn't know this was a haunted house"
    (Actor): *Says as running* Oh my why would they do this why my heart*
    01/01/2016 2:16 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    Age:13 years old, but doing to my matureness and being very responsible, many people think I'm older.

    IGN : Mabyn

    What languages do you speak: I only speak english but I know a very little spanish.

    Skype:Mabyn MC

    Previous experience:I have been Admin on a small server before,unfortunately It was closed down due to the owners personal life was affecting him.

    What can you bring to the table: I can't bring as much to the table as others can as my age restricts me.But, I am doing whatever I can to help the server, building,moderating,plugin.

    What ideas do you have: I was on the server for a few minutes and I have a few depending on what the server is going to be.(If you want I'll send them to you on skype)

    Name some of the basic administrative commands:
    op <name> Ops the player with name <name>.
    /deop <name> De-ops a player.
    /kick <name> Kicks a player
    /ban <name> Bans and kicks a player
    /unban <name> Pardons a banned player
    /banip <name> Bans a player by ip number.
    /say <message> Broadcasts <message> across the entire server.
    /setspawn Sets the current location as the default spawn location for new players
    /tp <name> Teleports to a player.
    /solid Switches between placing normal and placing unbreakable stone

    I'd like to add as I was on your server to see how it was running.I came across two boys hacking.I got a screenshot of the conversation.I will private message it to you
    12/29/2015 11:12 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    MineCraft Name: Mabyn
    Way Of Getting The Drawing: Can you Message me it . Or you can PM me it on my youtube: Mabyn
    12/22/2015 12:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN: Mabyn
    Want Banner/Icon: Banner
    What text to pun in: Mabyn ( I don't know what Pun means...)
    Colour of text: Purple
    Item in your hand: A cookie
    What Biome in the backround: Snow
    12/10/2015 7:09 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    1. Whats your IGN (In Game Name)- Mabyn ( I also subscribed)

    2.What pose do you want (Sitting on block, Arms on side smiling etc.)- Uhm could you do me running at a steve with a diamond sword.

    3.What Is Your Youtube.- Mabyn

    4. What do you want your background? (Blue Stripes, Solid Color, Mountains etc.)-Snowy Biome or survival games map

    5. Do you want me to record and post the video of making your image on youtube?-
    If you do I'll comment on it c:

    6.Is there any tools you want in your hands?- A sword (Diamond please)

    7.Is there anything I need to note before starting you picture?
    If you could make my ears 3D please (they're on the side of my head)
    12/07/2015 8:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    12/07/2015 7:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    Do you have to be over 15?
    12/07/2015 8:09 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    IGN: Mabyn

    Pose: Can you do picking up a cat if not holding a sword.

    Backround: Anything that matches with my skin\

    Thank you in advance
    12/07/2015 7:17 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar

    Reason: I would like to become a staff member because I love helping people and making them enjoy their Minecraft experience.Also I may want to film videos there if the sever runs good.

    Age: 12 almost 13 (13 in February)

    Best MC Skill:Building and bow and arrow

    IGN: Mabyn

    Skype Name(Required):MabynMC

    Minecraft Name(Required):Mabyn

    Any SMP joined before?(Yes/No):I have before.I also sent a request just like this one in but it got denied because I was 11.

    How much time will you spend here:Well, I do play Minecraft a lot so If the sever is doing pretty good about 3-6 hour weekdays and about 8-11 hours weekends.
    12/07/2015 6:54 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Mabyn's Avatar
    This has been known for quite a bit.It doesn't have to be on just 1.8.8 it works on 1.8.8 and below.

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